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Black image (?)

The image on the top of the page renders fine in Mobile Safari, (iPhone) --->Yeah, the black images of doom. They have all been fixed. They weren't playing nicely with safari for a while.

triangle base length wrong?

In the "tape seal certain edges" section, it says that the "base" of the triangle is 2' long; it even shows it as such in the drawing. This is clearly wrong as the 4x8 panels are cut diagonally across, so the base would still be 4', not 2' long. Can someone confirm this is a mistake in the instructions, or did I miss something?---> no, Julie just can't count. Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks for the guide!!

Hey all, I used your guide to put my yurt together over the weekend. I've got pics up here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10100360139529393.2750597.10213017&l=5f89a67594&type=1

Thanks for the awesome guide my yurt is already way better than last year!


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