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About Me

Name: Brooke Martin

I am currently a psychology major at HSU with other interests including music and anthropology.

Interests in Technology and the Environment

  • sustainable energy
  • clean energy
  • renewable energy

Experience in Technology and/or the Environment

Most of my experience within this field is drawn from my experience in growing up in Scotia, a company town that was owned by the Pacific Lumber Company in the heart of Humboldt County.

  • I was able to witness firsthand the devastation of corporate monopolies (specifically MAXXAM Inc.) on the environment. After working for PALCO, I learned of the original owner's intentions regarding the environment and their hope to never harvest old growth redwood- a promise broken by the MAXXAM corporation. My allegiances will always lie with the original philosophies of PALCO.
  • I have taken part in Northern Spotted Owl surveys, and have entered data regarding their whereabouts and mating habits. This directly relates to tree harvesting practices.
  • Roads built to harvest grounds deep in the woods create erosion and potential contamination of nearby streams, thus endangering many aquatic species and potential drinking water.
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