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Problem being addressed

Due to the invasive nature of the cesarean section, there are many complications that may hurt the or even kill the mother, including: maternal blood loss, infection, uterine rupture, placental accreta, placental increta, placental percreta, etc. Decreasing the invasiveness of the procedure may reduce the problems with these issues.

Detailed description of the solution

The Kiwi Omni-C Cup is a vacuum cup that attaches to the fundal end of the fetal head after the incision into the uterus. The cup applies a suction seal to the fetus after pumping of the suction pump by the physician. Then the physician pulls the fetus from the mother by using the Kiwi device. This technique decreases the incision size, which is reduced to the size of the head of the fetus, thus decreasing blood loss and recovery time.

Designed by

  • Designed by: Clinical Innovations
  • Distribution: It is currently being distributed world-wide.


Internally generated reports

Clinical Innovations - Kiwi Vacuum Delivery System. (n.d.). Welcome to Clinical Innovations. Retrieved October 16, 2012. Link available here.

McQuivey, R., LaPorte, V., & Vacca, A. (n.d.). Vacuum Assisted Delivery of the Fetal Head at Cesarean Section . Clinical Innovations. Retrieved October 16, 2012. PDF available here.

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