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All measures aimed to let the crop dry-up faster, have a preventive effect on fungi. We can provide a wide spacing, a windy and weed-free place and adequate ventilation in the greenhouse. Both stressed plants (by supplying too much N) and crops with a growth arrest fall prey to fungi. Besides the essantial crop rotation are also nominated rock flour. If effectively applied by spraying an infusion of horsetail (horsetail) or elemental sulfur. In an early attack and remove the affected plants burning up. Once the mold is properly seated occupant, without chemicals not much to do.
All measures aimed to let the crop dry-up faster, have a preventive effect on fungi. We can provide a wide spacing, a windy and weed-free place and adequate ventilation in the greenhouse. Both stressed plants (by supplying too much N) and crops with a growth arrest fall prey to fungi. Besides the essantial crop rotation, sprayings with rock meal are also possible. Sprayings with Equisetum arvense extract or pure sulfur are considered effective. At a beginning infestation, we remove the infected plants and burn them. Once the mold has well infected our crops, there really isn't much to do about it anymore without the use of chemical agents.


Revision as of 10:53, 19 December 2009

Part 4: Crop protection

  • Causers of diseases and pests

Deviations in the crop can be caused by:

  • A. Non-animal parasitic organisms
    • Fungi
    • Bacteria

If an infection is caused by non-animal parasitic organisms, they are called diseases.

  • B. Animal parasitic organisms
    • Nematodes
    • Insects
    • Mites
    • Mammals
    • Birds

If an infection is caused by animal parasitic organisms, they are called pests.

  • C. Non-parasitic causes
    • Soil influences
    • Weather influences
    • Air pollution

These disrupt the physiology of the crop. We talk of physiogenic diseases.

  • D. Weeds

These compete with the crop for water, nutrients, light and space.

A. Non-animal parasitic organisms


Fungi are categorised to the lower plants. They contain no chlorophyll and are dependent for their nutrition on dead and living organic matter. They consist of microscopic filaments (hyphae) which are sometimes packed together as a visible tissue (mycelium). Molds propogate mainly trough spores, which are very fine spheres that are dispersed by wind, water and also by animals. With sufficient moisture and warmth, the fungi develop rapidly. The damage that fungi cause is of major economic importance. We currently know some 3000 harmful fungi.

Commonly appearing on plants:

Germing fungi

These can infect the seedlings in the nursery. The disease is also called smoldering. The young seedlings start to melt or fall over. Sometimes the plants don't rise above the soilsurface because the fungus has already struck them at the germination. It is best to hold off with sowing until the soil has warmed and dried enough. Also, do not sow too deep in the soil, nor too close together.


This fungus manifests itself from the soil at humid weather and first targets the dying plant parts of a crop. Then it goes on to healthy plant parts. These will discolorate, and after this, they will exhibit a gray mold fluff, full of fresh spores for a new spreading.


With "Mildew", 2 diseases are meant: powdery mildew and downy mildew. Powdery mildew usually appears around the middle of July as woolly spots on top of the leaves. Moments later they are covered with a flour-like layer. The fungus draws moisture from the leaf cells, which makes the leaf discolor brownish and makes it dry-out. With the downy mildew, the symptoms are pale-yellow discolored spots on top of the leaf and white, powdery fungal fluff at the bottom. The leaves discolorate brown afterwards.

Prevention All measures aimed to let the crop dry-up faster, have a preventive effect on fungi. We can provide a wide spacing, a windy and weed-free place and adequate ventilation in the greenhouse. Both stressed plants (by supplying too much N) and crops with a growth arrest fall prey to fungi. Besides the essantial crop rotation, sprayings with rock meal are also possible. Sprayings with Equisetum arvense extract or pure sulfur are considered effective. At a beginning infestation, we remove the infected plants and burn them. Once the mold has well infected our crops, there really isn't much to do about it anymore without the use of chemical agents.


This small microscopic organisms can also cause damage to plants (Erwinia and Pseudomona). These are they who cause root rot and root crops and various spots or wilting diseases in other plants. Against bacterial diseases are no effective pesticides. Modern varieties are often resistant fruit and a wide variety prevents damage.


Even under a normal microscope, these minuscule organisms unobservable. Viruses are so primitive up above that they live outside their hosts could go on. Yet they are able to cause persistent disease with symptoms such as growth inhibition and malformations. Viruses can be transferred to dozens of ways such as through aphids, fungi, contact, contaminated irrigation water, ... Viruses are hard to combat. Preventive can think of few precautions to help prevent an infection counter such as:

  • Burn diseased plants
  • Healthy seeds and healthy plants buy
  • Grow varieties that are not susceptible to viruses
  • Carefully weed control
  • Effectively combat aphids

Also never put one young plants or seed beds next to older plants or plants that bear seeds already. Modern varieties are frequently resistant to viruses or at least tolerant.

B. Animal parasitic organisms

1. Nematodes

Nematodes are always present in the soil. The colorless worms are less than 1mm wide, not visible with the naked eye. Most species are demolition of organic matter, few parasites on living plants and are sucking the empty cells. The cyst-forming nematodes put their eggs in the ground in cysts (hard spheres filled with eggs, with the naked eye to observe), which can survive years in the soil to grow the same vegetable species or a related cysts that awakens . As a nematode population may cause a lot or a place seemingly without reason failed. One speaks about soil fatigue. Infestation by nematodes is by promoting a common crop in the same place to grow, why always only a wide variety growing again. If defense can Tagetes (marigold) plants. This separating substances through their roots with a aaltjesdodende operation and easy to use as a border planting or cultivation.


Insects belong to the arthropods. Insects have 3 pairs of legs and are usually winged. During their lives, most insects undergo a transformation or metamorphosis. This can be done through the stage of Nymphenburg, the young larvae already in the adult insect appears, but has no wings (aphids, locusts, thrips). In a vollledige metamorphosis seems not to mature insect larvae and is there still a transition through the first stage of the dummy, often at a hidden place in a self-spun cocoon (moth, beetle). Of all known species, 70% belongs to the insects, they have a hard skeleton, reproduce quickly and adapt to continue most of mileus. Many of these insects have specialized in life in certain crops. In monocultures on large plots may result in whole pests. There are some insects that occur on various crops.


An aphid is a parasite that since March in the garden appears. They are small oval 2-3mm long insect in black or gray green. They carry on their abdomen, two tubular wasklieren which they secrete sugars in the form of a sticky substance which is called honeydew. Ants love and stay there are usually close to aphids. Best known are the green peach aphid and black bean aphid. Especially in hot weather the aphids multiply rapidly as the lice in the summer and Parthenocarpy vivipare (without fertilization and viviparous) propagates. They occur on the underside of the leaf. Lice are sucking insects that feed on plant sap with. We can observe the curl and wilting of the leaves and shoots on which they sit (youngest leaves). The damage is manifested by:

  • Growth inhibition and arrest
  • Formation of black spot, a black fungus on the honeydew
  • Transmission of viruses

Weak or imbalanced plants are first affected. We go ok for preventive care

  • A healthy and strong plant (balanced diet and certainly not too much nitrogen)
  • Plant strengtheners such as nettle manure, seaweed extracts, fertilization with rock flour, sowing nasturtium catch crops

When damage can spray with

  • A solution of brown soap in a soap spirit
  • Vegetable insecticides such as pyrethrum, or derris kwassia (bitter wood)
  • The use of natural enemies such as leieveheersbeestjes, especially parasitic wasps and gall midges under glass

Nature Fleas Its 3mm small beetles with long back legs that can jump high. They are best recognized by their metallic sheen. They eat holes in the lower leaves of germinating plants. Especially in dry, crusty soils in cool and dry weather they are active. One can drive by them in full sun cold water pouring over the plants. To catch them you can use a glue board. A bottom shelf is bombard with glue or wood tar. In the middle we confirmed that they have soft bristles leaves the crop ironing. The flea will jump up in the glue stick.

Emelten This is the larva of the Crane fly, she is around 5 cm long and gray in color. Emelten occur on wet grounds overgrown with weeds or where green parts (grass) are digging. They eat the roots and stems of virtually all crops and can cause major tasks. Prevention is by keeping the ground free of weeds and grasses under no work. Emelten can catch on a hot day by the upper part of the ground search. It can be equally chicken to do this work.

Ritnaalden These are copper colored, worm-shaped larvae of skipjack. They are a typical problem for newly cleared land. They stay 3 to 5 years under the ground and to 2 cm. They mainly eat half decomposed vegetable matter and have a preference for root and tuber crops. They eat the plants roots and pierce into the stems, the plants wither this. Prevention can occur through the soil weeds free. Ritnaalden can be replaced by a potato in the middle and cutting it with the cut down 5 cm deep in the ground to dig.

Nature Caterpillars Dir is the larva of a moth to a butterfly-like brown. They are such a 4 cm wide. In peace or a danger to roll them in a spiral. They like warm, dry soils and light soils where they Eich daytime hiding. At night they go to raid also above the ground and eat young shoots off precisely at the separation of land and air. Prevention can occur through weeds and green already working in the winter. Since the larvae do not keep the moisture first weeks after planting enough casting. A good vehicle is a bait worms based on 25% of hardwood sawdust, wheat bran 25%, 50% syrup or molasses and water to this mix. Caterpillars come out, and remain the stuff hanging. Morning delivery as they are on the ground. At temperatures above 15 ° C can also work with Bacillus thuringiensis. The evening administration, the effect was only visible after a few days. Caterpillars have a hate sage, by this herb to be planted, they expelled.


Mites are not insects. They belong to the order of the spiders, 8 feet. This does damage to crops is the spider mite, and is mostly under glass. These suck juices from the plant which has white dots on the top of the leaves. Later, the entire leaf brown. Spider mites prefer to live in a dry climate. Regular spraying or Broeze is less likely to aantsating. Spider mites can fight with spirit soap. The conservatory can also use natural enemies such as predatory mites and predatory bug.


Mice and rats All rats and mice eat do damage to crops. Only the shrew (dolleke) which is an insect eater, is useful in the garden. Mice can drive through to plant mint. You can catch them with traps and terminals or explaining poisoned bait.

Mollen The mole is a useful insects opruimer, but recovery from eating earthworms and creating seed beds in corridors and hope he is a gentleman unwanted in the garden. They gnaw not as sometimes thought to plant roots. To them one can exclude plants with a plant more resistant or more minor effect as imperial crown (1 to 8 meter around the garden) and cross-leaf spurge (about 10 plants per acre), a clove of garlic in the corridors, the mole scare . The most efficient for them to address his moll moll Enver clamps or hunters.

Rabbits These rodents do too much damage to crops. In nearby forests you best connect your garden with a dense mesh of 1 m high that most another 20 cm is buried in the ground. To protect young trees can these instrijken manure with lime. 3 parts pig manure, 1 part cow manure, 1 part lime and mix it with water to a string equivalent mixture.


The snail belongs to the molluscs. They just feel good in wet conditions and are especially active at night. The snails have low toxicity, especially the slugs are voracious. They eat not only grating holes in the leaves. Especially soft parts of plants and young seedlings must suffer. Preventive measures are moist places from which they operate isolate such weeds, grass strips brief, waste piles clean. Cm strips of wood ashes and some sharp sand to keep snails. Snails hate some plants such as nasturtiums, sage, hyssop, thyme and mustard. Even in the winter rye cover crop as snails seem to be divested. A slakkeval can make a jam that we're right on the edge digging into the ground, pour it for 1 / 3 beer, snails love it but drown in it.

C. Non-parasitic causes (physio = disease gene)

Soil Influences

  • Lack or excess nutrients
  • Too much or too little water
  • Poor structure
  • Adverse pH
  • To high salinity

Weather Influences

  • Adverse temperature
  • Light defect
  • Rain, hail
  • Adverse humidity
  • Wind and storm

Air pollution

  • Acid rain


Weeds are plants that grow in places where they are not wanted. They can damage because

  • The yield is less due to competition
  • They transmit diseases and pests
  • Because the crop can not illuminate and there is more chance of fungal attack

Weeds are wild plants that grow strongly and continue to grow crops soon. Weeds are also difficult to get away. Seed masses spreading weeds seeds that spread by the wind and 50 years in the soil are waiting for favorable conditions to germinate. In the weeds seeds we distinguish between the annuals that germinate in the spring and summer (chamomile, ragwort, knapweed) and two year olds that germinate in autumn and seeds are in the following years (daisy, dandelion). Furthermore, we know the remaining weeds that spread by rhizomes or underground stems that root is also called weeds (breeding, horsetail, thistle, nettle). Wall street and grass germinate and grow throughout the year.

How to prevent weeds? Field Hygiene: Remove all weed seeds in the will. Weeds on the compost heap will be just as dead in the hope the temperature is high enough (50 ° -60 ° C).

Fruit Variety: many weeds are linked to culture plants. By crop variety we shake the weed pattern together. Weed plants cover the ground completely inhibit or are so far apart that we can properly between heels. Weed species promoters do not have these qualities, and garlic chives.

Land cover: The cover of the soil prevented the hurry of weeds. When mulching, organic matter in thin layers between the plant made. The application of the mulchlaag can only happen when the seedlings are well above or if the plants are planted. Sow or plant in a mulchlaag is impossible. The mulchlaag not aanbregen frost sensitive plants in mid May By covering the soil with the cold nights will not be able to radiate heat so the danger of frost is greater.

<! - Burning is another possible solution, this should be indicated, another solution is steam -> Teel Techniques The interweaving of land were needlessly avoid because of the underlying strata many weed seeds to emerge. Sow in rows facilitates weed control. The first planting of cultivated plants will be ahead of the weeds. At first the weed seedlings to emerge, this away and then hoeing the ground for sowing was very superficial.

Fighting Weeding: this is done in seed beds in the heel which can not be worked. Larger plants can best pull. Hoeing and chopping: sets the cut weeds just below the ground. Scrape a hoe on the ground, you make a pushing movement with it as you get back. A heel is increasingly attracting to itself while forward steps. The best moment in dry sunny weather after a period of rain when the soil has dried sufficiently. The chopping and hoeing weeds is as small as possible. The larger the weed the harder. In dry and sunny weather the weeds remain. In wet weather, the weeds removed so they can not get regrowth.

Chemical Root after the hoeing weeds or cut off just grow their underground root parts can fight with a systemic herbicide in the system of the plant is contained and transported to all parts, including the roots. The more active the growth of the plant, the faster and better the effect will be. Glyfosfaat is a historic (non-degradable organic) example. Degradable organic herbicides would this also should be used.

Annual weed seed can then confront with a total contact herbicide. For the 1-year germination of weed seeds to prevent soil can use herbicides, they are sprayed on a weed free soil and to prevent the germination of weeds.

Control of plant

Currently, we come to realize that a growing set of measures equilibria in nature as well as possible state must be kept. This enables the development of diseases and pests as much as possible to prevent and kill. Within this view is only room for limited use of chemicals. We call this integrated control, which can see through the use of biological control and cultural measures the use of chemicals to a minimum.

A. Preventive measures cultivation

1. Choosing the right plants in a soil culture and their suitability for our climate. 2. A fruit variety weloverdachte 3. Select varieties with resistance or still possess a high degree of resistance against diseases and pests. 4. Proper soil preparation 5. Healthy seeds and cultivation of a healthy young plants 6. Favorable sowing and planting times, which not only the state of the land and the requirements of the plant growing season and temperature to be determined, but that the magnitude of the risk of damage by parasitic and non-parasitic causes (frost) are involved. 7. One of the requirements of the plant-oriented fertilization (non-concentrated nitrogen) 8. Timely and professional system of cultivation measures (sowing depth, seed distance, climate in the greenhouse, weed control, ...)

B. Mechanical plant

This end we count all devices and objects that can be used to keep crops healthy.

  • Weeding and hoeing
  • Fences against damage caused by
  • Horticultural Netting: this is an insect with very fine mesh of synthetic mesh (1 mm) where no insects can pass

C. Biological control

This is use of natural enemies against pests and diseases are bred for that purpose. The natural enemies are as follows:

  • They suck the plague organism empty as the larva of the lacewing and the gall midge and the predatory mite
  • They lay one egg in the plague organism as the parasitic wasp.
  • They eat the pests in the larvae and as the image of the ladybug and the predatory bug
  • They separate toxic emissions in the plague organism or pest organism make it otherwise ill as nematodes and bacteria

Natural Pest enemy aphid parasitic wasp, ladybird, gall midge mineervlieg parasitoid predatory mite, predatory bug whitefly parasitic wasp, predatory bug, fungus spider mites, gall midge caterpillar parasitoid, bacterial Varenrouwmug predatory mites, nematodes mealybugs parasitic wasp, predatory beetle vine weevil nematodes

D. Allowable biological crop protection products

Plant Infusions This means plants in cold or warm water steeped for a time. The liquid will then be seven by a linen cloth and then on the crop or soil spray or squirt. Most funds contain trace elements and plant hormones the cell walls strengthen and reinforce the defense of plants. Some also contain substances that kill or inhibit the endorsed organism. Treatment should be repeated so often since the start of cultivation.

-Wormwood absinthe: the poisonous plant contains bitter substances that make the plant unpalatable for insects. Effective against aphids and mites. Stock: 200-300 g of dried wormwood to pour boiling water over. 1 days after dilution to 10 liter. Seven of the plant and spraying.

Tansy: animals find and taste unpleasant odor of this plant and not eat there. Against various insects. Extract: 300g fresh plant parts to 10 liter of water. First, cook briefly and then 24 hours rest. Seven and syringes.

Nettle: the active substance is formic acid. It is the softest known cure for aphids, not against other insects. Stock: 1kg fresh nettles in cold water for 10 liter. After seven and maximum of 24 hours undiluted. Gier: the mixture about 5 days leave. Add flour and stir regularly rock. Ten times dilution and pour on the ground. The slurry is used as reinforcing fertilizer.

Horsetail: This herb contains much silica that would strengthen the cell walls. An extract of horsetail has a good reputation against fungal diseases. Stock: 1 kg 150 g fresh or dried horsetail fifteen minutes to boil water in 10 liter. A few hours to draw, seven, and 5 to 10 times dilution for spraying.

Seaweed Extract: extracts of brown and green algae contain much potassium, a high content of trace elements and magnesium. Their growth-promoting value it writes to the vitamins, plant hormones and enzymes. It strengthens resistance to disease and promotes growth.

Derris and kwassia: harmless to humans but is less effective as insecticide

Rock Flour Seaweed Calcium, basalt lava and flour have a crop protective function. They increase the acidity which impairs development. The fine work gesteentemelen drying and damage the wax of many insects. By Dusting or spraying the plants covered with a thin layer of dust. Treatment evening run and it should not rain 12 hours (up to 2 times per month) dose 250g/are.

Commercial Preparations Soap: a solution (hot water) from 1 to 3% (10-30g/liter) soft soap (green or brown) has moderate activity against aphids and some other insects. The insects must be properly concerned with the soap solution.

Soap Spiritus: ditto above but add 50 ml spirits in 1 liter of water

Sulfur: one injection of pure sulfur Atomizes against many fungi (mildew and scab). Is harmless to humans and animals.

Bordease Dad: A mixture of copper sulphate and slaked lime in prevention of scab. It is a very old way. The copper ions in the magazine prevent the germination of fungal spores and the calcium also increases the pH.

Pyrethrum: plant based insecticide for all cold blooded creatures a strong neurotoxin. Is virtually harmless to warm-blooded. Pyrethrum breaks down within 48 hours. Other vegetable insecticide Rotenone and Koppert Koppert Plant Clean.

Growing Combination Just as it is difficult for people of different nature to live side by side, plants also have this problem. Plant roots separated from the different growth inhibitors and off, making a different kind of worse or better can grow. This is called a reciprocal negative to positive influence. The insights obtained from this basic principle was the so-called mix or combination cultivation. They plant different vegetables, herbs, and groentbemesters together or close together, which should be sought that the earth is covered throughout the year. This method of gardening are striking results. Except for reasons of pest and disease prevention are also often motivated others, such as more efficient space utilization, higher yields, better utilization of nutrients in the soil, improving the taste to harvest products, wind shelter, etc. For those who feel attracted to this end, the winter months particularly suitable for this purpose the necessary knowledge. By reading literature or knowledge with other gardeners can crop combinations for the upcoming season is already down. Who is this deal going, will soon discover that the good neighbor next crop plants are also bad neighbor.

Crop rotation The aim of rotation is to try the harmful effects of the continuous cultivation of same crop reduction. Especially in the vegetable should be washed regularly other on the same plot to cultivate. The proceeds will thus increase. For small gardens rotation seems a pious wish, but where possible, one must try January 1 to 3 and preferably 4 to January 1 system to introduce. This means that with a given crop within three years on the same site should come back. To some this administration does not escape. The benefit of rotation in the vegetable garden that certain parasitic organisms this heavy infection pressure can build. Examples are: cabbage and turnip feet in some soil dwelling nematodes.

List of possible plant combinations -> To be added

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