Simple Forest Densiometer

Project Developed by Brian Swanson User:Btswanso


  • The forest densiometer provides a practical, objective way to measure the density of tree canopy. This tool removes all guess work out of determining canopy cover, which is a very useful metric for foresters and construction companies looking to predict how much foliage and tree removal must be done in an specified area.
  • Files may be downloaded off of the Thingiverse here: Files

Proper Use

  1. Align grid to the portion of canopy you wish to measure.
  2. Hold stationary, it is highly encourage to use a tripod with the associated mounts.
  3. Count the number of square holes filled over 50%, this number will be the density percentage of the canopy.

Bill of Materials

  1. The essential material needed to create this densiometer is 44 grams of PLA plastic. At an average price of $25 per kilogram, this part costs $1.10.
  2. This part has optional mounting 6 mm bolts. A pair of these approximately cost $1.50. A pair of matching 6 mm nuts will add an additional 25 cents to the bill.

Tools Required for Fabrication

  1. One 3-D printer capable of printing a 102 mm by 102 mm by 20 mm component.

Required Skills and Knowledge

  1. Ability to operate a 3-D printing device.

Printing and Assembly


  • The print is a single component that takes approximately one hour and fifteen minutes to print. It requires approximately 44 grams of plastic.


  • For mounting, simply place 6 mm bolts into holes on outside flanges and use nuts to fasten to whatever mount you desire.

Common Troubleshooting

  • To remain accurate and objective, clean grid lines are a necessity. Proper calibration is a must, along with with minimal peel up. If peel up occurs, this may be limited with application of a glue stick to the print bed or use of a heated print bed.

Estimated Savings

  • On the low end, a densiometer typically costs around $100. Thus, this print at its highest cost with attachments renders a savings of 97.15%.
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