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Phantom power is the power consumed by electrical appliances when they are switched off or not in use, but remain plugged in to an electrical socket. Although the phantom power consumption of one individual appliance may be trivial, many appliances within a home or business draw power when not in use, and this power consumption can accumulate. The following articles provide a comprehensive background on phantom power, its effects, and how it can be mitigated.

Overview Articles

Saving Energy by Avoiding Phantom Power. [1]

A brief introduction to phantom power, this article stems from an eco-lifestyle television network called Planet Green. Born in 2008, Planet Green is present both on television and online, and exists to provide information to a broad range of individuals regarding ways to improve the environmental status of our planet. The article covers an introduction to what phantom power is, and why it is necessary to attempt to reduce its consumption.

Phantom Power Data

Phantom Power Consumption of Common Household Appliances. [2]

In a study done by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, many household and business appliances were measured to determine their phantom power consumption. A total of 58 different types of appliances were tested, and for each type of appliance, anywhere from 1 to 64 actual products were measured. The data gathered involves the average phantom power consumption, along with the maximum and minimum. This was an unbiased study carried out to demonstrate how much could be saved by eliminating the phantom power consumption of different appliances in your home or business. Although not completely precise due to the averaging of values, and the lack of specification between models of appliances, the study provides a rough estimation of how much phantom power is consumed by each appliance. The study also draws the conclusion that nearly 10% of home electricity use is a direct result of phantom power.

International Standby Data Project. [3]

The purpose of the International Standby Power Data Project is to collect data on standby power from seven different countries in order to facilitate international comparisons and draw trends in standby consumption. By setting standards for the collection of this data, these countries were able to collaborate in order to determine in-depth issues regarding phantom power consumption. The project was initiated as part of the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Change, and includes Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, and the United States of America. The information is represented graphically in the above link, demonstrating the distribution of devices within a certain category of appliances.

Device Options

Monitoring Devices (Passive)

Watts Up?[4]

Various configurations are available to be integrated into building infrastructure. Connect via Ethernet for minute-by-minute data collection and scheduling/control of entire circuits. This is a high-cost option with devices starting at approximately $200 per circuit.

Consumption-Reducing Options (Active)

Standby Plug [5]

A low-cost device (approximately $20) that shuts off automatically after two minutes of inactivity is detected. Can be used on virtually any appliance or device, and occupies only one plug in each outlet. One Standby Plug is required for each device.

Beaming Sun [6]

Multiple options with versatile configuration, these power bars use consume less than 1 W when fully energized. Average of three-month payback period cited [6]. Also includes surge protection.

Bits Ltd Smart Strip Power Strip[7]

With 10 outlets and surge protection, this is a versatile device. Relatively low cost (approx. $40).

WattStopper Isolé[8]

Using passive infrared technology, the power bar switches all devices on/off. Coverage is approximately 300 sq.ft. at 120-degree viewing angle, but can be expanded with multiple sensors and expansion pack. Relatively high-cost option (approx. $90), but more desirable for locations where occupants are ambivalent to electricity consumption, because they are not responsible for its cost.

Mini Power Minder [9]

Connecting via USB to a computer, peripheral devices (printer, scanner, speakers, monitors, etc.) can be shut off when the computer is shut down. A very affordable option (approx. $15) to simplify leaving a workspace.

Peer-Reviewed and Published Literature

Energy Consumption by Office and Telecommunications Equipment in Commercial Buildings: Volume I – Energy Consumption Baseline [10]

A detailed examination of electronic equipment typically found in office buildings, as commissioned by the Office of Building Equipment, Office of Building Technology State and Community Programs. Outlined is the need for equipment with lower stand-by consumption and methods by which this can be obtained for several devices.

Sources for Economic and Environmental Analysis

Ontario’s Minimum Wage Increases [11]

Used in determining cost of labour to transition business from existing power bars to new technology.

  1. "Dunn, Colin. “Saving Energy by Avoiding Phantom Power”. Planet Green. March 23, 2008."
  2. "Meier, Alan. “Standby Power Summary Table”. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 2009.
  3. " Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Change. “International Standby Power Data Project”. Asia Pacific Partnership. 2009.
  6. 6.0 6.1
  10. Energy Consumption by Office and Telecommunications Equipment in Commercial Buildings: Volume I – Energy Consumption Baseline. ‘’K.W. Roth, F. Goldstein, J. Kleinman. ‘’Arthur D. Little, Inc. Cambridge, MA. (2002).’’
  11. Ontario Ministry of Labour: Ontario’s Minimum Wage Increases ‘’(Accessed: 7/2/2010).’’
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