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Problem being addressed

Jaundice in newborns is an extremely common condition that can result in kernicterus (brain damage) or even death without medical treatment. Resource-limited areas often lack the equipment necessary to treat this condition with phototherapy. In addition, phototherapy systems are generally large so they cannot be transported, causing newborns to extend their stay in hospitals.

Detailed description of the solution

The home phototherapy unit is a small, portable device that can treat jaundice in newborns at home. The light waves transform toxic bilirubin in the newborn’s blood into a safer product. This unit has a timer, cooling system, an alarm, four folding legs. It is transportable and can be easily used by any caregiver.

Designed by

  • Designed by: Ehsan Dargazy
  • Manufacturer: Tosan Co.
  • Manufacturer location: Iran

When and where it was tested/implemented



Other internally generated reports

Tosan Co. (2012). Home Phototherapy 027. Retrieved November 29, 2013 from here.

Externally generated reports

Design to Improve Life. Home Phototherapy. Retrieved November 29, 2013 from here.

Maternova. (January 11, 2013). Home Phototherapy Unit. Retrieved November 29, 2013 from here.

IP and copyright

Copyright © 2012 Tosan Co.

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