I would suggest that you improve the formatting of your document by 'cleaning' it up. I found it a bit hard to go through in the beginning. For example, use major headings and sub headings.

Coding in page would look like this: ==Introduction== is easier to read than ===Introduction=== (for a major heading) Test those out and see how you can implement them, if need be.

Suggestions: 1) Add captions to images and figures.

2) Talk about the synthesis of the nano-tubes, and what processes we learnt about in 370 are actually applied in the manufacturing process of CNT's. This part remained slightly ambiguous.

3) Talk about how you could improve on these processes to increase the efficiency/energy savings of the processes. Even if it is in only hypothetical terms.

4) Use more Wikipedia internal linking. For example, in the paragraph where you say:

The mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes are defined by two main measurements, the Young’s Modulus and tensile strength (carbon nanotubes are respectively the stiffest and strongest materials yet to be discovered). The Young’s modulus is a measurement of the stiffness of a material, while the tensile strength descries how much stress is needed to for the material to fail catastrophically.

Rather than actually explain the Young's modulus and stiffness in your own words, provide direct hyperlinks to the terms in Wikipedia on the first mention of the terms, for easier reading.

Otherwise, the page has good depth and is coming along well.

--B.S.Kukreja 19:58, 18 November 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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