Superadobe is a form of adobe (earthen) construction that uses long snake-like sand bags and barbed wire in buildings with arches and domes, for strong and attractive results. The process was innovated by an Iranian-born architect - activist named Nader Khalili in 1984 in a project sponsored by NASA in pursuit of durable building material for sustainable habitations on the Moon and Mars. The design for Khalili´s superadobe structures met its application in the early 1990s, when large groups of Iraqis found themselves homeless as a result of the Persian Gulf War. Nader Khalili then partnered with the United Nations in order to disseminate his design as a means of emergency refugee shelters. Superadobe construction is a development based on the principles of traditional adobe construction with a few adjustments made to further stabilize the system. Whereas some traditional adobe construction boasts structures standing for over 500 years, traditional adobe is vulnerable to damage by earthquakes. Superadobe, on the other hand, is intended to be earthquake-resistant.[1] Another benefit of Superadobe construction - which can be said of many natural building techniques - is that renovation is simply a matter of mixing more Superadobe and applying it to the existing structure. Maintence is therefore easily achieved

The components of traditional adobe construction Traditional adobe construction uses the following materials to form bricks.

  • Earth : preferably with a high clay content, this provides structure
  • Sand : provides resistance
  • Horse Manure : acts as a binder
  • Pine Needle or other natural fiber: gives lateral integrity
  • Water: creates a paste

The components of Superadobe Superadobe construction uses the following materials to form a paste which is applied to dome like structures constructed of sandbags.

  • Earth: preferably with a high clay content, this provides structure
  • Sand: provides resistance
  • Cement: acts a binder and a stabilizer: provides earthquake resistance[2]
  • Water: creates a paste

Pine Needle can also be added, but the use of cement has proven to be very effective in providing structual integrity.

Process Construction with Superadobe is a relatively simple process. You will need:

  • Sandbags, the number depending on the size of the dome structure you have designed. Use math to ensure that your dome will stand!

It is recomended that you sift the sand prior to mixing it with the materials. Sifting the sand will eliminate large rocks from your Superadobe and ensure that your resulting paste is smooth and easily applied.


  1. "they have passed seismic testing required under California's strict earthquake-zone building codes." - - Calearth News Article - Sandbag homes may be shelter breakthrough, Anton Ferreira, 30 Jul 2001.
  2. "Concrete is resistant to earthquakes."

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