Description of this area

This area categorizes course related content, and provides links to other valuable sources (see "External links," below). Please see the syllabi, presentations, readings, exercises, problem sets, teaching cases, etc. in the pages and subcategories below.

Are you a teacher?

  • Post your coursework, schedule or lecture notes.
  • Consider making Appropedia a part of your curriculum. Students can post and edit about sustainability, this allows them to take part in a global context, receive broader feedback, learn to edit a wiki (very simple, but useful) and more easily collaborate with peers.
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc

See also

Interwiki links

External links

Open educational materials (general)

  • OpenCourseWare Finder - searches course content (on all topics) from institutions including MIT, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and many others.
  • Connexions - coursework from universities around the world; also contains other material such as theses.
  • Global Text Project - currently has almost no content. Open access but not open editing. Aims to create a free library of 1,000 electronic textbooks for students in the developing world, covering the range of topics typically encountered in the first two years of a university's undergraduate programs.
  • [1] - Open Learning Exchange, a new initiative to achieve the goal of "universal access to basic education by 2015". OLE is working with many national governments and developing toolkits that will allow regions to create their own OLEs to facilitate sharing of resources, curriculum development, and access to education.
  • Beyond Grey Pinstripes - environmental and ethical business coursework, research and academics. Also included in bi-annual survey and ranking.
  • Open Wet Ware - a wiki to promote the sharing of information, know-how, and wisdom among researchers and groups who are working in biology & biological engineering. Contains courses and technology/lab processes.
  • BMESource - a wiki for biomedical engineering. Linksters are students who find reference material during BME project based coursework taught by the Associate Editors.
  • Center for Sustainable Engineering (CSE) - An NSF sponsored "Center" which is charged with running 6 workshops in 3 years and collecting and analyzing sustainable engineering coursework.
    • Note: We have relationships with the Principle Investigators on this grant, and Ryan will meet with Cliff Davidson next week to discuss how Appropedia and CSE can work together better.
  • American Association of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) - A US network for advancing sustainability in higher education. They are currently quite operations focused and working to make sure universities are built and operate sustainably. They have an excellent listing of relevant databases for funding, coursework, positions, etc. These are closed, but individuals only need an institutional ID from a member institution.


Public health


Also, search for sustainable in the OpenCourseWare Finder - gives results in Sustainable Design and Technology, Sustainable Development and Sustainable Energy.

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