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Top page Principles of appropriate technology (3,219)
Impact 3,223 page views

What makes "appropriate technology" is determined by context. Therefore, none of these are absolute - they are simply common features that make a technology "appropriate" to a world where many suffer a lack of basic necessities, a lack of money, and lack of equipment and technological expertise. They are also technologies that have a gentle impact on the earth:

  • Small, as in Small is Beautiful. Small often means affordable and adaptable, and puts the control in the hands of the users. Small also means local, which offers benefits in resilience.
  • Few moving parts - less to go wrong (similar to the KISS principle).
  • Can be built locally
  • Made with locally available materials
  • Easily repaired, by local people with locally available equipment.
  • Affordable

The source of the technology doesn't matter much - it matters much more that it is appropriate. While the source of a technology sometimes becomes an issue in discussions of technology for international development, technology from anywhere can have uptake and make an impact, as evidenced by the mobile phone.

Specific contexts

Every context is unique, but certain categories to be considered include:


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