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untamed wilderness

About Me

Name: Alisha Sughroue is currently a Student at [1] Humboldt State, transferred from [2] University of Hawaii.

  • Wilderness First Responder*, Takes youth camping in the backwoods of Alaska throughout the summer months.

Enjoys wildlife, backpacking, mountains, dirt-bikes, reading, maps

Interests in Engineering

 Renewable Energy
 Sustainable Living
 Energy Transfer

Experience in Engineering

RESU: Wind Anemometer Data Collection RESU: Rock Creek Ranch Solar Shower Plans, efficiency testing on panels. Small Scale Solar Panel Design

Websites I Like

[3] Alaska Outdoors Info [4] Web Page [5] Alaska Renewable Resource Coalition [6] Alternative Energy Newsleter


[7] Gantt Chart [8] Fuel Cell Excel Chart] Arcata Hatchery Memo [9] AutoCad Drawing Solar Dehydrator Dehydrator Final Document School Solar Dehydrator Document

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