Hey Guys,

Great Job on the spread sheet it looks really good and based on the possible inputs there is some really good information that could be displayed with its use. There were only a few things that I found that need some attention, just minor errors.

On the instructions tab in the ECM, the link "here", located next to the FedEx values explanation is not functioning properly. It lead me to a blank area in the same spread sheet.

Also, in the instructions tab, under optional input explanation you need a space between "projectionsthat."

On the input page I discovered a couple of links that did not lead me to the required location and they are as follows:

-> "Average time to reach destination (days)" -> "Average cost of shipping per document" -> "Power consumed by printer (Watt)" -> "Pounds of CO2 emissions related to one sheet of paper"

Other than the problems that I listed above that were encountered with ECM spread sheet I found nothing else. Once again great job and I'll see you guys in class.

Thanks, G.Armster 16:02, 10 February 2010 (UTC)

Hey Guys,

Great job on the spreadsheet and appropedia page. I found the colour coordination in the spreadsheet to be effective. The spreadsheet was well explained and does a great job of presenting the information clearly. I found a couple small items:

- There was a capitalization error at the beginning of the Time Related Costs section, which I corrected.
-The “References” tab of the spreadsheet has the heading in blue as “Executive Summary”
-The last table in the projected expenses section of the Calculations tab isn’t completely framed.

All of the inputs seemed to be working well when I tried them out. I didn't see any other errors. Great job.


Chrisruest 16:40, 10 February 2010

Hey guys, spreadsheet looks nice!

-I also had the same problems with the hyperlinks on the input page.
- I'm not sure I fully understand what 'Average hours lost per day of shipping' means on your input page, maybe you could explain it more?
- You may want to define 'package' as used in calculating 'Gallons of fuel per ground package'.

B.Sexton 19:23, 10 February 2010

Hey, The excel file is looking very good, kudos for making the changes after each peer review. I spent some time looking through the Appropedia page sadly at the same time as Landon. There are a few changes that have been made. In the Environmental impact section it would be advantage to add hyperlinks or references to some of the things that were cited in your excel file. Good job including the fact that there is resistance to this ECM in your conclusion.

J.Arthur 01:30, 11 February 2010

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