September 17: Graduate Student Volunteer Day at The Food Project

Come join us for a morning of outdoor farming fun! The Food Project operates several organic farms in the Boston area, with the goal of teaching sustainable agriculture and providing leadership roles for underprivileged youths. Cultivated food is given to local shelters, or sold at farmers markets. This volunteer day, SfGS will be helping to weed the Roxbury farm, while learning more about the principles behind The Food Project. Anyone is welcomed to join us: SfGS members and non-members alike!

Event info:

Meet at MIT at 8:15 AM (if we don't have cars) or 9:00 AM (if we do have cars)

Volunteer at The Food Project from 9:30 to 12:30

Return to MIT for a barbeque at 1:30

More info and sign-up form

Thursday, October 6: Sustainability Speaker Series

Welcome back MIT DUSP alum Ian Finlayson as he returns to talk about his job as Manager of the Massachusetts State Sustainability Program.

This event will start at 6pm and room is TBA. Refreshments will be provided.

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