Substitute for national grid or heavyweight solar with:

  • 1 80 watt panel per 40 households,
  • connected to a 15 minute AA battery charger (i.e. the new gen rayovacs)

These items connected into a "power pillar" - a walk-up charging station where people come with their empty NIMH batteries, drop them into the charger, wait 15 minutes, then take them home. Assuming a 10 hour charging day, that services 40 sets of batteries.

Appliances for this system include:

What won't work:

Heavy-draw mains appliances (toasters, video projectors)

Financial model:

  • $400 for the panel, $100 for the charger and pillar. ($12.50 per adult)
  • $10 for 4 fast charge AA batteries for each adult.
  • $10 or less for each lighting unit. ($32.50 total)

$50 per household should comfortably buy everything required for basic electrical services. A bare bones system (lighting and stoves only) would be less than $20 per household because the panel could be split between 80 - 120 households.

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