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[[Image:Plastics_recovery_manual_3_image_2|thumb|right|200px|Grapes in a mold with four prints]]
[[Image:Plastics_recovery_manual_3_image_2|thumb|right|200px|Grapes in a mold with four prints]]
The large processing companies usually have their own recycling channel (primary recycling). Those that can not afford this prefer outsourcing this activity by giving or selling it to workshops capabale of recycling them. They are generally interested in selling the then recycled plastics.
The large processing companies usually have their own recycling channel (primary recycling). Those that can not afford this prefer outsourcing this activity by giving or selling it to workshops capabale of recycling them. They are generally interested in rebuying the then recycled plastics.
Blocks drains are very difficult to crush. They require cutting
Purged blocks are very difficult to break apart. They require cutting beforehand which few companies bother to do. It can therefore be interesting to get them at a low price and recycle them.
beforehand that few companies bother to do. It can therefore be
The processing companies are not the only producers of industrial waste. Other companies use plastics too. Their activities can generate large quantities of waste.
interesting to get cheap and recycle.
As an example, we can take the manufacturers of window frames. They buy extrusion PVC profiles from processing companies. They then cut to them to size in order to make the chassis. They thus generate clean and well identified waste that can be easily collected and recycled. The sector of packaging and packaging is also a good source of waste.
The processors are not the only producers of waste
Industrial. Other companies use plastic. Their activity can generate
large quantities of scrap.
For example, you can take the manufacturers of chassis
window. They buy PVC profiles extrusion processors. They
cut to size to make the chassis. They thus generate rebus
clean and well identified that can be easily collected and recycled. The sector
packaging and packaging is also a good source of waste.
Industrial wastes are a source of plastics often forgotten. It offers
Industrial wastes are a source of plastics often forgotten. It offers
Yet many advantages:
Yet many advantages:

Revision as of 11:06, 12 November 2009

Sources of waste: where to collect?

Depending on the geographical dispersion, degree of contamination and heterogeneity, it is possible to distinguish four types of plastic waste: industrial waste, commercial waste, agricultural waste and municipal waste.

Industrial waste

"Identified, unmixed, not polluted" We call "industrial waste" the waste produced by plastics processing companies, but also the leftover waste generated from the use of these plastics in the packaging industry, construction, ... These wastes have not yet been integrated into the consumption cycle. The plastics processing companies generate internal plastic waste which may be:

  • Purges, which are usually in the form of large blocks of several kilos. These residues result from the discharge of injection or extrusion apparatuses. This can occur for various reasons: stops, maintenances, changes of molds or dies, changing of the coloring for the plastics. These plastics are not always top quality. They can particularly contain a large proportion of lubricants.
  • Injecting carrots and grapes: this is the material that fills the injection channels (see Chapter 5). They are recovered during the demolding of the injected parts. They weigh, at most, a few tens of grams.
  • Parts with defects which can therefore not be sold.

The combination of these residues may represent 10% of the production.

File:Plastics recovery manual 3 image 1
Injection carrot in a mold
File:Plastics recovery manual 3 image 2
Grapes in a mold with four prints

The large processing companies usually have their own recycling channel (primary recycling). Those that can not afford this prefer outsourcing this activity by giving or selling it to workshops capabale of recycling them. They are generally interested in rebuying the then recycled plastics.

Note: Purged blocks are very difficult to break apart. They require cutting beforehand which few companies bother to do. It can therefore be interesting to get them at a low price and recycle them. The processing companies are not the only producers of industrial waste. Other companies use plastics too. Their activities can generate large quantities of waste. As an example, we can take the manufacturers of window frames. They buy extrusion PVC profiles from processing companies. They then cut to them to size in order to make the chassis. They thus generate clean and well identified waste that can be easily collected and recycled. The sector of packaging and packaging is also a good source of waste. Industrial wastes are a source of plastics often forgotten. It offers Yet many advantages: - Deposits already identified; - Supply; - Own waste and not mixed; - Collection integrated within the undertaking; - Collection points geographically well defined;

The commercial waste "Identified mixed"

The commercial waste is waste from workshops and shops. After an inventory of these institutions, it is possible to identify the type plastic waste they generate. A collection system can then be introduced within these institutions.

There are two types of commercial waste:

Waste Mixed / little soiled Waste Mixed / contaminated department stores (packaging) Entrepreneurs (pipes, films, ...) plumbing (PVC pipe) ... hotels (containers, ...), restaurants, bars (vials, bottles, ...), stations service garages (drums), hairdresser (bottles), hospitals, pharmacies, ... Advantages: - Regular supply - Collection points established - Easy sorting - Light wash Advantages: - Regular supply - Collection points established - Easy sorting Table 3.1: Commercial Waste

Agricultural waste Farming and forestry are also consumers of plastics or for construction (irrigation pipes, stakes, tarps, ...) or for packaging (jerry cans, feed sacks, plastic film, ...). These deposits are often more distant, but it should not be overlooked. With good awareness, farmers can store their waste plastic. We can then collect the waste once or twice a year.

Photo 3.1: Covers PVC storage water

Municipal waste "Unidentified mixed, soiled"

Waste plastics from garbage are usually the deposit most important. The field is directly linked to the consumption level of target population, for two reasons: - A resident can make up to 1 kg of waste per day if different power Buying high, but this value is less than 0.5 kg per day for a person of limited means; - Well, as the standard of living, the plastic content in waste represent 3 to 8% (by weight).

Thus, the amount of plastic waste emitted per capita per year can vary between 5 kg and 25 kg. These wastes are usually heterogeneous, and very heavily soiled dispersed. They consist primarily of packaging films, bags, bottles, ... Their flow is regular cons. We can recover plastics from municipal waste: - Directly at the head (least contaminated) - In streets and parks (very dirty) - In sorting centers (very dirty) - In the dumps (very dirty)

Photo 3.2: Collection of waste in the street (Yaounde)

The sorting centers are usually micro-or small businesses that carry the collection of household waste into compost. They often make sort summary of these wastes in order to extract the metals and plastics. If Metals are sometimes recovered, plastics are often crowded. They can represent significant deposits.

Photo 3.3: Hand-sorting of non-organic a composting facility (Brazil)

In addition to regular contributions, it is important not to overlook the waste generated by certain events such as local festivals, sidewalk sales, events, ... during which waste plastics relatively well identified, but generally contaminated are discarded.

2. Evaluation of a reservoir

The goal of a reservoir evaluation is to determine the potential waste plastics that are available for a project: location, quantity, quality, renewal, ... The campaign score is an indispensable step for the selection and design a recycling system. It helps to know the amount of waste can be treated, types of plastics recycling, the collection system to implement the choice of machines, the necessary investment, labor of work required, ...

Campaign Evaluation deposit Choosing a path - Amount of plastics available; - Main sources of waste; - Types of plastics (PE, PP, PVC, ...); - Renewal of the amount of waste emitted; - ... - Types and quantities of plastics recycle; - Choose a collection system; - Space for washing, drying, processing, ... - Capacity of the mill and other machinery investment; - Types of outlets; ... Table 3.1: Interest of evaluating a reservoir for choosing a path recycling.

The following paragraphs describe the general approach for Detailed campaign on all possible sources of supply. When the outline of a project are already defined, it is not necessary take into account all these steps. We leave the choice to the reader to refer parties regarding its project.

Choose an area of exploration Above all, it is important to choose wisely the geographical in which plastics will be collected. It is certain that a project is not another. Some constraints can directly define the collection area. Of Similarly, the objectives for the project will be decisive. Thus, for a project to recycle plastics with the objective part of a plan A waste of a neighborhood or village, we will ensure broad sweep and cover the entire waste generated in this area. On the contrary, if the intention is manufacture of articles of quality recycled plastics, the initiator of the project leads to areas with high income or highly industrialized in which the quantity and quality of waste plastics are generally higher. However, some criteria must guide the selection of an area: 1. We take care to select preferred areas closest to the center recycling. Indeed, transport of waste plastic is expensive. This is the their low density: 100 to 400 kg / m³. The volumes are moving Important quickly. At transmission level, the location of the center is obviously the center of the surveyed area.

2. The amount of plastic waste generated by a household is related to its consumption, thus its purchasing power. We thus find more waste plastic bins in neighborhoods rich and poor neighborhoods. 3. The larger the area, the greater the collection system is set up important. Initially, it is better to be limited to a small area, then expand. 4. Wherever possible, we try to bring up areas Industrial. These are indeed generators of waste, but may also be consumers of recycled plastics.

Characteristics of the study area The prospecting area is defined, a preliminary investigation is necessary to prepare the sampling campaign. The information gathered constitute a kind of identity card of the study area. Such information can be found: - The size of the area szon (km ²), preferably evaluated using a map; - The number of inhabitants in the area nZone; - Population density ρzone, deduced from the first two given by the formula:

²) /. (Km Hab S N area area area = ρ

- The climate of the region. This drying conditions: the number of days of sunshine, average temperature, rainfall, humidity, the importance of wind ... All these data will opt for one or another drying technique. - The main economic activities in the area: trade, agriculture, livestock, industries ... - A description of habitat: rural or urban? The type of accommodation: detached house? buildings? farm? ... - Events and seasonal activities. Events are special days during which the quantity of waste issued may be more important than usual fairs, sidewalk sales, events local festivals, ... During a characterization, we will ensure not take account of these events. It is however important to identify because they can be input from additional waste. Some regions enjoy seasonal activities. This is particularly the case of tourist areas where the influx of tourists during holiday periods increases waste which may be significant. It is then necessary to distinguish the periods of other tourist periods.

Note: Where too are marked differences within the study area, it is preferable to divide it into smaller areas (subareas). Each sub-area was characterized in the same manner as a zone.

This can happen in the following situations: - Two areas where living standards are significantly different; - An industrial zone abutting a residential zone; - Included a permanent market in a residential area, ...

Inventory of sources of waste plastics Once the ID of the zone is established, we can consider the opportunities to supply waste plastics. This is done by drawing inventory of available sources. For each, we must collect representative samples which, after characterization, to evaluate the potential recyclable plastic zone.

a. industrial waste The enumeration of processors of plastics must be well beyond the borders of the targeted area. Indeed, they may play a role factor in the project: under-treatment of domestic waste, sale of used equipment, purchase of recycled plastics ... For each, we collect the following information: - The type of plastic that they convert: PP, PVC, HDPE, LDPE, ... - The processing techniques used: injection, extrusion, blow molding, filming, ... - Articles manufactured catch basins, chairs, films, bags, shoes, ... - Production (t / month). They will also ask the following questions: - Their business generates does it waste? - If yes, where? Purges, carrots or grapes injection, defective parts, ... - Recycle their waste Internal (primary recycling)? - Are they interested to outsource this activity (or part thereof)? - If yes, which? How much plastic that is there? We will also use this contact to inquire about their interest work with materials recycled from the treatment center established by the project (see Chapter 6).

In addition processors, it is important to identify all companies with operations that generate waste plastics and meet their direction. - What types waste they produce? By how much? What are they? - Would they agree to entrust them to a recycling center? Under what conditions? Would they agree to establish a collection system these wastes in their company?

b. commercial garbage At a campaign evaluation, it is not possible to go around all businesses in the area in question.

We evaluate this deposit rather waste using the following methodology: 1. Determine the businesses most likely to generate waste plastics, and group them by category. For each category, describe the types of waste likely to be produced. 2. Select a few traders and undertake a campaign with them selective collection of waste plastics. Nothing is working with a Too many businesses: Three to five are usually sufficient. After be well explained to the traders aim of the campaign, they suggested put aside all the waste plastic to obtain a certain period of time. A fortnight is recommended. After this period, crop waste and stored in bags on which Note the name of commerce and class. 3. Weigh all the bags and bring the weight category in the table Summary. When a sample of a class seems different, it is better to avoid that want to integrate it at any cost to others. Indeed, it may distort the results, more than provide interesting information.

Photo 3.4: Weighing samples (Kinshasa, 2003)

4. For each category, estimate the number of businesses present in the area exploration. 5. Calculate the quantity of waste available by category and then summon them to get the total weight of commercial waste in the study area.

Notes: - Awareness of traders in the project is essential. The quality of samples collected depends on it. It is particularly important to emphasize that Only trade waste must be preserved. Do not add other waste. Some people have a tendency to insert all wastes they are to show they are able to raise significant quantities. These intentions, laudable, may distort data. - Make sure waste from hospitals and pharmacies. These were contain drugs or other substances to be handled with care. The It is best to check with many doctors and pharmacists, and

to establish with them a list of waste "recyclable". Other waste will be not collected. - If the area is not too large, a systematic count of businesses may be achieved by traversing the streets. When the area is too large, this work becomes too complex. We prefer to select a few areas (on map, preference), make the counting of businesses in these neighborhoods and extrapolated to the entire area.

Example of summary table:

Shops In the sensitized Category Waste Number kg kg / com. Number kg Garages cans oil 3 6 0.5 22 44 Stations Service Oil cans 4 24 6 4 24 Hairdressers bottles (shampoo, lacquers, stains, ...) 3 0.3 0.1 27 2.7 Bottles cafes, lockers, tables, chairs, ... 5 2.5 0.5 46 23 Pharmacies Bottles 3 0.5 0.17 12 2 Hospitals Bottles 2 0.8 0.2 7 2.8

       Total 98.5

Table 3.2: Example of a summary evaluation campaign (15 days)

Example: Estimated number of shops in an area of Kinshasa (2003) The study area comprises three communes of Kinshasa: Lemba, Ngaba and Makala. Living standards and activities of these three municipalities are very different, the area has been divided into three sub-areas corresponding to the three municipalities. Given the importance of sub-areas, only a few neighborhoods representative sub-areas were studied.

Figure 3.3: Division area into subareas and neighborhoods

After some traders aware, a campaign of selective collection was undertaken over a period of 15 days. It was determined the amount of plastic waste produced by category of businesses in each sub-area.

The results are extrapolated to the entire sub-area using a factor the ratio of the area covered by the sub-region and that of (the) area (s) studied (s):

) ( ) ( s neighborhood area under s district és sensibilis area under S S N Q Q -- - × × = with, Qsous-zone (kg): quantity of plastic waste produced in the sub-area; Qsensibilisés (kg / com.) Waste plastics businesses aware; Nquartier (s): many in the trade (s) area (s) studied (s); Ssous-area (sqm): area of the sub-area (calculated from map); Squartiers (m²): area of (the) area (s) studied (s) (calculated from the map).

All results are reported in a table:

In the sensitive area in the sub-area Category kg / com. Number Kg Number Kg Area 1 Districts 1 and 2 (12%) Garages 1.0 4 4.0 33 33.0 Gas Station Services 4.0 - - 6 24.0 Hairdressers 0.1 4 0.4 33 3.3 Cafés 1.2 6 7.2 50 60.0

  Total area 1 120.3

Zone 2 Area 1 (13%) Garages 0.5 3 1.5 23 11.5 Cafés 1.0 7 7.0 54 54.0 Pharmacies 0.4 4 1.6 31 12.4 Hospitals 2.5 2 5.0 15 37.5

  Total area 2 115.4

Zone 3 Area 1 (15%) Hairdressers 0.1 3 0.3 20 2.0 Cafés 0.7 6 4.2 40 28.4 Pharmacies 0.6 3 1.8 20 12.0 Hospitals 3.0 - - 9 2.7

  Total Zone 3 55.1
  Total in zone 280.8

Table 3.3: Evaluation of waste products in commercial 3 communes of Kinshasa

We note that no service station is installed in the two districts studied of Lemba (Subarea 1). However, there is six in the municipality of which two were sensitized (4 kg / station). The results could be directly placed in the last columns of the table. The same applies to hospitals in the area 3. In total, the amount of commercial waste produced in the three municipalities has been estimated at 280.8 kilograms over a period of 15 days, or 561.6 kilograms per month.

Photo 3.5: Evaluation Campaign in service station practicing vindageage (Kinshasa, 2003)

c. agricultural waste When such sources of waste occurs, we will apply the same evaluation methodology for commercial waste. We choose However, a period of time longer (2 to 3 months) and a number largest holdings.

d. municipal waste Before evaluating the deposit of municipal waste in an area targeted is need to know what is happening currently in the waste arising the following questions: - Is there an organized collection system? If yes, what type (see System curbside p.46)? Is it structured? What is the frequency of harvest? What type of transport? - Where the waste collected are they filed? They are sorted in a central Recovery for composting or other? Are they dumped in a landfill municipal or is it illegal dumping? - Are there a lot of garbage on the highway? After finding answers to these questions, it may be useful schematically the transfer of the waste stream on paper to design a strategy for estimating the amount of plastic waste available. There not a universal strategy, every situation is different. However, some guidelines can be followed: 1. To the extent that their activity is sufficiently structured, it is always preferable to work with people already active in collecting garbage. In fact, they perform a collection in the head (collection input) with which they generally maintain a relationship of trust. After explaining the project in detail, it is possible to conduct a evaluation campaign with some of these collectors. This campaign run for a fortnight and will ask them to separate waste plastic garbage they collect. After the campaign, these Plastics will be weighed and the data will be entered in a table similar to the commercial waste. Extrapolating to the entire area will After estimating areas covered by collectors.

2. Where there is no system to collect enough structured, it is possible achieve an awareness campaign among the locals. To do this, simply select few neighborhoods in the area and proceed the same way for commercial waste, motivating people to separate plastics and other wastes. 3. Direct assessment in the landfill is always inadvisable because the waste are released are often very dirty and sanitation work are precarious. However, when there is no alternative, this score is relatively simple. It is to determine the percentage of plastics contained in the garbage and assess the amount of waste daily sent to landfill. The product of these two results gives the amount of plastics available every day:

[] Th e déch déch M Plast Q arg arg. × = with, Qdécharge (kg / day): The amount of plastic waste daily available [Plast .](%): percentage by weight of plastics contained in the Garbage Mdécharge (kg / day): daily amount of garbage sent to the discharge

Photo 3 .6: Estimation of a deposit of waste plastics in a dump (Arequipa, 2003)

Sampling will be performed to characterize the plastic identified. 4. The evaluation of waste lying in the streets is very difficult or impossible their flows are so irregular and heterogeneous.

Characterization of samples collected Once samples are collected and compiled, it remains to determine their main characteristics to determine the proportion of recoverable material in these wastes. This characterization is done for each category waste collected.

To do so, various data can be determined on batches collected at namely: 1. The degree of contamination: a reminder, this is the proportion of subjects other than the plastic that contains recoverable waste labels, metal components, plastics of a different nature than the object .... It is determined by removing these unwanted body in the heavy and then calculating their proportion by weight (see Chapter 2). 2. The degree of soiling: it is determined by weighing samples before and after washing (see Chapter 2).

Photo 3.7: Determination of the degree of contamination of vials gathered in the streets of Kinshasa (2003)

The knowledge levels of contamination and contamination of a batch of plastic calculates the amount of potentially recoverable plastics. As for plastic bottles for which the degree of contamination is equal to 5% and the degree of stain is 10%, we know that for a kilo collected only 855 g. can potentially be recovered (0.95 x 0.90 x 1000 g.) 3. The types of plastics: they are determined by criteria recognition described in Chapter 2. Thus, for each sample collected, we determine the percentage of each major category of plastics (PP, HDPE, LDPE, PS, PVC) and the proportion of other plastics for which recovery will probably not be considered. Besides these three important data, other characteristics may be determined. These where the percentage of subjects not through a shredder and therefore requiring a preliminary division. Where there has already mill, it is obtained by weighing the parts that were larger than those the opening of the mill and dividing the weight obtained by the total weight of sample. Otherwise, we will consider as imbroyables, waste not through a rectangular hole (cut from a sheet of cardboard, by example) 150 x 150 mm, which corresponds to a typical opening of a mill capacity of 150 kg / h.

100 ]. [ ] [

    [%] Plast. cut to × =

Ech kg kg Plastimb

The vials and bottles are generally regarded as belonging to this category. Indeed, their rounded shape makes sure they are not driven by knife grinders. They therefore require a preliminary division. Another interesting fact is the drying time (sun, for example) plastics washed. It allows to evaluate the drying area to be restored and, if proves that solar drying is not possible to explore other techniques drying (see Chapter 4). All these characteristics need not be determined for the entire batch collected. Smaller samples, but the most representative as possible, may do the trick. Finally, all results will be placed in a overall picture that will highlight the fields of plastics interesting dimension of the recycling industry to implement (hardware, human resources, consumables, ...) and to budget the project (see Chapter 6). This approach seems long and tedious. It is however necessary if one wants adopt a strategy of working to implement its recycling project, particularly as regards the balance of material flows and prospects economic. Furthermore, characterization is not only useful for the evaluation phase, but also being produced to reassess the operation of one or the other deposit!

For more information on evaluating sources of waste: For people who have a minimum of equipment and knowledge computer software MODECOMTM is a useful tool to facilitate management Data collected at the companion, but also during production. This program, developed by ADEME (Agency for Environment and the Energy Control, France) for the management of household waste can be suited to such projects as described in this manual. It can manage the basic data and derive key information. For more information, consult the website of the ADEME ( to "publications". There are conditions of sale (price: 30,49 €) and an order form downloadable refer to the following address: ADEME 2 square La Fayette BP 406 - 49004 Angers cedex 01 France Phone: 00 33 (0) 2 41 20 41 20 Fax: 00 33 (0) 2 41 20 41 97

3. Collection systems

Awareness Experience shows that recycling of plastic waste is an activity that can be profitable. This profitability is often compromised when the recycling center must take charge of his own awareness of people issues waste. Awareness requires substantial resources that must neglected. Generally, it is advisable to separate the two activities and to be imaginative about how to achieve awareness: Search parallel to those funding the project, involvement of local authorities or associations sensitive to the environment, use of communications media (media) ...

a. Staff awareness raising The sensitization of collection is paramount. They are in fact directly in contact with waste producers and thereby contribute to their awareness. Moreover, they are the ones who handle the waste. They can then judge quality sorting. These agents may be part of the recycling center, work for their own account or belong to an existing collection network. Their awareness can be done through training sessions. They will learn including: - Awareness of their role in industry development; - The extent of damage engendered by plastic waste environment, but also the benefit that can be drawn; - To differentiate from other recyclable plastics and evaluate their quality (pollution, contamination, ...); - To raise awareness of the population turn to the problem of plastic waste.

Photo 3.8: Training of collection (Yaounde)

Do not hesitate to explain in detail the activity center, and problems encountered throughout the recycling process, especially when the quality of waste is put into question. It is also important to engage in debates know everyone's problems and find solutions respecting all interests.

b. Awareness of waste producers Education and awareness of people or producers of waste separate plastics from other waste is not done overnight. Indeed, the audience often has other concerns as sorting their daily waste. It is nevertheless important that sorting is done, the supply of plastic recycling center depends. Women and children are most susceptible to problems environmental. Women are the first affected because they are often They dominate the daily household tasks, and therefore the cleanliness and waste. Children are more involved in the collection at intake motivated (see Table 3.5) which will bring them little interest income. Furthermore, the awareness from an early age has long-term effects.

Photo 3.9: Awareness at a committee meeting women (Yaounde)

Communication channels for a good education are numerous. All is not lack imagination. As examples, here are some ideas: - Articles in local newspapers, posters in the streets; - Radio and television spots; - Meeting in associations sensitive to the environment (including women's associations); - Fun activities in schools (drawing contests, games on the theme of waste ...); - Post at religious events, sporting, cultural, ... - Organized visit the recycling center in stressing the importance of sorting at source, ie among people. During these campaigns, we seek to empower officers collection stressing the importance of their activity for the safety of neighborhoods. Awareness is an activity to renew perpetually. Good habits get lost quickly. It is necessary to always find new ideas.

Collection systems The collection system means "how wastes move from living or producer of waste, collection service "1. In the case of collection waste plastics, we speak of collection, ie which aims not collect certain types of waste. The collection can fit in an existing collection system or, conversely, organized in parallel. Before you browse the different collection systems that can implement, it is important to make some recommendations: - There is no ideal collection system. Each case needs to be studied to respond to local context and project objectives. The best systems collection are those that are custom and not those who were simply copied. - To provide appropriate resources. In the collection, it is indeed tempting to build capacity so-called "modern" but often do not meet conditions in countries with low and medium incomes. Thus, the purchase of expensive vehicles, but immobilized because they are not appropriate to road conditions or for reasons of price too high maintenance is not a smart investment. Instead, it is often preferable to use methods using human capital more important and basic technologies better adapted to the context. - For reasons of hygiene of work, it is better to focus on maximizing the "Gathering input, that is to say, at the head rather than the recovery in streets and landfills. Wastes are indeed less contaminated, and therefore less contaminated. Moreover, washing and sorting will be facilitated.

a. curbside inserted into an existing network Table 3.4 shows the system of waste collection the most experienced (HC Haan, 1999). For each system, some suggestions are proposed to insert a collection of plastic waste.

1 H. C. Haan, A. Coad, I. Lardinois, 1999; Management of Municipal Solid Waste: Hire micro and small enterprises, guidelines for municipal officials; Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

Photo 3.10: Selective collection inserted into a system from "door to door" (Kinshasa, 2003)

Selective Collection System Description Advantages Disadvantages Common People or waste producers can bring their waste when they wish. Deposits of places specified Residents and other waste producers deposit their waste a specific location or an enclosure of masonry where they are transported. Possibility to define a part of the enclosure reserved waste plastics. Cheap investment. Loading difficult. Sorting is little control. The Plastics are often mixed other waste, thus soiled. Flights waste plastics. Container shared Residents and other waste producers bring their waste to container frequently removed or emptied. A container can be intended only to waste plastics. Opportunities design containers closed that limit flights. The sorting is not controlled. The Plastics are often mixed other waste. Quite expensive. Individual residents and farmers keep their waste at home until the collection Collected by block The garbage collector looks for the places specified people who bring waste to vehicles collection. The garbage collector can recover plastics separately and encourage residents separating their waste. The Vehicles must for this be equipped with a compartment to plastics. Inexpensive. Good control of sorting. Possible awareness and compensation. Requires a member family is and this moves. Collection at board sidewalk The waste is deposited front of houses and paid in a vehicle or scanned and collected by a dustman. Residents can deposit waste plastic part. These will be collected separately. Convenient for residents. Storage waste in the Street, which stains and mixtures. Collection door to door The garbage collectors went to the people and expects they bring with them the waste. Residents can deliver their waste plastics separately.

 The garbage collector will deposit the

in a drawer of his vehicle available to plastics. Possible awareness and compensation. No waste in the street. Requires presence of a capita. Few suitable for large buildings. Collection in the court or garden

The garbage collector enters the property to remove waste. Residents can deposit waste plastic part. These will be collected separately. Convenient for residents. Not waste in Street. Requires some trust between dustman and population.

Table 3.4: Possibilities for inclusion of a collection within collection systems


The collection "block" and "door to door" gives the best results because they bring together residents and the collection agent. This may make awareness to improve the quality of waste plastics made. It is not always possible to change people's habits and awareness separate plastic waste from other waste may be inconclusive. Nevertheless, the collection agent can always make himself sorting waste

he picks up daily, and this irrespective of the existing collection system. Plastics and recovered him make an additional financial return.

Sample collection in Cairo (Egypt) The case of scavengers Lower Mokattam is one of the most famous in the collection. This district of Cairo lives mainly on the recovery and waste recovery. Every day, the trash pickers go into neighborhoods off central city to collect garbage (collection door to door in the yard or garden). They are divided neighborhoods buying a right to harvest and take responsibility for reducing waste in their home to sort. Sorting is usually a family affair. The waste is separated by type of material (organics, wood, cardboard, paper, metals, plastics, ...) but also according to their destination. Thus, waste plastics are divided by color, objects (cans, jars, shoes, ...) and so. Regarding these different kinds of plastics, there is a terminology that has been created. Thus, no speak not of PP, PE, PVC, ... but hard plastics, soft, soft ... All fractions obtained are sold to recycling workshops or neighborhood intermediaries who undertake to exploit them. It is not uncommon for a party this waste is directly sold to factories more formal. Thus, passages informal sector to formal sector are quite common.

b. collection established in parallel Some neighborhoods do not always have chains refuse collection household or, if they exist, they may not be enough structured as to introduce a separate collection of waste plastics. In Accordingly, it is necessary to establish a system of proper waste collection plastics. The options are described in Table 3.5.

System Description Advantages Disadvantages Collection door to door Collection agents regularly visit among residents or waste producers to get rid of their plastic waste. These agents may either be employed by the recycling center or be paid to the weight by it. In some countries, workers collecting reward people for kilograms of Plastics received. Possible sensitize residents and Producers waste. Waste plastics collected are often good quality. Slow work requiring a large number of agents. Requires presence residents at the passing agents. Contributions volunteers Containers (closed) are willing to strategic locations in the area targeted by the Project: major intersections, near markets, ... The people or waste producers Plastic lay their plastic used. Containers are routinely removed or emptied. Good system market. No control over quality. Much other wastes found in general in these containers (ie dirt). Awareness difficult to implement. Contributions motivated compensation to weight Collection agents regularly visit strategic locations called "points collection. They reward the people or waste producers to the weight of plastics made. Often, young people perform their same collection door to door and bring plastics obtained at collection points. Control waste quality made. The waste can be paid according to their type if they are already pre-sorted according to variety. Good Awareness is then required. This system can be costly if agents are not adequately trained recognition and prices plastic waste. Table 3.5: Possibilities for inclusion of a collection in parallel collection systems


System Description Advantages Disadvantages Sorting center These centers typically waste sort household into compost. A arrangement is reached with the leaders sorting to sort that also plastic waste. Travel agents regularly to the center to collect the Plastic reward any weight. The waste is already assembled into a place. Centers sort are often interested to rid of these Waste not recovery. Waste Art is often very dirty and contaminated other wastes (metals, paper, cartons, ...) Sort by discharge (photo 3.12) The sorting is done when no collection system Selective has been established. Sorting is then performed by people who earn their living bringing waste plastic in the center of recycling (or collection points). They are paid to the weight of plastics. The waste is assembled into a place. Working conditions precarious (unhealthy). This system is to avoid maximum.

Table 3.5 (continued): Possible inclusion of a collection in parallel systems

existing collection

Photo 3.11: Sort on discharge (Arequipa, in 2003)

When a collection system is proposed voluntary contribution, it is sometimes necessary design of closed containers to avoid any risk of theft of plastic deposited. The figure below illustrates a solution to Kinshasa. This is a drum Oil above which are two angles welded steel tubes. An opening system allows agents locked collection to recover plastic waste during their daily rounds.

Figure 3.4: Trash selectively closed made from a barrel (Kinshasa)

The cost of manufacturing this type of garbage is 75 € (Kinshasa, 2003).

Sample collection reasoned contribution to Yaounde (Cameroon) In Yaoundé, specifically in the area of Etoug-Ebe, NGO CIPRE (Center International promotion of recovery) has established a system collection by providing motivated by a reward in weight. Every fortnight, a dozen agents serving the fifty collection points located in this district of about 100,000. Their role is to receive waste plastics, pre-sorted, weighed, packaged them and reward people who bring them.

Photo 3.12: Agent of calculating the fees collected to pay child (Yaounde)

This system captures ten tonnes of waste plastics months, or one tonne of collection agent. In addition, it offers the advantage of a certain flexibility. Indeed, by adapting its compensation schedule, the IPRC can recover Plastic he wants. Thus, the PE bottles are paid 25 CFA / kg (0.04 € / kg) while a kilo of PVC soles can reach 100 CFA (0,16 €). This system is not exploited to its full potential as a vocation CIPRE is to reduce the impact of plastic waste on the environment.

Example of a mixed Bangalore2 (India) India is one of the most active in the recycling of plastic waste. In Bangalore city, a dual collection system exists. First, 3000-4000 Agents perform a collection door to door and buy plastic waste among residents. These buyers collect traveling on average 10 kg plastics per day for 25 days a month. The source collection can obtain waste plastics quality, little soiled, with a value Merchant interesting. On the other hand, 25,000 people make the sorting of the various shocks city. They extract 15% of recoverable material which 4% of plastic waste. In average, each grader recovers 8 kg of plastic a day and works 20 days a months. The most contaminated waste are resold at lower prices than those collected source.

2 Esha Shah Rajaram, 1997; Plastic Recycling in Bangalore - India, plastic carry case study Recycling, Waste Publications Gouda, the Netherlands.

c. Frequency, transmission and transfer Besides the type of collection system in place, it is important consider three parameters are the frequency of collection, transport and transfer. 1. The collection frequency of waste plastics is assessed during the implementation up the collection system but must be regularly challenged. It depends on various factors such as: - The quantity of waste accumulated from the people where in the points reunification. A collection too infrequent cause accumulations waste and therefore significant nuisance: odor, visual pollution, risk to be eaten by livestock, ... this may discourage the sort and all efforts awareness will be destroyed. - The quality of plastics, which is directly related to storage time of waste sorted at the inhabitant in the streets or in landfills. - Habits of the local community. In some communities, waste are collected every day. A less regular collection of sorted plastics can cause a blockage and prove unworkable. The frequency of collection is an excellent indicator of the quality of collection service. It is necessary to make every effort to make it the highest possible. 2. We can not say it enough: "Transporter is expensive! . And transport plastic is more expensive given their low densities (between 0.9 and 1.4, but the bulk density rarely exceeds 400 kg / m³). It is therefore need to be very careful about this aspect of the project. To do this, some guidance may be followed: - Making yourself up routes, including placing the facility recycling center as possible to the area but also intelligently organizing the pick-up. - Use of transport cheap and environmentally-adapted Local. - Subjecting the best waste to densify the content of vehicles pickup. For this, it is sometimes advisable to have an initial cut before placing in the vehicle.

Photo 3.13: Dumping of municipal refuse Arequipa

The choice of vehicle is very important. There are countless projects that have opted for transportation and misfits whose vehicles (often very sophisticated) is found to stop due to fuel exhaustion, breakdown, parts unobtainable parts, ... It is therefore essential to thoroughly research the local situation before investing. The volumes of waste to be transported and the distances are known from evaluation of the deposit made on the area. The table below shows, in order of increasing investment, the various transportation traditionally used to collect waste urban.

Vehicle Volume Range Accessibility Notes Cart arm 0.25 to 1 m³ ~ 1 km Everywhere Cheap, no negative effects on Environment Scooter to pedals 1.5 m³ 1 to 3 km trail passable Faster, no negative impacts environmental, life sometimes limited. Cart traction Animal 1.5 m³ ~ 7 km Trail wagon wide than 2.5 m Greater investment (purchase, nutrition and care of animals). Few impact on the environment Except for excrement. Small vehicles Motor (motorcycles tractors, scooters, ...) 1.5 to 4 m³ Until ten km Vehicle track life often limited because pushed to their maximum capacity. Fuel expenses. Pick up 3 to 6 m³ Very High Road & Track wagon Significant investment (price purchasing, insurance costs fuel, maintenance, ...). Up to 12 m³ Truck Very high road passable wide minimum Heavy investment, spare spares expensive and sometimes little accessible delivery important for these parts, ...

Table 3.6: Types of collection vehicles

Photo 3.14: primary collection of waste plastics made using a handcart (Kinshasa, 2003)

Accessibility is a more qualitative data. The streets in some neighborhoods are too narrow, congested or not passable for large vehicles pickups can pass.

We appreciate the accessibility by identifying the streets of the area and classify according to their ease of access: - For large vehicles: trucks, pickup - For light vehicles: pickup, van, small motorized vehicles, ... - By non-motorized vehicles: scooters, cart, carts, ... - Only on foot. 3. The concept of transfer occurs when the collection system in place involves different means of transport. This is called different levels collection: - The primary collection. This is the gathering place for the production of waste at knowledge among the inhabitants in the company, at the merchant, When ... distances permit and quantities of waste not collected exceed the capacity of the vehicle used, the waste is directly deposited in the recycling center. - Secondary collection. The distances from collection to landfill or recycling center are sometimes too long, especially for vehicles type carts or scooters. It is better to conduct a Waste collection and transferring it into a vehicle more larger and better suited for long trips. We call these places assembly sites of transfer. - Collection tertiary, quaternary, ... And so, we can multiply the ways transport and transfer sites. Waste may also pass through sorting centers. The recyclables are then transported to the centers recycling while the final waste going to landfill.

Website transfer Center sorting Discharge Center Composting Center Recycling Website transfer Website transfer Primary Secondary Tertiary

Figure 3.5: Example schema collection system primary, secondary, ...

The question is whether to proceed with the transfer of waste collection primary and secondary collection costs of this transfer must be reviewed according to the material used in each phase.

Moreover, we must carefully determine the best method for unloading of vehicles primary and secondary vehicle loading. For this, there are two ways to proceed: - The direct transfer is to simply load the waste by hand or Using tools from vehicle to vehicle primary school. This technique, unfortunately too often used, is very inefficient and not hygienic. The transfer is very slow. We're wasting time (and money) because you synchronize vehicles. The environment is often polluted by waste escaping during operations.

Figure 3.6: Direct Transfer

- Transfer at two levels which is to raise the vehicle for collecting primary sufficiently high as to be able to dump the waste by gravity into the vehicle or in a secondary container. This can be done by constructing ramps, pit, or simply enjoying the natural slope of a slope. The transfer is so much faster and more hygienic. The Economic performance is obviously much better.

Figure 3.7: Ramp unloading a shipment at two levels

Note: A ramp slope is too gentle a lot of space. A slope too steep weight limits contained in the primary vehicles.

To learn more about waste management: H. C. Haan, A. Coad, I. Lardinois, 1999, municipal waste management: Involving micro - and small businesses, translation by F. Weijters-Bage, SKAT, Switzerland. Book for managers of municipal solid waste sought improve service or save money. He answered questions "why" and "How to" engage small groups in community-based collection solid waste from streets, households and businesses. The authors look mainly on the situations encountered in countries with low and medium incomes and derive Many lessons from experiences that were made in Latin America, Asia South-East and Africa. This book can be obtained at: Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd.. 103-105 Southampton Row, London WCIB 4HH, UK tel. : + 44 171 436 9761 fax. : + 44 171 436 2013 e-mail: Website of the NGO WASTE hollandaise, which specializes in management solid waste in developing countries. Some publications (in English) can be directly downloaded from the website (Integrated Sustainable Waste Management UWEP). Others may be ordered by contacting the Verel Vreede, Information Officer (fax: + 31 182 5503 13 e-mail: The Prices vary between 5 and 25 €.

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