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Problem being addressed

Complications due to prolonged second stage of labor include potentially fatal maternal (hemorrhage, infection) and newborn complications (birth asphyxia and trauma) are major sources of maternal and neonatal morbidity. In settings with limited surgical capacities and human resource constraints, a low-cost, simple and non-surgical means of assisting with labor may save the lives of many mothers and infants.

Detailed description of the solution

The Odon Device is made of film-like polyethylene material and may be potentially safer and easier to apply than forceps and vacuum extractor (contraindicated in cases of HIV infection) for assisted deliveries, and a safe alternative to some Caesarean sections in settings with limited surgical capacity and human resource constraints. The five steps of its use can be found at http://www.odondevice.org/device.php.

Designed by

  • Designed by:

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/maternal_perinatal/odon_device/en/index.html

  • Manufacturer location:

Manufactured globally.

When and where it was tested/implemented

The method was tested successfully in 2008 at Des Moines University and holds potential for addressing prolonged labor without advanced medical technology or expertise. http://maternova.net/health-innovations/od%C3%B3n-device-novel-%E2%80%9Cplastic-bag%E2%80%9D-paradigm-assisted-vaginal-delivery

There are currently clinical trials in Argentina and rural South Africa. Phase I (Feto-maternal feasibility and security) was launched at the Saavedra branch of CEMIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina. http://savinglivesatbirth.net/summaries/38

Funding Source

Awarded Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge, July 2011, which is sponsored by USAID, the Government of Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Canada, and The World Bank.


Other internally generated reports

See media page for links to numerous video news sources, including BBC and CNN: http://www.odondevice.org/media.php

YouTube demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGLLXFzULd4

Externally generated reports

YouTube video of creator's talk at WHO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC81DFcW2Os

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