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OpenSustain is the new working name for an aggressive collaborative sustainability site. Originally this concept was named Sustainapedia by a group of people with a similar vision and much ambition, led by Ryan Legg (On2Leggs), and Jim Harris of Cleantech[1]. The Sustainapedia and Appropedia teams quickly agreed to collaborate, and are now working out the details.


Due to some potential complexity related to the Sustainapedia domain name, the OpenSustain name was selected as a working name. OpenSustain is short for OpenSustainabilityNetwork. After recognizing the pitfalls of the situation, the team registered the following domains to assure that this working name is safe in the sense that it is guaranteed to be available if we don't find a better safe option.

The web address has been registered and is currently parked while the concept is developed further, but the ownership is held by a group whose alignment to the remaining core members is uncertain. (If that ownership question is resolved soon, it may be re-established as the working name.) The web address is owned by TheWebofHope, a UK based group that seems to have similar visions. An initial connection has been made with this group, but it is too early to know where things might lead and whether the domain name might be co-opted for this project.

The Sustainapedia / OpenSustain Founding document will be posted here soon (late March 2007). (A draft can be found at OpenSustain-Appropedia Launch Document. This is a kind of sandbox for ideas that some of the Appropedia admins are playing with, and should not be taken as indicative of what the final agreement will look like.)

As we build the founding document we are also beginning to frame a set of founding Pillars and/or Values. A draft can be found at OpenSustain Pillars and Values. Template:Stub

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