Improved performance of hybrid photovoltaic-trigeneration systems over photovoltaic-cogen systems including effects of battery storage

This paper reviews several blocks required for simulation of CHP(Combined Heat and Power)+PV(Photovoltaic) hybrid systems. It even explains the several advantages of using CHP+PV hybrid systems over CHP+ centralized electric generators.


-Low emission of GHG(Green House Gas).

-High efficiency as most of the waste heat is utilized for heating water, space heating etc.

-Improved performance.

-Higher normalized power indices.

Review of PV(Photovoltaic)

-In PV technology solar energy is directly converted to electricity. The efficiency is only about 6-20%.

-The PV has irregularities due to local weather conditions. Thus, PV technology is not consistent throughout the year. So, PV technology is combined with CHP unit.

Review of CHP(Combined Heat and Power)

-The CHP unit uses fuel like natural gas, bio-gas etc to generate electricity.

-The co-generation unit also produces thermal energy which is harnessed by a heat exchanger and utilized

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