The idea of conducting your own regional, or even community, training event is a logical next step for organizations already conducting training. Fire, police, and other first response organizations have a training budget. Deciding to plan and participate in a collaborative event builds or improves relationships and interoperable communications between the organizations.

When you add regional, state, federal, and industry participants you create relationships, partnerships, knowledge, and understanding essential to effective disaster response and recovery. Plan the training event to meet your needs (wildfires, floods, ice storms, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, agriculture or human pandemics, and so on). Conducting an annual or biannual event will improve your community's ability to respond and recover from disaster.

Take a look at the Golden Phoenix AAR to get an idea of what can be done with just a few collaborative training events. Preparing for response and recovery will help your community get back on its feet faster. Many of the mistakes made during real events will be avoided because you make them, and learn from them, in a collaborative training event; providing your community the opportunity to identify and fix problems when lives are not on the line.

Feel free to ask questions in this forum. I will do my best to identify solutions or point you in the right direction.



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