
The Project

HEIF [1] HSU Energy Independence Fund, the campus energy monitoring is a project that proposes to create an intern position, on Humboldt State University, which would be responsible for collecting analyzing and publishing specific energy usage for campus and community use. The idea was to create a program that was similar to UC Davis[2] where there is easy to access information that can be used. Previously it was though that electric and gas meters were not monitored and the information stored, however with the proposal of this project it was learned that in fact the data was stored. However the information was keep in a log book in HSU's Plant Operations, so that data was not available for student use.


Here are some proposed uses for the complied and analyzed energy data.

  • developing baseline energy consumption estimates across campus
  • identifying candidate buildings in need of more detailed evaluation
  • prioritizing energy efficiency projects by their relative impact on energy use
  • providing critical quantitative inputs for future HEIF proposals
  • monitoring and quantitatively assessing the impact of energy efficiency retrofits and
  • outreach programs funded by HEIF
  • educating the HSU community about building energy efficiency and conservation
  • planning, maintenance, and operational decision-making by Plant Operations

The Internship

The main goal of the intern would be, at a minimum, to collect and compile gas and electric data form the various building on campus. The intern would also implored to engage in outreach activities to get the information to staff, students and members of the community. Energy data is critical for HSU staff, faculty and students, however it is currently collected in an ad hoc fashion. Only Students would be eligible for hiring as the energy monitoring intern. The intern does not have to have set work hours, they can be completed when ever the student has time in between classes and other commitments. The current intern (Nathan Chase) is writing a the code for a program that will take the data the they Energy Monitoring Systems (EMS)


The intern is responsible for collecting the data that the EMS collects and putting it in an understandable form. The intern does not do much community outreach because Green Campus does and has more experience with community outreach. One of the projects that HEIF does to raise energy awareness is to have a building energy competition, to see which building is using more energy. Some of the goals which Nathan hopes to complete are;

  • Create a new website for HEIF with better design and layout.
  • Code a program to disseminate the raw energy data.


To be eligible for the hiring as a Campus Energy Monitor you have to attend HSU and have technical qualifications which can be attended form attending ENGR 473. Nathan Chase said that on the day to day basis he had to sort out the raw data and understand how to navigate a computer, however now he is working on a program to do that for him. The hiring process to become the intern is a creative job description about what the intern whats to do with the job and then it gets submitted to Plant Ops. To get hired Nathan had to have skills with;

  • Building retrofits
  • Programing background
  • Energy Retrofits

HEIF Energy Projects

One of the goals of the HEIF campus Energy monitoring is to make it easier to get find energy data on the different buildings so that energy projects and be more effective. To get a project accepted by HEIF one has to submit a project proposal to the HEIF board and then get a majority vote. The HIEF board is a majority of students. Any proposals that HEIF gets are broken into two categories;


Generation includes any proposal to create electricity, projects that fall into this category are;

  • Gym and J Co-generation Units
  • Art Buildings Photo-Voltic system


Efficiency programs are anything that reduces the amount of energy a building intakes.

  • One of the projects is changing the lights in the library for more efficiency lights.


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