
The following are proceedings from a breakout group at the Community Created Humboldt event on January 23rd, 2010.

How do we popularize Buying Not/Buying Less? Proceedings

Convener: unknown

  • Advertising budget for consumerism not for alternatives like Free cycle; craigslist
  • Hey, how about no paper cups since it’s 2010
  • Convincing people
  • Annual simple living tour (Owning 100 items max challenge)
  • Travel less & Travel loval – are effects effective?
  • Helping people understand the environmental impacts of travel; maximize the value of each trip; lok for local alternatives
  • Quality is not equal to quantity of long distance
  • Home tour – not making peoples choices seem inadequate
  • Educating people to the benefits & alternatives
  • Simple Living Monthly potluck
  • Game days
  • Think as a producer not as a consumer; especially for kids
  • Offering classes for creative reuse
  • Extended producer responsibility
  • Bring back higher quality culture- not – “good enough society”
  • City funding aid for recycle center-style refurbish shop
  • Brag about origin of the items
  • Student clothing swap shop
  • Bring value to smaller no. of high quality items & offer alternatives
  • Summary:
  • Live the life you speak
  • Offer options – alternating
  • Find like minded community
  • Offer open events
  • Objects are de-emphasized and People & Activities emphasized
  • Help people value Quality over Quantity
  • Affording Local items is doable by owning less and maintaining well
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