David Butcher's ideas

David Butcher, the pedal-power enthusiast with the web page Pedal Powered Washing Machine Tests, made some suggestions via email, and has given permission for me to post them here:

Something to think about:
Humans produce so little power, efficiency is paramount. For washing, I would suggest for separate units, each optimized as much as possible
* washer
* rinser
* wringer
* pump
I would also recommend at least two pedalers per unit (except the pump, which could be designed with a flywheel as my PPPM is) so the pedaler's legs could be placed out-of-phase. Such a system could complete 3-6 loads per hour, depending on wash time.
The washing units could be plastic buckets used to transport the clothes, then partially filled with water and soap and placed on dual rollers (like a rock-polishing drum) then moved drained, refilled with clean water and placed on the rinse rollers, then emptied to enable the clothes to be passed through the final station, the wringer.
Wringer water plus fresh would be used for the rinse cycle, and rinse water would be used for the wash cycle.
(This design) would allow two or three wash "stations" feeding the rest of the pipeline. This makes sense as rinsing and wringing take less time than washing.
--Singkong2005 · talk 18:40, 16 October 2006 (PDT)
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