The TEN Project is a London, UK based non-profit organisation created by Emmy nominated cinematographer John Tattersall, to aid the creation and implementation of both short and long term Sustainability solutions.


The goal of the organization is to design a Serious game for web or SMS (Short message service ) application (that could also be a networking strategy game) to be launched in 2010. The goal of this game is to inspire ten million children of around ten years old, in the ten most influential Megacities of the future to consider a ten-year plan for redesigning a sustainable world.

The TEN Project espouses five core principles:

  1. People are motivated more by discovering their potential than by their faults[1].
  2. Pre-pubescent children over the age of eight are not yet educated out of their creativity [2], their ideals are still flexible and they have a natural understanding of the technological world[3], and therefore they are a vital creative resource
  3. Connectivity is productivity. In a rapidly cellular and internet connected world, connected communities create empowerment[4].
  4. Activities that are fun are most inspiring, particularly in childhood[5].
  5. The mechanisms behind causes of environmental crisis are by the same token, causes for abundant creative human resources with which to avert that crisis, if the necessary efforts are made to empower those innovative resources.

"As the board game Monopoly prepared the last three generations for a world of capitalism, the TEN Project will make commercially profitable sustainability become second nature to these parents of our future." - John Tattersall


In November 2007, John Tattersall conceived the TEN Project based on ideas that grew out of years of world travel in over eighty countries on all continents and the meshing of three sources of inspiration: The positive tone of, the diverse information of his exposure to the cross cultural social bridging power of the Massively multiplayer online gameing community which he came into contact with while filming the World Series of Video Games in London 2005. In December 2007, the first TEN Project proposal was invited for submission to the AFTRS Laboratory of Advanced Media Production lab in February 2008. On January 3rd, the project will be presented to the British Virgin Islands Rotary International at their 2008 New Year meeting.

Proposed Time Line

Design (2008 – 2010)

The TEN Project is being presented as an open source design project. The organization hopes to amass through heavy networking a team of ten thousand volunteer designers (both professional and non-professional).

A TEN Project website is being designed to consolidate the best ideas, where they will be instantly accessible for revision by everyone involved. The website is intended to then divide into separate design branches for all ten target cultures for individual cultural modifications, and the most successful ideas to emerge, to be rigorously tested for appeal on children in each represented culture, using strategies similar to those used by the producers of Sesame Street to test its effectiveness on their target TV audience[6].

Distribution (2010 onwards)

The TEN Project intends to use abundant Web 2.0 sites to network a globally conscious and philanthropic volunteer community to distribute the game in a hands-on, face-to-face manner to potential gamers beginning in 2010. It is estimated that a million volunteers will be needed to personally deliver the game to ten million children of around ten years old across the globe.

The volunteers are not intending to insist on any proof of age, and their target figures allow for the fact that the game will likely be played initially by eight to eleven year olds.

"By targeting every child of this age bracket in each of the target cities, the project team hopes to make a significant impact on those cities, and in the way this growing generation, en masse, thinks about city living and the future." - John Tattersall, concept creator

Target Cities

The TEN Project target cities and their ten-year-old target numbers are in order:

1. Lagos (1,500,000) 2. Mumbai (1,400,000) 3. Karachi (1,300,000) 4. Dhaka (1,200,000) 5. Mexico City (1,000,000) 6. São Paulo (900,000) 7. Jakarta (800,000) 8. Tokyo (800,000) 9. Shanghai (600,000) 10. New York (600,000)


Manipulation and corruption

The project has been criticized for its potential to create a vehicle for moral and political manipulation of large numbers of children.

Problems inherent in children

The possibility that children’s creativity is less tamed than adults, and that so too are their base instincts for self-centeredness leads to the idea that this might encumber a project the purpose of which is to inspire broadmindedness. The same criticism is made vis-à-vis children’s considered lack of good judgment.

Management planning

The project has also been criticized for the ambitious time frame of its game design and anticipated numbers of volunteer participants for both game design and distribution.


Further criticisms point to difficulties in penetrating the vibrant activities of children in squatter cities and the difficulties inherent in maintaining the game’s appeal and functionality across its projected ten-year time frame.


Further criticisms have been identified in regards to the difficulty of transmitting enough information to convey the problems of sustainability for the project to work, while still seeming exciting and fun for children who show no interest in learning and other educational initiatives.

See also

Related projects


  1. Robinson, Sir Ken, Do Schools Kill Creativity? ( - October, 2006)
  2. ditto
  3. The Vision Behind One Laptop per child - Negraponte, Nicolas, - August 2006
  4. Mobiles Fight Poverty (Quadir, Iqbal - - October 2006)
  5. Becoming Buddhas, Thurman, Robert - - June 2006
  6. Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, 2000, (Published by Little Brown). ISBN 0-316-31696-2.

External links

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