

There are many ways to create and use energy. Energy stems from two basic forms; Potential energy, energy that is not yet active and Kinetic energy, energy which comes from the motion of things. This includes energy from our own bodies to do work. Instead of using our own potential energy, our modern day society has switch to using energy harvested from other sources such as fossil fuels. For example instead of using our own energy to walk up a flight of stairs, most Americans chose to use the elevator. However, not all situations have as easily found solutions. Most appliances only run off of electricity. One solution to our lack of utilizing human energy includes a stationary bicycle powered by a human body that produces energy.

Description of Opportunity

Green Campus would like to have a bike powered generator. The human-pedal powered generator will be used to run a laptop computer for their various demonstrations. The bike would work as a demo to inform the public about alternatives to energy sources and perhaps exercising methods as well. It would also help individuals grasp the concept of creating Energy or the capacity of doing work.

In order to design a pedal powered generator fit for Green Campus’ purpose, the amount of energy needed to power the laptop must be known and the right size generator and battery to run it. According to CCAT, a laptop runs off of about 16volts and that two 8volt, 85-100-150 amp/hr lead acid batteries are needed. The bike will be used for demonstrations, thus it should be easy to transport and take the stress of several different sized humans using it. This means the device should be light weight thus an entire bike is not needed, yet stable, which places emphasis on a sturdy frame in which the bike will be build on.

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