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=== Can the modules withstand high winds and hail?===
=== Can the modules withstand high winds and hail?===
Emily, Amir
In 1978, D. Moore et al tested the ability of solar panels to withstand hail by projecting frozen ice spheres traveling at terminal velocity into the panels.  When the cell was protected by a 0.188 in thick acrylic sheet, it was able to withstand a 2 in diameter hailstone without damage <ref> Moore, D. Wilson, A. Ross, R.  “Simulated hail impact testing of photovoltaic solar panels.” Combined environments: Technology interrelations; Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Technical Meeting, Fort Worth, Tex., April 18-20, 1978 p. 419-430.</ref>  More recently ASTM standard IEEE 1262 states that a PV panel intended for power generation must be able to withstand the impact of a 1-in diameter ice ball traveling at 52 mph (83.7km/h)

=== How long will my solar power system last? ===
=== How long will my solar power system last? ===

Revision as of 20:39, 11 June 2009

Kingston Solar Array FAQ
Solar Array Example.jpg

A roof-top photovoltiac (PV) array installed in Bensheim, Germany. PV arrays convert solar energy into electrical energy which can be used in the installed location or connected to a distribution grid.

A W, or photovoltaic (PV) cell, is a device that converts solar energy into electrical energy via the W. A W is a grouping of individual solar cells that are electrically connected to produce electrical power. By installing a solar array, users can generate electricity for their personal use or for distribution on a connected electrical grid. Solar arrays can offer environmental and financial benefits for both the homeowner and the community at large. Many people are curious about solar technology and this page aims to answer questions relating directly to photovoltaics in general and also addresses specific questions related to installing a PV array in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

The questions are grouped into the following categories:

  • Technological
  • Financial
  • Administrative
  • General
  • Feed in Tariff (FIT) FAQs

Technological FAQs

How do solar cells work?

Solar cells function by converting electromagnetic radiation (primarily light from the sun) into electrical energy. Solar cells convert light into electricity using the W. When light strikes the active material in a photovoltaic cell, the light (in the form of W) promotes W in the material to a higher state of excitement. To maintain charge neutrality, an excited electron will also have a corresponding ‘hole’ that balances the electron’s charge. The excited electron will eventually come back down and re-united with an electron hole, so a solar cell needs to collect the electrons and holes before this occurs. A W can be used to collect the electrons and holes, generating an electrical potential that allows a current to flow. Solar cells are often discussed in terms of efficiency, which is a measure of how much electrical power is output per unit of incident light input power. For example, if a solar array has an overall efficiency of 10% and an exposed area of 1 square meter, the expected electrical power output would be 10 watts if the incident light W was 1000 watts per square meter.

A substantial amount of information on the technical workings of photovoltaic exists on the Internet. Several good starting resources can be found here:

What are the advantages and disadvantages to using solar energy?

Some of the significant advantages of generating power from photovoltaic cells include:

  • Low operating and maintenance costs once the panels are installed.
  • Environmentally friendly source of renewable energy. Reduces reliance on more carbon-intensive or GHG-intensive energy generators such as coal or fossil fuels.
  • Independence from utility companies can either reduce/eliminate utility costs or serve as another income stream to the household.

Some of the disadvantages to meeting your power needs with solar PV technologies:

  • Capital-intensive projects (large amount of money required to start producing, primarily in purchasing the panels)
  • The cost of solar energy on a per-watt basis is high compared to other forms, such as natural gas. As demand continues to grow and power outages become common, this gap is being closed.
  • Producing power from solar PV is sensitive to weather conditions (i.e. snow or cloud cover), and no power is generated at night.

For more information, check out some of these articles:

What are the different types of solar cells?

Solar cells can be constructed in a number of different methods and from different materials. The field of photovoltaics is continuously advancing with new developments and technologies being explored. Solar cells are often catagorized as first, second, or third generation technology. Currently, the world commercial production focuses on first generation solar cells, with a small, but expanding, portion of the market devoted to second generation technology. Third generation photovoltaics are being heavily researched and are primarily found in research labs and satellite/space applications.

  • First generation solar cells: The photovoltaic industry began around crystalline silicon and the first solar cells made using pure crystalline silicon are commonly referred to as first generation. These cells use a single junction and have high efficiencies, but use a large amount of pure crystalline silicon, making the technology relatively expensive. Most of the current market share belongs to first generation devices.
  • Second generation solar cells: In an effort to reduce the cost of solar cells, a second generation of photovoltaic devices was investigated and is characterized by devices using very small amounts of source material. By reducing the material required per cell, the overall cost is reduced compared to first generation devices. However, second generation technologies do not have the high efficiencies obtained by the pure crystalline silicon devices found in the first generation of solar technologies. Second generation photovoltaics are commonly called 'thin-film' solar cells, due to the small amount of material required as compared to first generation technology. Common thin-film technologies include amorphous silicon, cadium telluride, and copper indium gallium selenide. As well, new advances into dye-sensitized and organic/polymer photovoltaics are emerging technologies. Second generation solar technologies are currently beginning to expand into the consumer market.
  • Third generation solar cells: The third generation of photovoltaics aims to achieve the high efficiencies of the first generation and the low cost of the second generation devices. Third generation technologies are under siginificant research in efforts to push the obtained efficiencies to new records using novel techniques such as multi-junction cells. Multi-junction cells can be visuallized as several cells stacked on top of each other, with each cell optimized for a different part of the optical spectrum. This allows for more effective collection of all wavelengths of light and a higher overall efficiency. Third generation solar cells are currently found mainly in research labs and universities.

The table below illustrates the current record efficiencies for various photovoltaic technologies. Note that these efficiencies are without the use of light concentrators. With light concentrators, the highest record cell is a multi-junction cell that has a measured 40.8% efficiency.[3]

Template:Hl3 align="center"|PV Technology Template:Hl3 align="center"|Generation Template:Hl3 align="center"|Highest Achieved Efficiency (Lab cells)
Crystalline silicon First generation 25.0%
Amorphous/nanocrystalline silicon Second generation 10.1%
Cadmium telluride Second generation 16.7%
Copper indium gallium selenide Second generation 19.4%
Dye-sensitized Second generation 10.4%
Organic/polymer Second generation 5.1%
Multi-junction cells Third generation 32%

Does the efficiency of a solar cell decrease over time?

The efficiency of solar cells does decrease over time due to harmful ultraviolet ray degradation, but this effect is small. Generally speaking, solar cells can be expected to last over 20 years.[4] Companies will often offer warranties between 10-20 years on their solar panels or greater depending on the company. A good discussion on the lifespan of PV modules can be found here.

Does Kingston have enough solar energy for solar panels to be feasible? What about winter?

See a global solar insolation map

Lk.wiginton 19:48, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Amir, Lindsay, Ha

How do I know that solar power can work on my roof?

In general, a site investigation can be done to assess the solar resource available on your roof. Solar electric power works for most homes where direct sunlight is available. Shading from trees or other obstructions can reduce the practicality of a specific installation. A south-facing roof area is optimal, but solar electric panels can be mounted on west- or east- facing roofs and still produce better than 90 percent of the power of a true south roof mounting.[5]

What other options do I have if the system cannot be mounted on my roof?

If a roof-mounted system proves impractical, a ground-mount, trellis or pergola application may be an option.[6] Under the Feed in Tariff, any residential PV application less than 10kW will recieve the maximum contract price. [7]

Are solar panels environmentally friendly?

Yes, solar panels are environmentally friendly. The main concern regarding the environmental benefit of solar panels is the amount of energy required to manufacture them, in order to address this concern the energy payback time of solar panels has been determined. The energy payback time (EPT) of a technology is commonly defined by the following equation:

This equation takes into account the energy required for manufacturing and installation (EnergyIn) and compares it to the annual energy output (EnergyOutput). The EPT of a panel is dependent on many factors such as manufacturing process, the panel efficiency, the amount of carbon in the electricity mix where the panel is manufactured, the geographical location of where the panel is operating along with many other factors. That being said many Life Cycle Analyses have been conducted on solar photovoltaic panels and a range of payback times have been determined, Alsema and Fthenakis found a range of EPT of 1-2.7 [8] years while the National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL found EPTs ranging from 1-4 years. An EPT has not yet been determined for Kingston, Ontario however with average panel life times of 20 – 30 years even with higher EPT the solar panels continue to be environmentally friendly.

Can they be recycled?

While there are many types of solar cells available, most of the current photovoltaic technologies are fully recycleable. The majority of commerical solar cells are primarily made of silicon, which can be fully recovered. A number of different chemical processes can be used to recycle the silicon in the photovoltiac cells into pure silicon wafers. As well, the glass, aluminum frame and electrical wiring can be recovered and recycled.[9] Recycling of solar panels is economically attractive as most of the raw silicon processing steps can be bypassed when using recycled materials.[10] The recycling process is currently done by several companies such as SolarMaterial. For other photovoltaic technologies, such as Group-III thin film technologies, the material components can still be recovered but the recycling technolgies are not as well established as silicon-based photovoltaic recycling. For example, W can be recovered using a W process.[11] It is also important to note that the long lifespan of photovoltaic panels (upwards of 20-30 years) will allow for the further development of recycling technologies.

Are solar panels safe (health, environment, etc?)

Renee, Colin

Are there certified installers and retailers in Kingston?

Several retailers and installers can be found at SWITCH.

These include:

  1. Downunder Solar and Electrical
  2. Eco Alternative Energy
  3. Quantum Renewable Energy Inc.
  4. Renewable Energy of Plum Hollow Inc.

Where can I find out about renewable energy dealers, sales, installation and equipment?

What is the warrantee on solar panels?


What do the terms on-grid, grid-connected, grid-tied and off-grid mean?

On-grid, grid-connected or grid-tied means connected to the utility electrical grid; power produced by the panels is fed directly to the main power grid in the city. Off-grid refers to systems that are not connected to the utility electrical grid; all power generated by the panels is either stored or used by the building they are fixed to. An off-grid system must be custom designed by a solar power expert. [12]

What are the logistical requirements for connecting to the grid?

Typically most installers will contact the utilities on behalf of the homeowners. The utilities will visit the home to set up the connection and a fee will be charged. The local distribution company (Kingston Hydro, Hydro One or Utilities Kingston, depending on the location) will also need to be notified. Specific details about how to connect to the grid will be released with the official release of the FIT in July[13].

Lk.wiginton 20:15, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

The following resources are available if you are interesting in learning more about connecting to the grid:

- Kingston Hydro Guide for Distributed Generators[14]

-Utilities Kingston's Guidelines for Electricity Generators

A.J.Buitenhuis 17:17, 9 June, 2009

One home owner said that all they had to do was get a Connection Agreement with KEDL (UK) who were very helpful.

What if bird droppings fall on my panel?

Amir, Ha

What if a projectile or object hits my panels (roof top or ground mounted)?

Amir, Ha

What does "energy conversion efficiency" mean?

The amount of solar energy that strikes a place on the earth is measured in units of power per unit of area per unit time; more commonly Watts/m2/year. This solar energy we typically think of as the heat we feel from the sun on a bright day, but is even more plentiful (and more useful, from a photovoltaics perspective) as the light part of the sun's energy that often gets forgotten. The amount of this incoming 'light' energy that is converted to useful electrical energy that we use to power our appliances and gadgets is known as the energy conversion efficiency. This value depends on several factors including the type of cell, the material it is made from, the age of the cell, the amount of shade covering the cell, the angle of incidence of the incoming light (i.e. the position of the sun relative to the horizon), the surface temperature of the cell, and many other factors.

Will my system work on cloudy days?

Unfortunately, clouds will have a negative impact on the performance of your solar array, as the intensity of the sun’s energy reaching your panels is less. No lasting effects are felt by the panels; when the sun comes back out, they return to their expected efficiency[15]. It is important to note that although performance will be reduced, your cells will continue to make some power! [16]

Why is shade a problem?

Shade is a problem because solar photovoltaic panels convert the sun’s light rays directly into electricity. Shade blocks radiation from reaching the panel, preventing the panel from producing electricity.

Lk.wiginton 19:41, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Amir, Emily, Lindsay

What happens if there is a power outage?

If the solar array is grid connected with no battery storage then in the event of a power outage the residence will lose power however there will be no damage to the panels, building etc. If the panels were installed with the intention of providing power directly to the home and the batteries are charged, the residence should continue to have power.

Can the modules withstand high winds and hail?

In 1978, D. Moore et al tested the ability of solar panels to withstand hail by projecting frozen ice spheres traveling at terminal velocity into the panels. When the cell was protected by a 0.188 in thick acrylic sheet, it was able to withstand a 2 in diameter hailstone without damage [17] More recently ASTM standard IEEE 1262 states that a PV panel intended for power generation must be able to withstand the impact of a 1-in diameter ice ball traveling at 52 mph (83.7km/h)

How long will my solar power system last?

A solar array should last at least 20-30 years if properly maintained. Various system components may required some small maintenance in this time period, notably the battery array if the solar system is an off-grid system.

Can I be totally independent from the utility?

Amy, Lindsay

What is the difference between Solar Thermal and Solar Electric (Photovoltaic) Panels?

Solar Thermal technologies capture the sun’s heat, usually for direct use to heat water, air or swimming pools. A solar thermal panel is usually a flat plate collector that consists of a metal box with a glass or plastic cover and a black absorber plate at the bottom, with tubes inside that hold the fluid to be heated[18]. Solar Photovoltaic panels, on the other hand, use the sun’s light to produce electricity which can then be used for all sorts of applications. They look somewhat different from to solar thermal panels. The FIT program applies to Photovoltaic panels only.

Lk.wiginton 19:42, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Lindsay, Amy

Can I add reflectors/concentrators/trackers to the solar array installation to increase the power they generate?

Solar cells will produce more electricity if the incident light is concentrated by using mirrors or reflectors. Concentrating the light through optics and reflectors can be an economical way to improve the power capacity of a system. An example of a light concentrator device is a fresnel lens system, and an example of using this technology with solar cells can be found here.

W are devices operate by changing the angle of the solar panels to follow the sun as it moves across the sky. With the solar panels facing the sun for most of the day, the power generated is larger than the power generated without the tracker installed. Trackers come in a variety of options depending on the different number of rotational axis used to track the sun. The cost of the tracker often is not worth the additional power increase they provide.

It is important to be aware of the concentrator and tracking options for solar installations, but the cost often does not justify their installation. It is a good idea to ask about them when consulting with a company for a roof-top solar installation. A good resource on solar trackers/concentrators can be found here.

Financial FAQs

What is the Feed in Tariff (FIT) and how does it affect me?


The Feed in Tariff (FIT) is a fixed price incentive, offered by the Ontario Power Authority to increase the amount of renewable energy generation in Ontario, while providing reasonable returns (income) to those that wish to generate green energy, like solar energy.

Under the FIT Price Schedule, Residential Solar PV Panels recieve the highest contract price (also the highest in the world), which should be a high enough incentive for someone who wants to use PV panels on their home and help the environment, while getting a steady additional income stream.

How can I get a site investigation and financial feasibility study done on my house?

Kadra, Emily

Does it cost me to apply for the FIT?

Kadra, Emily

Will Solar Panels affect the property value of my house?

Kadra, Emily

Solar Panels are an addition to your house, like other appliances. They are not permanent fixtures and can be moved at any time. Thus, they should not affect the property value of your house for any reason, even property taxation.

If you choose to include the panels when selling your house, you can then make an arrangement to increase the sale value of the house, which is separate from the actual property value.

Can I sell my panels to the manufacturer or other users second hand?

Emily, Amir

Are Solar panels too expensive to install to give me back a reasonable return?

Do you really think solar and renewable energies are a good investment? Yes.

Kadra, Amir, Emily

This is resource for the Economics of Solar. Since prices of systems have been falling, the current rate of returns are higher than those reported here. You can also do your own financial analysis using RETScreen, a free resource provided by Natural Resources Canada.

A quick way to roughly estimate the amount of money you can earn is by using the following formula:[19]

(Capacity of project) x (Capacity Factor) x (Hours) x (FIT price)

Generally, a rough estimate of the capacity factor for solar PV is 13%. So, if you had a 3 kW project, in one year, you might earn:

3kW x 13% x (365 x 24h) x $0.802/kWh = $2740

To get a more accurate estimate, we recommend using tools such as RETScreen, or PVWatts. These tools take into account specific details of your equipment and your location.

How do I get financing?


Financing can be obtained via a loan from the bank.

What maintenance does the system require? How much does the maintenance cost?



There is negligible maintenance required. Since grid-tied systems do not require a battery system, the cost and associated maintenance or replacement is removed. GE Energy/Power recommends that the installer do a system check once a year, just to make sure everything is performing as it should. If it is convenient, you can hose off the modules two or three times a year.[20]. In general, the rain can wash them off as well.

Since the maintenance required is very low, your cost should be minimal. Most of the related system components should last for many years without problems. [21] Maintenance costs can include any electrical parts that require replacement as with any electrical system. Often, parts like an inverter will be covered under the manufacturer's warranty.

Inverter Price Environment

What is an Inverter

Solar Grid Connected Inverter

Email to get current prices on XantrexSolar Inverters. A 3300 W (3.3kW) solar inverter could cost approximately $2,000 [22] .

Will Insurance companies cover my panels?

Yes. It can be an addition to your home insurance. Other homeowner's in Ontario and in Kingston have gotten their panels insured under their home insurance. The panels are insured at market cost, and are like the additional items you insure in your home. One resource for getting insurance is this letter.

How is the FIT different from the RESOP? What about homeowners who are currently contracted under the RESOP program?

RESOP is an older energy contract agreement under the Government of Ontario. The main difference between the RESOP and the FIT are that FIT contract prices are differentiated by size and technology, and typically have a more beneficial rate of return [23].

Homeowners who are currently contracted under the RESOP program will see their contract through; however any new renewable projects will be considered under the FIT [24].

Lk.wiginton 19:40, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Lindsay, Emily

Are government incentives available to reduce the price?

Kadra, Emily

Are there discounts or other ways to reduce the cost of my system?

Some of the installers and retailers listed on this page have discounts for systems that can reduce your cost.They can also advise you about current government incentives.

Another way to reduce the cost (payback) is to consider a commercial model for the panels as electric power generators. Accelerated depreciation can be used to reduce your taxes.

Exemptions under the Assessment Act of Ontario:[Property assessable and taxable, exemptions]

Machinery for producing electric power

18. All machinery and equipment including the foundations on which they rest to the extent and in the proportion used for producing electric power for sale to the general public but not including any buildings, structures, structural facilities or fixtures used in connection therewith.

Kadra09 18:52, 5 June 2009 (UTC)

Administrative FAQs

Do I need approval from my homeowners’ association?

Some homeowners’ associations have rules regarding the installation of anything on your roof or grounds. If you belong to a homeowners’ association, consult your covenants for details.

If I rent a home or apartment, can I still get a system?

If you rent a home, you will need permission from your landlord to install solar panels on the roof. With this permission, however, you can obtain a system. It is possible to get separate meters from Utilities Kingston if your regular meter is used by your landlord or other tenants who are not investing in the solar panels [25].

Lk.wiginton 20:22, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

What if I live in an apartment or don't have a south-facing roof?

You don't need a roof to participate in the FIT program! It is possible to rent someone else's roof space and install your own solar panels there. With the advent of the FIT program, it is likely that co-ops will be created which will make this accessible to many people[26].

Lk.wiginton 20:25, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Do I need permission from the local utility to connect my solar system to the grid?

Yes, they can be contacted at Utilities Kingston. However, sometimes your installer will take care of this for you so talk to them first[27].

Lk.wiginton 20:19, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Lindsay, Amy

What if I need a new roof or am building a new house?

If you need a new roof during the lifetime of your solar panels, the roofers can simply move your solar array to one side of the roof, install the new shingles, and then move the array back. This will likely add a few hundred dollars to the roof cost. In the event that your roof is too steep to move the panels, or you are building a new house, they will be placed on the ground during re-roofing or construction[28].

Lk.wiginton 20:29, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Lindsay, Kadra, Emily

General FAQs

What happens if I move/ sell my house?


Does investing in Solar PV and other renewables help the economy and the environment?

Renee, Colin

What support groups or resources exist in Kingston?

Amy, Lindsay (can you add others?)

  2. Utilities Kingston

Can I install it myself?

Depending on the system, it is possible to install the panels yourself. If your system is designed for home installation, installing them yourself might take 1 to 2 days[29]

If you want to install panels yourself, there are a number of resources online about how to do it:

A.J.Buitenhuis 17:33, 9 June, 2009

Amy, Amir

Feed in Tariff FAQs

More answers to FAQs regarding the FIT can be found at “Online Q&A”, OPA FIT

How long does it take to get a FIT contract?

Kadra, Matt

The OPA plans on having the registration for micro-scale FIT projects to be available for FIT program launch. There will not be an `application process' per se for micro-scale generators. Provided the generator meets the eligibility requirements of the program, the OPA contracts will be offered almost automatically to the proponent upon connection of the project. Details of the program and process for micro-scale FIT generators will be available prior to program launch.

What are the requirments to getting a contract?

What income is generated by having solar panels?

Is the revenue generated from the solar panels taxable?

  • Yes. The electricity sold to the OPA is taxable.
  • Exemptions may be possible under the Assessment Act for certain types of property

The OPA will pay all Sales Taxes exigible on all amounts payable to a Supplier pursuant to a FIT Contract. The Supplier shall remain liable for all Taxes other than Sales Taxes in respect of the Contract Facility.

Is the FIT indexed for inflation?

  • The contract price is increased 20% relative to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Solar PVs, once in operation for the life of the contract.

What if technology changes or the FIT is reviewed?

  • New costs or changes in technology do not affect existing contracts. Reviews only affect new contracts.

When do contracts begin?

  • The OPA contracts will be offered almost automatically to the proponent upon connection to the grid after an application process.

What if I sell my home? Is the contract transferrable to the new homeowner?

  • The OPA contract can be assigned to the new homeowner upon the sale of the home. The new homeowner would be receive payment for the remainder of the contract payment term.

Can I cancel my contract at any time?

What if the price of electricity goes above the FIT rates?

Is the FIT a subsidy

No. FITs are not subsidies. [31]

Is there enough transmission and/or distribution capacity to connect all proposed renewable energy supply projects?

A plan to develop additional transmission and distribution will address the requirements to enable connection of additional renewable energy supply to be contracted for under the proposed FIT Program.

The Bruce-Milton expansion will relieve transmission constraints in Southern Ontario, therefore permitting additional contracting for renewable energy supply in that part of the Province.

Plans to expand transmission and distribution will enable additional contracting for renewable energy supply in Northern Ontario over the next years.


  1., Solar energy advantages and disadvantages. Anita Van Wyk, 2009.
  2. Facts about solar enegy. 2006.
  3. Martin, G., et al. Solar Cell Efficiency Tables (Version 33). Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. (2009) 17: 85-94.
  4. Zimmerman, C.G. ‘’Time dependent degradation of photovoltaic modules by ultraviolet light’’, (2008). Applied Physics Letters, Volume 92, Issue 24. Available online at
  5. GE Power, FAQs,
  6. GE Power FAQs,
  7. Revised FIT Price Schedule May 2009,
  8. Alsema, Fthenakis"Photovoltaics Energy Payback Times, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and External Costs: 2004 - early 2005 Status", Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 14, no.3 (2006):275-280
  9. Muller, A., Wambach, K., Alsema, E. ‘’Life Cycle Analysis of a Solar Module Recycling Process’’, (2003) Materials Research Society. Avaliable online at
  10. Fthenakis, V.M.’’End-of-life management and recycling of PV modules’’, (2000) Energy Policy, Vol. 28, Issue 14. Pg. 1051-1058. Available online at
  11. Patent for Process for recycling CdTe/Cds thin film solar cell modules. Available online at
  13. Discussion with Brad Leonard, Renewable Energy of Plum Hollow
  14. Kingston Hydro, Guidelines for Distributed Generators,
  15. Carter, Alice. Annesley College. Photovoltaics: Solar Electricity and Solar Cells in Application. Online.
  16. Sunshine Solar. FAQ’s Solar Power. 2009. Online
  17. Moore, D. Wilson, A. Ross, R. “Simulated hail impact testing of photovoltaic solar panels.” Combined environments: Technology interrelations; Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Technical Meeting, Fort Worth, Tex., April 18-20, 1978 p. 419-430.
  18. (
  20. GE Power FAQs,
  21. GE Power FAQs,
  25. Discussion with Brad Leonard, Renewable Energy of Plum Hollow
  26. Discussion with Brad Leonard, Renewable Energy of Plum Hollow
  27. Discussion with Brad Leonard, Renewable Energy of Plum Hollow
  28. Discussion with Brad Leonard, Renewable Energy of Plum Hollow
  29. Palo Alto Hardware Solar Division, Installation FAQ
  30. From

Kadra09 20:49, 5 June 2009 (UTC)

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