Energy derived from the sun drives and sustains life on earth. So why can’t it heat your pool?

Aaaannnnd ACTION! Tangible effects of the sun's energy.


Swimming Pools... your skin tingles in anticipation of diving in clear cool water on those ridiculously roastingly hot summer days. This precise moment of contact makes all the hassle of cleaning and care of your pool worth it, does it not? Now if only the scorching days lingered a bit longer so you could get more use out of your pool. Alas, the seasons don't listen to you, and inevitably fall, winter and spring attack your precious pool, chilling it to its bones, making it completely unusable to you. Much of the year your pool sits , unused and unloved, like a dog eagerly awaiting the return of its owner, like a dormant daffodil bulb waiting for the snow to melt, like a Christian awaiting the Second Coming. Just as surely as weren't sent to Earth to suffer, surely we can all get what we want. And if for you that includes a heated pool without the astronomical expenses involved with Energy Companies, then welcome to the wide world of solar hot water systems.

The Way it Works

You may be familiar with solar domestic hot water systems- they take a small amount of water and raise the temperature to about 140° F. Solar pool heaters differ in that they have to heat up thousands of gallons of water to only about 80° F. [1] The most cost-effective use of solar energy today is to heat swimming pools- they require low temperature heat which is where solar collectors are most efficient. [2] These systems make life more enjoyable for its owners by taking the water, circulating it through the collectors to heat it up, then sending it back for warm pool deliciousness. [3] It is important that the water be filtered before it is sent through the collectors to avoid clogging the system with debris. System controllers can be installed that will sense when the collectors are warmer than the pool and thus available to endow their heat on the water. If desired and/or necessary, pool owners may choose to install a conventional pool heating system to extend the swimming season and regulate the pool temperature.[4] The diagram below from the EERE website helps out the visual learners:

Example of a solar pool heating system from the EERE[4].


Solar hot water systems can be installed to provide 100% of the pool heating needs. The size of the solar hot water system depends on many factors: the length of the desired swimming season, the desired pool temperature, solar insolation, wind factors, average temperatures of the region, and collector orientation and angle to name a few. [2] Generally, the collectors should be about 50-100% of the surface area of the pool. [5] Cooler and cloudier areas need to increase the ratio between the collector and pool surface area. Comfortable swimming pool water temperatures are usually between 78° F and °80 F in the summer and 76° F in the winter. [6]

For an in-depth study on system size, free worksheets are provided by Canadian taxpayers, available through RETScreen International Clean Energy Decision Support Centre. Use it as a decision support tool to evaluate the energy production and savings, life-cycle costs, emission reductions, financial viability and risk for the different types of solar hot water collectors.


Compared to the price of propane, fossil fuels and natural gas, solar hot water systems are often the most economical way to heat a pool. There is an initial investment for installing the system, and after that, the sunshine is free. They require very little maintenance and annual operating costs are low. On average, the initial price for these systems are between $3,000 and $5,000 and can be paid back between 1.5 and 7 years depending on the price of the fuel the system is replacing. The actual cost and the payback depends on the site, the type of system chosen, the difficulty of installation,and the length of the pool season. [5]

Collector Orientation and Positioning

If you embody the classic characteristics of nortocentrism, then optimally your collector will be facing due south. If you are in the northern hemisphere, and this direction is impossible to take advantage of, you may be comforted to know that recent studies have shown that, depending on the location and collector tilt, the collector can face up to 90º east or west of true south without significantly decreasing its performance.[5] If your pool is a summertime kind of gal, then the general rule of thumb is to tilt the collector at the latitude of the area minus 15 degrees to obtain maximum sunlight exposure. If she's a year round pool and you’re feelin’ extra nifty, one possibility is to build frames that can be adjusted seasonally either manually or mechanically. (Bonus nifty points given if you make it remote control.) [1] In the quest for the holy grail of aesthetically pleasing solar hot water systems, most people prefer to mount their collectors flush with the slope of the roof. This will not result in a significant decrease in the system performance, though this needs to be taken into account when sizing the system. [5] Other things to consider when positioning your collector include local weather conditions (foggy mornings? cloudy afternoons?), and anything that may cast a shadow across your system like trees, buildings, etc.

The collectors should be installed as close to the pool as possible to avoid heat loss as the water travels through the pipes.

  • Flat roofs…

[1][7] Q: What is the proper orientation and tilt of the collector panels? Ideally, solar collectors should face south. However, an orientation up to 45° east or west of due south will not significantly decrease performance as long as shading is avoided.

For optimum pool heating in winter, solar collectors should be tilted at latitude plus 15°. However, in Florida they are almost always mounted directly to the sloping roof. "Standoff" mounting to optimum tilt from a sloped roof usually will increase performance only 2 to 8 percent and is hardly worth the effort. Rev2.jpg [2]


For pools in warmer climates (read: rarely freezes) the best choice is usually an unglazed collector system [3] (LINK to unglazed, possible picture?). They can be made of copper pipes, heavy duty rubber, or plastic treated with a UV light inhibitor to extend the life of the panels. (PICTURES) Unless one is a glutton for niftiness and pain, then the design for this system is fairly simple. The combination of the last two facts makes for a relatively inexpensive system.

If one lives in a colder climate and intends to try and use the pool year round then the best option would probably be a glazed collector (PICTURE OF GLAZED SYSTEM) system because of the increased efficiency in the usage of the sun’s rays. The extra materials increase the cost- they generally use copper pipes, an aluminum backing, and a glass cover. (LINK: freeze protection?) If one is unfortunate enough to live in a excessively cold climate where freezing is downright unavoidable, then the use of a heat-exchanger (LINK)heat exchanger Wikipedia:Heat exchanger#Types of heat exchangers becomes necessary to avoid the destruction of your beautiful system.

The Absolute Necessity of POOL COVERS

Tell me the sense in heating a house with all the doors and windows open. Complete lunacy. The same is true for heating a pool. Heat has that natural inborn tendency to rise… up and out of your hard-earned, lukewarm-treasured pool. Covering your pool when it’s not being used is the single smartest thing you can do to reduce your pool heating costs. Of all the dangers to your warm pool, evaporation proudly positions itself as warm-pool enemy #1. It takes only 1 Btu (British Thermal Unit) to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. On the flip side, each pound of 80 degree F water that evaporates smuggles 1,048 Btu out of the pool’s trust fund account, so lovingly deposited by Rich Daddy Sun. (source gov website)

Q: What about pool covers? The greatest loss of heat from a pool occurs from its surface because of evaporation. By reducing this evaporation loss, pool covers are very effective in lengthening the swimming season. They also keep the pool clean, thereby lowering the cost of chemicals and filter maintenance. Depending on materials and the number of hours of use, temperature increases of 5°F to 10°F may be expected from a pool cover. A 5°F increase is reasonable when the cover is used 12 hours a day; 10°F when it is used 20 hours a day.

Transparent or lightly translucent covers work best because they allow solar energy to pass through and be absorbed by the pool water, and they also prevent heat loss at night. Opaque covers are best used in Florida at night to prevent heat loss. A roller is a good investment to help you move the cover on and off the pool. Motorized rollers are also available.

Pool covers will last from three to five years, depending on care in handling and storage. Nevertheless, they are your best buy for an extended swimming season. From the standpoint of energy conservation, a pool cover should be used. [4] File:AEFprevf.jpg


Q: What about maintenance? A properly installed solar pool heating system should require very little, or no maintenance. However, regular maintenance of the pool and its filtration system is crucial. Pool pH and chlorine levels must be maintained within the limits specified by the pool water test kits. Chemicals should be added to the pool water far from the collector intake pipes. The filter should be cleaned as frequently as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure that adequate flow is supplied to the collectors. Check the solar heating system for proper operation at the beginning of each swimming season, particularly if it has an automatic control. Remember, a properly operating solar collector feels cool to the touch. The temperature rise of the water going through the collectors should be from 3°F to 5°F for most efficient operation. [5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Go Solar" defined multiple times with different content
  2. 2.0 2.1
  4. 4.0 4.1
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "EERE" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "EERE" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "EERE" defined multiple times with different content
  7. All the ref text, citation
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