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Production of soil compressed blocks is environmentally friendly, because only very little water, very little cement and no firewood are used in production. Unfortunately, even the most affordable block makers are prohibitively expensive, have low throughput and require frequent maintenance. Additionally, many building projects face high materials costs. By designing interlocking blocks, the need for mortar (the white compound between bricks to hold them in place) is eliminated.

We are working on a low-cost, environmentally friendly, ergonomical press that can improve the economic well-being of people with very low incomes. By making this widely available, even in the most remote locations, communities can use their local resources to make blocks, and enrich the area with buildings to suit their needs.

Understanding the Market

An excellent technology can be viewed here: [1]

The design makes a durable block very quickly. After it is compressed, as they show, it must be set in the sun for 24 hours to dry out. This is in contrast to the way many bricks are currently made, since they are fired in unhealthy, polluting kilns.

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Contact details

The members of the team are:

  • Dennis Chibwe: Zambia, DISACARE Wheelchairs
  • Mariela Paredes: Guatemala, Agua Pura
  • Federico Ábrego "Lico" Recinos: Honduras, FTSAR
  • John Shawa: Zambia, Light of Hope Community Center
  • Shamo Thar: Tibet, Qinghai Normal University
  • Limbor Velasquez: Honduras, FTSAR
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