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Founders World Bank
Location Kuala Lumpur


From www.globalknowledgepartnership.org

Since its inception at the first Global Knowledge Conference in Toronto in 1997, GKP has grown from strength to strength and now stands as a internationally recognised network promoting innovation and advancement in Knowledge for Development (K4D) and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).

GKP brings together Public Sector, Private Sector and Civil Society organisations with the goal of Sharing Knowledge and Building Partnerships in K4D and ICT4D. With 111 Network Members (as at 30 June 2007) spanning all continents, GKP embodies the definition of a multi-stakeholder partnership, one which is working effectively to share knowledge and build partnerships with the aim of realising the transformative potential of knowledge, communication and information technologies to improve lives, reduce poverty and empower people.

Quick Insights to GKP Achievements, 2001 to 2007

First, moving the GKP Secretariat in 2001 from the World Bank Institute in Washington D.C. to Kuala Lumpur to make the work of GKP and its Network Members more attuned to the needs of the developing world. This is a demonstration of "Malaysia Boleh" and Malaysia�s world class capabilities.

Second, growing GKP into a vibrant network with a diverse membership base comprising government agencies including development aid agencies, private sector companies, agencies of the United Nations, academic institutions, media entities and grassroots civil society organisations. In 2000, most of the members were from developed countries. Now close to 70% are from developing countries.

Third, in 5 years, GKP�s knowledge-sharing activities worldwide have drawn nearly 60,000 participants for peer-to-peer learning across various development issues including poverty reduction, education, governance and access to knowledge. These activities take the form of conferences, forums, workshops, roundtables and debates.

Fourth, establishing a Project Development Fund for nurturing and seeding ICT for Development (ICT4D) partnership projects across the globe in Africa, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, Asia and Central & Eastern Europe.

Fifth, launching a Programme and Fund for Young Social Entrepreneurs in 2006. Finally, with a 10-year track record, GKP is now well known in the international community, particularly those working on the Information Society development agenda.

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