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The solar design t-square is a simple physical device that models the sun passing over a new solar reflector design. Using clay and "stop motion" changes to little mirrors, I made successful models and a full size Clam shaped reflector for 2 hours of unattended solar cooking. At full power! Solardesigntsquare.jpg I believe it could be used to design better panel cookers than any that exist today in about 4 hours. So you could have reflectors designed specifically for 1 hour unattended cooking, 1.5 hours or 2 hours, depending on what is needed. I used cheap laser pointers in my first solar design t-square but I do not recommend this. The barrel of the pointers are NOT in line with the laser. so it is very fiddley to get them right. Use a small laser level instead. I designed models first and then scaled them up. Perhaps now that we know the rough shape, you could try make a full size reflector in one go. Many solar designers limit themselves by deciding that the light must only bounce once before it hits the cooking pot. This, I believe is why cookits are so small. But if a secondary reflector allows you to gain 20 percent or 30% more reflective area with 2 bounces of light on that area why would you not do it??? The following diagram shows (I hope) why secondary reflectors are needed.It is certainly not perfect but I think it shows the reasoning. Secondarysmall.jpg Brian

Clam shaped models and video

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Clamanimation.gif I used my first full sized clam shaped dish to cook potatoes in February in Victoria Canada [1] <-- Please replace "Put in category" with one of: Project, Organization, Program, Topic, Thesis or other -->

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