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Brown Sugar

Da sind zwei Farinzuckerkategorien: sie entstehen direkt auf das Zuckerrohrsaft um der Ursprungsort und sie hergestellt sind wahrend das Affinieren der Rohrrohzucker. Die erst Art aufnehmt eine Abart auf die Melasse und die Zuckersaften, brauner Rohrzucker, muscovite, und turbinado zuckeren. Die zweite Art ist bedecktigbraun oder “flau” Zucker, gefertigt Rohrzucker, und eine Abart uber die Raffineriemelasse und golden Zuckersaften.

Those produced directly from the cane juice at the place of origin can be made using relatively low-cost and low technology processes suitable for small-scale production However, this level of production still requires experience, skill and knowledge to be successful. The technology involved is based on the open pan production which is described in the Practical Action’s technical briefs on gur and the open pan sulphitation (OPS) sugar processing.

The refined brown sugars are produced in modern vacuum pan (VP) sugar factories which are capital intensive and have high throughputs and are not suitable for small-scale production.

The brown sugar types can be further divided into those where the crystals are separated (centrifuged) and those that are not separated (non-centrifuged) from the molasses. [edit]


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Development needs



header 1 header 2 header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3

See this example of a cost table for more on tables.

Possible alternative materials


Skills needed

Estimated time of construction


Technical specifications including a schematic (CAD, pictures of the device).

sample photo caption

Here is some help uploading files.

Construction instructions

Next steps

Possible alternatives devices



See Help:Footnotes for more.


<layout name="AT device" />

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