(Created page with '= Solar resource measurement and analysis = The following tutorial will cover topics related to the theory and hardware used to measure the available solar resource at a site, an…')
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= A Brief History of solar radiation measurement =
= A Brief History of solar radiation measurement =
  Tf the observation of the amount of heat the sun  
  If the observation of the amount of heat the sun  
  sends the earth is among the most important and diffi-  
  sends the earth is among the most important and diffi-  
  cult in astronomical physics, it may also be termed the  
  cult in astronomical physics, it may also be termed the  
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  Langley, third Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution  
  Langley, third Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution  

The modern measurement of solar radiaiton in North America was originally aimed at better understanding the relationship between the sun and the earth's climate, and was pioneered by both the smithsonian institution and the national geographic societey, with the goal of determining the “solar constant” or the amount of energy avaiable at the edge of our atmosphere. The first studies were performed with a device known as a Bolometer, invented by Langley in 1878. This was an extremely ensitive device for measuring temperatures, accurate to 0.00001C, and has the honour of supposedly able to measure the thermal radiation of a cow at a quarter mile( [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolometer#cite_ref-0 ^] [http://www.hao.ucar.edu/education/bios/langley.html Samuel P. Langley Biography] High Altitude Observatory, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ). The bolometer was used with a prism which split the light into its spectrum. The rise in temperature was measured as a current shown with a galvanometer, an extremely precise device for measuring current, which consisted of a needle made from a strand of quartz 2/25,000 inch in diameter and 15 centimeters long onto which a mirror only 1/25 inch square and 2/1000 inch thick is placed. As an electrical current is passed through this galvometer, this tiny thread will rotate on a pivot, also rotating the mirror. The mirror directs a beam of light onto a photosensitve sheet of paper, and the amount of deflection from home is proportional to the current. It is in this way that extremely sensitve measurements of the solar spectrum were originally made. (Sun and the welfare of man)
The modern measurement of solar radiation in North America was originally aimed at better understanding the relationship between the sun and the earth's climate, and was pioneered by both the smithsonian institution and the national geographic society, with the goal of determining the “solar constant” or the amount of energy available at the edge of our atmosphere. The first studies were performed with a device known as a Bolometer, invented by Langley in 1878. This was an extremely ensitive device for measuring temperatures, accurate to 0.00001C, and has the honour of supposedly able to measure the thermal radiation of a cow at a quarter mile( [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolometer#cite_ref-0 ^] [http://www.hao.ucar.edu/education/bios/langley.html Samuel P. Langley Biography] High Altitude Observatory, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ). The bolometer was used with a prism which split the light into its spectrum. The rise in temperature was measured as a current shown with a galvanometer, an extremely precise device for measuring current, which consisted of a needle made from a strand of quartz 2/25,000 inch in diameter and 15 centimeters long onto which a mirror only 1/25 inch square and 2/1000 inch thick is placed. As an electrical current is passed through this galvometer, this tiny thread will rotate on a pivot, also rotating the mirror. The mirror directs a beam of light onto a photosensitve sheet of paper, and the amount of deflection from home is proportional to the current. It is in this way that extremely sensitve measurements of the solar spectrum were originally made. (Sun and the welfare of man)

== The pyroheliometer ==
== The pyroheliometer ==
The pyroheliometer is a device designed to measure the total energy available from the entire solar spectrum. The original pyroheliometer was designed in 1837 by Claude Pouillet which was a simple but crude instrument based on water calorimetry which eventually was proven to be inconsistant and innaccurate. Following this, an instrument was made in 1887 by Klaus Angstrom called the compesation pyroheliometer. This instrument consisted of two thin magnesium strips in thermally identical chambers. One chamber was open to the sunlight, and the other was closed by a shutter, and heated electrically by a known power. When the temperature in both chambers agreed, a measurement of the electical power was taken. The shutter was then reversed, and another measurement was made. By comparing these two measurements, a determination of the total irradation was made.  
The pyroheliometer is a device designed to measure the total energy available from the entire solar spectrum. The original pyroheliometer was designed in 1837 by Claude Pouillet which was a simple but crude instrument based on water calorimetry which eventually was proven to be inconsistent and inaccurate. Following this, an instrument was made in 1887 by Klaus Angstrom called the compensation pyroheliometer. This instrument consisted of two thin magnesium strips in thermally identical chambers. One chamber was open to the sunlight, and the other was closed by a shutter, and heated electrically by a known power. When the temperature in both chambers agreed, a measurement of the electical power was taken. The shutter was then reversed, and another measurement was made. By comparing these two measurements, a determination of the total irradation was made.  

This instrument was consitered to be an early standard instrument, and formed the basis for the Angstrom Scale (denoted AS05), founded in 1905.
This instrument was consitered to be an early standard instrument, and formed the basis for the Angstrom Scale (denoted AS05), founded in 1905.
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== Primary Standard instruments ==
== Primary Standard instruments ==
Each country has a seperate absoloute cavity instrument which resides in its country, but which is re-calibrated every five years at the WSG in Davos. These instruments are known as Primary standard instruments, and are used primarily to calibrate commercial pyranometers.  
Each country has a seperate absoloute cavity instrument which resides in its country, but which is re-calibrated every five years at the WSG in Davos. These instruments are known as Primary standard instruments, and are used primarily to calibrate commercial pyranometers.

= Measurement of solar resource for PV applications  =
= Measurement of solar resource for PV applications  =

Revision as of 02:47, 16 June 2010

Solar resource measurement and analysis

The following tutorial will cover topics related to the theory and hardware used to measure the available solar resource at a site, and metods for translating this radiation onto the inclined plane of a PV panel.

Measuring the solar resource

“If we had no eyes we should still know of the sun by the feeling of warmth” C Abbott 1911

Everyday when we look oustide, we are in a way measuring the solar resource. We know that a higher irradiance will mean that our skin will feel hotter in the sun, and a lower solar resource will mean we feel cooler. Therefore, if we were trying to take a relative measurement of irradiance, a fairly simple simple thermal measurement on a constant surface would give a reading proportional to the irradiance in the area. As the solar radiation heats the surface, it will eventually reach an equilibrium temperature where the heat flux leaving through convection, conduction and radiation is the same as the incoming irradiation.

This measurement would still be biased by the ambient temperature and winds, and therefore the accuracy of the relative measurement could be increased by measuring the difference in temperature between a perfect reflector and a perfect absorber, to remove the bias of ambient temperature, and sheilding the surface with a glass covering to reduce the effects of wind on the head flux.

What was just described is a simple pyranometer, which is a standard insturment used in teh field to measure the available solar resource. However, this instrument will only be able to tell whether there is more or less radiation in the area, but because it is not related back to easily understood physical processes, it is not possible to determine the absoloute resource in terms of solar power. In the context of photovoltaic design, the only useful data on solar irradiaiton is that absolute resource stated in watts(W), usually watts per meter squared.

Therefore, calibration of the unit is required which can relate the temperature differences measured to absoloute solar irradiaiton. This is a complex procedure, and a breif discussion of the history of these measurements is required to understand how we got to the measurements we use today.

A Brief History of solar radiation measurement

If the observation of the amount of heat the sun 
sends the earth is among the most important and diffi- 
cult in astronomical physics, it may also be termed the 
fundamental problem of meteorology, nearly all of 
whose phenomena would become predictable, if we knew 
both the original quantity and kind of this heat...”  Dr. Samuel Pierpont 
Langley, third Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 

The modern measurement of solar radiation in North America was originally aimed at better understanding the relationship between the sun and the earth's climate, and was pioneered by both the smithsonian institution and the national geographic society, with the goal of determining the “solar constant” or the amount of energy available at the edge of our atmosphere. The first studies were performed with a device known as a Bolometer, invented by Langley in 1878. This was an extremely ensitive device for measuring temperatures, accurate to 0.00001C, and has the honour of supposedly able to measure the thermal radiation of a cow at a quarter mile( ^ Samuel P. Langley Biography High Altitude Observatory, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ). The bolometer was used with a prism which split the light into its spectrum. The rise in temperature was measured as a current shown with a galvanometer, an extremely precise device for measuring current, which consisted of a needle made from a strand of quartz 2/25,000 inch in diameter and 15 centimeters long onto which a mirror only 1/25 inch square and 2/1000 inch thick is placed. As an electrical current is passed through this galvometer, this tiny thread will rotate on a pivot, also rotating the mirror. The mirror directs a beam of light onto a photosensitve sheet of paper, and the amount of deflection from home is proportional to the current. It is in this way that extremely sensitve measurements of the solar spectrum were originally made. (Sun and the welfare of man)

The pyroheliometer

The pyroheliometer is a device designed to measure the total energy available from the entire solar spectrum. The original pyroheliometer was designed in 1837 by Claude Pouillet which was a simple but crude instrument based on water calorimetry which eventually was proven to be inconsistent and inaccurate. Following this, an instrument was made in 1887 by Klaus Angstrom called the compensation pyroheliometer. This instrument consisted of two thin magnesium strips in thermally identical chambers. One chamber was open to the sunlight, and the other was closed by a shutter, and heated electrically by a known power. When the temperature in both chambers agreed, a measurement of the electical power was taken. The shutter was then reversed, and another measurement was made. By comparing these two measurements, a determination of the total irradation was made.

This instrument was consitered to be an early standard instrument, and formed the basis for the Angstrom Scale (denoted AS05), founded in 1905.

Slighly after the development of the Angstrom compensation device, another device was developed independantly at the smithsonian institution by Charles Abbott, as they were unable to obtain an angstrom device [Abbotts paper]. This device was known as the silver disk pyroheliometer, and consisted of a long tube with a shutter at one end, and a thin stip of silver painted black at the other. The silver strip is in thermal contact with a bulb thermometer. To measure the intensity of solar radiation, the shutter is closed for 100 seconds and the tempertautre drop is noted, the shutter is then opened again and the temperature rise after 100 seconds is noted, finally the shutter is closed a final time and the temperature drop after 100 seconds is noted.

In order to correlate these temperature changes with the actual power being input into the system, a very complex analysis of this device would be required. Instead, this device was callibrated using another instrument, the water flow pyroheliometer. Essentially, light was admitted in the same way as the silver disc pyranometer, and the beam of light is directed onto a conical reciever, which is assumed to absorb 97% of incoming radiation. Because of the conical shape of the receiver, the reflected light is directed to the walls of the tube, which are also blackened and absorb 97% of the incindent light for each time it is reflected. In this way, it is assumed that nearly all of the incoming radiation is absorbed. Water at a constant flow rate and temperature is then allowed to flow in passages in good thermal contact with the walls of the chamber. The rise in temperature at steady state can be measured and from this an exact determination of the incoming power can be determined.

The combination of these two instruments formed the Smithsonian scale, denoted SS13 in 1913.

Radiometric Scale

In 1956 these two scales were amalgomated to form the International Pyroheliometric Scale, IPS56 which applied corrections to readings made with instruments from either scale.

The most recent radiometric scale is the World Radiometric Reference, which is composed of 15 absolute cavity radiometers, each from different manufacturers and tested continually to ensure no drift of malfunctions occur over time. These instruments make up the World Standard Group (WSG) , which is located and maintained at the World Radiation Centre in Davos, Swizerland. {WMO PAPER} This is the current standard to which all measurement devices are compared, and has an estimated accuracy of 0.3% and precision of 0.1%. [Frolich]

Primary Standard instruments

Each country has a seperate absoloute cavity instrument which resides in its country, but which is re-calibrated every five years at the WSG in Davos. These instruments are known as Primary standard instruments, and are used primarily to calibrate commercial pyranometers.

Measurement of solar resource for PV applications

The measurement of the solar resource for PV applications is vital for making rational decisions on the size, type, and general design of a PV array. The accuracy required varies widely on the propsoed application of the data, and thus there is a broad range of available instruments. The purpose of this section is to provide a better understanding of pyranometer function and applications, and it is reccomended to first read {Ayons section] for a comprehensive overview of the solar resource and solar angles.

Before entering into a discussion on pyranometers, some terms to define radiation types should be clarified:

Beam Radiation: Beam radiation is the radiation which exists within a 5° cone of the solar disk. This definition comes from the measurements made by most standard pyroheliometers which have a 5° field of view.

Diffuse radiation: Diffuse radiation is that radiation which is reflected from the sun and does not neccesarily come from the direction of the sun. The easiest way to understand diffuse ratiation is to consider your shadow, you are still able to see the ground beneath your shadow, but there is a noticable difference in light between your shadow and the surrounding area. The light illuminating the area under your shadow is the diffuse radiation, and the difference in illumination is the beam radiation

global radiation: The total radiation in an area, the sum of diffuse and beam radiation.

Isotropic radiation: Radiation which is assumed to have an equal value in all directions. Diffuse radiation is more isotropic than beam radiation

Commercial devices for measuring solar radiation for PV applications

There are essentially two categories of devices used for measuring the soalr resource: pyranometers and pyroheliometers


The most common instrument used in PV applications, there are two general types themal and photovoltaic. A photovoltaic sensor is essentially an extremely accurate solar cell which outputs an electrical current proportional to the solar radiation, and this electrical current is calibrated to represent the solar irradiation in W/m2. This type of sensor in generally low cost, but the largest problem is that a photovoltaic panel does not have a constant response across all wavelengths. Therefore, if the spectrum being seen by the detector is different from the one it is calibrated for (typically the AM 1.5 solar spectrum) a significant error will be introduced.

The second type of pyranometer is a thermal pyranometer. This device essentially measures the difference in temperature between a perfect abosrber and perfect reflector, the difference in temperature is porportional to the solar radiation. This style of pyranometer has a constant output over all wavelenghts of the standard solar spectrum.


The pyroheliometer is an extremely accurate device which measures beam and circumsolar radiation, usually within a 5° cone of the solar disk.

Device Quality

There are three quality classes of pyranometer which are defined by ISO 9060

Secondary Standard Instruments

These instruments are the highest grade of commercial pyranometer available, and are compared directly to primary standard devices, according to ISO 9060 and ISO 9846. They typically have error in the range of 1%-3%

First Class insturments

A first class instrument has less accuracy than a secondary standard instrument, and generally has an accuracy of 5%-8%.

Second Class insturments

Second class instruments are of a lower quality than first class insturments, and have poorer accuracy and stability.

Pyranometer specifications

The following parameters are used to classify pyranometers, and some typical significances of each parameter are outlined

Parameter Typical values for

Secondary Standard

Typical values for

Second Class

Definition Applications
Response time 5s 18s Time for the sensor to register a change in radiation Inverter Studies, Performance Ratio determination
Zero Offsets-Thermal radiation <3W/m2 <15W/m2 Drift of sensor zero point due to changes in radiation General accuracy, Efficiency calculations
Zero Offsets-Temperature <1W/m2 <4W/m2 Drift of sensor zero point due to ambient temperature General accuracy, Efficiency calculations
Non-Stability <0.5% <1% Yearly drift of calibration Determination of required calibration intervals
Directional Error <5W/m2 <20W/m2 Error associated to the angle of incidence of beam radiation (usually given at 80° and 1000 W/m2) Measurements occuring at sunrise or sunset
Tilt Error <0.2% <1% Error associated with mounting a pyranometer on an angle Measurements of in plane irradiation for solar panels

Additional equipment for solar measurement

Shade rings

Shading rings block direct beam radiation from hitting the pyranometer sensor, and thus measures the diffuse component of radiation. The use of two pyranometers, one shaded and one not, allows the measurement of global, diffuse and beam radiation (beam=global-diffuse). The use of a shade ring requires weekly physical adjustments. A solar tracker can also be used, which automatically places a shading sphere between the pyranometer and the sun, shading it for the entire day without the need for physical adjustment.


A ventilator keeps the pyranometer at a constant temperature, and helps keep the glass dome clear from dew, frost and snow. In addition, it reduces the effects of temperature drift.

Choosing a pyranometer

There are many factors to consider when selecting a pyranometer, some things to consider are

  • Application of the data: For general interest, PR, or rough site determination purposes, a second class instrument might be acceptable. However, the errors in this unit may be as much as 10%, which could lead to significant differences in actual PV yield. For large scale developments, a higher standard unit should be used to provide accurate yield analysis. For panel efficiency testing, research and extremely large developments, secondary standard units should be used.
  • Costs: A second class pyranometer can cost as little as $600, whereas the highest quality of secondary standard instrument costs up to $10,000. However, when developing a business case for a 10MW plant, 1% error in yield prediction can cost in the order of $55,000 which easily covers the cost of more accurate equipment.
  • Mounting method: If a pyranometer is to be mounted in an inclined position, the tilt error should be considered. If a silicon photovoltaic sensor is being used, it should be noted that the reflected component of the radiation will effect the calibration of this sensor, producing large errors
  • Diffuse ratio of radiation: The diffuse ratio refers to the fraction of radtiaon which can be consitered to be diffuse, and not emminating from a specific direction. For a stationary system, this ratio is not of critical imporance. However, if consitering the use of a tracking system it is very important to know the diffuse ratio of the radiation. If it is high, then the relative gain from a tracking system will not be as great as if all the ratiation was beam radiation. Therefore, a two pyranometer system with a shading ring should be used.

There have been many reports on the relative accuracy of pyranometers, one significant study was produced by NREL and characterizes many commercial pyranometers in an independant test bed. It can be accessed at: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy09osti/44627.pdf

Determination of in-plane radiation

Most measurements of solar resource are measured at horizontal, however a typical PV panel will be at an angle to the horizontal, which means that the solar radiation on this plane will be different than this horizontal value, this is the reason that it is important to angle a PV array at the optimal angle to the sun to maximize yeild. In order to determine in-plane radiation, the components of radiation incident on a panel should be investigated:


Where the diffuse components can be defined as:

—Circumsolar: Forward scattered light

—Horizon Brightning: Radiation on the fringes of the horizon

—Ground Reflected: Also referred to as albedo

—Isotropic: Can be considered to be emanating uniformly from the sky

Translating the beam radiation onto the plane of the panels is a fairly straightforward matter of geometry. The factor Rb is the ratio of in plane beam to horizontal beam (Ib), and is given by:


As an example, curves of Rb over 2 days for angles of 10 to 70 degrees can be seen below


The treatment of the diffuse radiation is more complex, and several models have been put forward to account for it.

Isotropic model:

This is the simplest model, and also the most innacurate. The essential assumption in this moel is to assume that all diffuse radiation is isotropic, and the equation can be reduced:


Hay and Davies

This model uses the anisotropy index, Ai, which is the ratio of beam to global radiation and consiteres forward scattered radiation:


One of the most complex and accurate models for determining total in-plane irradiation, this model uses multiple empirical relations to create a very accurate representation:


Correlations if only horizontal global radiation is available

Sometimes, only one pyranometer has been used, and only global radiation information is available. In this case, there are multiple correlations which allow the average beam and diffuse radiation to be determined. These correlations are mostly of a similar form, and are relations between the ratio of global to extraterrestrial radiation (Kt) and the ratio of diffuse to total radiation.

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