Engendering Innovation

  • money from outside
  • get a list of businesses we need
  • helping folks with the business side of things
  • what do we have that is valuable and can be exported?
  • future of Foodworks
  • Mentoring
    • Lower the bar/feasibility
    • Formal programs
  • ID’ing and connecting partners (e.g., farmer w/ landowner; creatives with businesspeople)
  • volunteer food department
  • grow eco-tourism
  • where to start in promoting innovation?
  • help people take the lead; confidence/vision
  • obstacles, advantages
  • facilitation brainstorming sessions
  • business ecology models: niche manufacturing that captures inputs/outputs
  • other business models/organizational structures
  • access the best information
    • HSU; external benchmarks; export what we know
  • Exports
    • Info; high-value stuff
  • home rule ballot measure
  • wacky = good
  • some may be afraid; open service doors more
  • mobile tech assistance van
  • wacky day at the SBDC; why not?
  • being an entrepreneur is hard work
  • how do you cover all three parts of the business?
  • look back at what we used to have?
  • outreach; new ways


1) Identification of barriers

2) Explore incubators (Sonoma model)

3) Mentoring

4) Business matching

5) Needed business list

Next Steps

  • UC extension; ag tourism; farm link
  • more brainstorming sessions; wacky day at SBDC
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