PV powered universities

Photovoltaic module shading: Smart Grid impacts [1]

Abstract In the design of a solar photovoltaic system, one criterion that continues to receive low priority is the provision of minimum inter row spacing for photovoltaic modules. Consumers and installers alike strive to maximize area usage for systems such that they achieve the highest amount of annual energy output. This, in turn, leads to module rows being designed very close to each other; with array tilt lowered in an attempt to reduce inter row shading. This design practice fails to take into consideration many effects that close row spacing can have on system output. When designing a photovoltaic array to optimize its performance as a power generator and its contribution to the electric grid during peak demand periods - shading concerns become a key consideration. This paper describes a process developed at Rowan University's Center for Sustainable Design to test the impact that inter row shading can have on power output and performance across the day. A test rig and protocol were created which tested module's output given various depths of shading from one row of modules upon another. The exclusion of bypass diodes in the system was also tested to view the most extreme possible cases of power loss induced by shading. The results of this experimentation showed that even very small amounts of shading upon solar photovoltaic modules can lead to significant loss in power generation. As more PV systems are installed on the utility system their availability during peak times becomes an ever increasing requirement for Smart Grid success. This paper also explores the ramifications that proper inter row spacing design guidelines could have on reinforcing some of the fundamental principles of Smart Grid.

Comparison of photovoltaic module performance at Pu'u Wa'a Wa'a [2]

Abstract: Hawaii is experiencing a substantial increase in grid-tied PV installations and utility companies are concerned with the resulting grid management issues. To address these concerns and to enable the utilities to make informed decisions, the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) of the University of Hawaii initiated a PV test program that provides high-resolution data to characterize module and array performance under a variety of local climatic conditions. In the first phase of the project HNEI developed a PV test bed located at Pu'u Wa'a Wa'a ranch on the Kona coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. Initially we selected seven different PV technologies for testing consisting of poly-crystalline, mono-crystalline, amorphous, and mixed technologies. The test modules comprise 200 W units, tilted at 20°, with maximum power point trackers, via small inverters connected to the grid or via charge controllers connected to a battery and load bank. The data is sampled at 1 Hz and stored in a database for visualization and analysis. This paper presents a description of the test bed design, the high data rate Data Acquisition System (DAS), and initial experimental results.

  1. P. M. Jansson, K. Whitten, and J. L. Schmalzel, “Photovoltaic module shading: Smart Grid impacts,” in 2011 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), 2011, pp. 323–328.
  2. S. Busquet, J. Torres, M. Dubarry, M. Ewan, B. Y. Liaw, L. Cutshaw, and R. Rocheleau, “Comparison of photovoltaic module performance at Pu’u Wa’a Wa’a,” in 2010 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2010, pp. 002666–002671.
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