This is a collaborative research page for members of Engr370 Energy, Technology and Society from January to May 2011.

Instructions for adding

Please use the following format:

Organization name


"Mission text."

Work on energy related issues

Describe in your words.[1]

Contact Info

Contact info

Humboldt Bay Center For Sustainable Living


The main mission of the Humboldt Bay Center For Sustainable Living is to be a model for future organizations on how to live in a sustainable manner. They would also like to be a model on how to educate and inspire people who are passionate about this field of work.

Work on energy related issues

The Humboldt Bay Center For Sustainable Living uses on-going research to help educate the public about the benefits of sustainable living. They have held hands-on workshops, numerous exhibits, and guided tours that all encourage public participation. This organization also helps develop "Green" businesses during their crucial beginning stages. One important project that this organization is working on is the development of the Humboldt Bay Eco-Hostel.

Contact Info

Humboldt Bay Center For Sustainable Living
P.O. Box 309
Arcata, CA 95518
Telephone: 707-822-7931

Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District


" Reliably deliver high quality drinking water to the communities and customers we serve in the greater Humboldt Bay Area at a reasonable cost. Reliably deliver untreated water to our wholesale industrial customer(s) at a reasonable cost. Protect the long-term water supply and water quality interests of the District in the Mad River watershed." [2]

Work on energy related issues

HBMWD is increasing the energy efficiency of their buildings by replacing single pane windows with double pane windows and installing energy efficient lighting . Current activities also include energy efficiency and use reduction as needed to replace or repair pumps and motors. HBWMD also operates a hydro-electric plant.

Contact Info

Carol Rische
828 Seventh Street/P.O. Box 95
Eureka, CA 95502
Phone: (707) 443-5018
Fax: (707) 443-5731

Locally Delicious


"The first goal of Locally Delicious is to encourage you to obtain a larger percentage of your food from our region. Your personal choices in eating can make a difference in your own health, the health of our community, our nation and the world at large. Eating within our region gives you better-tasting food, improves your nutrition and our local economy, and enriches our community. It reduces our carbon footprint and reduces the pollution and disease generated by industrial agriculture. Some of your choices can also contribute to solving issues of hunger on a global basis." [3]

Work on energy related issues

Describe in your words.[4]

Contact Info

Heirloom Tomatoes



The mission of Ourevolution consists of providing a "professional collaborative" approach to change in regards to engineering and technology. Their goal is to communicate "energy efficient" and "environmentally conscious" systems to the public and the community.

Work on energy related issues

Ourevolution is an organization that has numerous projects currently running in the energy related field. Engineers associated with this company have worked with hotels by providing energy efficient design reviews and have conducted economic analyses of these proposed hotels. They did the initial study for the Humboldt Waste Management Authority Anaerobic Food Waste Digester Project and provided a Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Solid Waste feasibility study for the Karuk Tribe of California.

Contact Info

1385 Eighth Street, Suite E
Arcata, CA 95521

Pacific Forest Trust


"Retain. Sustain. Gain." PFT is working to Retain our forest infrastructure by raising awareness of the threats to privately owned working forests and by directly conserving critical forestlands in partnership with landowners and communities across the United States. We lead the country in the use of working forest conservation easements that ensure productive forests stay working. And we help protect the integrity of important public forests by conserving neighboring private lands threatened by development. PFT helps Sustain forests by employing state-of-the-art forest stewardship practices on the thousands of acres we manage in the Pacific West. Through our national consulting, speaking and advocacy work we also promote exemplary forest management to landowners, policymakers and the public, so people across the United States will better understand that forestry is key to ecosystem conservation. PFT also helps both landowners and the public Gain from working forests by developing and promoting forest ecosystem services. These services form the basis for a sustainable business model that yields financial returns from land management practices that offer direct benefits to the public, such as reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that warm the atmosphere, protecting watershed quality and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat.[5]

Work on energy related issues

PFT is the organization that provides conservation and management for the Van Eck Forest Project. Located north of Arcata, CA in Humboldt County, the forest serves as California’s first forest to be registered under the California’s Forest Protocols and California Air Resources Board (CARB) standards for GHG emission reduction goals. PFT actively trades and sells carbon credits from the Van Eck property and others in the region.

Contact Info

The Pacific Forest Trust
1001-A O'Reilly Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94129

Phone: 415.561.0700

Redwood Coast Energy Authority


"RCEA's mission is to develop and implement sustainable energy initiatives that reduce energy demand, increase energy efficiency, and advance the use of clean, efficient, and renewable resources available in the region." [6]

Work on energy related issues [7]

The Redwood Coast Energy Authority is a joint powers authority who continuously monitors for new opportunities that best support and promote their mission They currently are working on 6 specific projects.

  • Redwood Coast Energy Watch (RCEW): This is a partnership between RCEA and Pacific Gas & Electric which offers local energy efficiency services to the entire county of Humboldt. Through education, incentives, and project management, this program helps the participating clients to save energy by reducing their energy demand.
    • A subset of the RCEW is the Humboldt Non-Profit Energy Efficiency Program. Non-profit organizations are eligible to receive up to full funding for their energy efficiency retrofit projects through utility incentives and matching RCEW funds.
  • Fluorescent Take-It-Back Program: A free program that encourages residents to recycle old and used fluorescent lamps. It also provides a helpful resource for the community to establish and locate appropriate fluorescent recycling centers in the county.
  • Humboldt Green Building Program: A joint project between RCEA and Plan It Green that is county-wide and provides practical design guidelines, information, and resources for home owners and builders so they can be up-to-date with the new California Green Building Codes and sustainable building.
  • Renewable Energy Secure Communities(RESC): RCEA is a part of a pilot study funded by a California Energy Commission that will attempt to research pathways in which Humboldt County can be as self-sustainable as possible by generating 75-100% of energy within the county originating from renewable resources.
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program: This program is a part of a larger implementation plan, Assembly Bill 32, and it helps to assist local jurisdictions to analyze, plan, implement, and monitor greenhouse gas reduction measures.
  • Humboldt General Plan Update: The General Plan has a specific section, an Energy Element, designed to help the county be self-sufficient and produce its own sustainable renewable energy. RCEA has been designated by the County Board of Supervisors to implement this Energy Element by means of a Comprehensive Action Plan for Energy.

Contact Info

Redwood Coast Energy Authority
517 5th Street
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 269 - 1700 (local)
(800) 931 - RCEA (toll free)
(800) 931 - 7321 (toll free)
Fax: (707) 269 - 1777



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