Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest)

Fig 1: Hawthorn Shrub


The Bosco Verticale, or Vertical Forest, is a biodiversity-focused architectural project in Milan, Italy. The Bosco Verticale consists of two residential towers 110 and 76 meters in height, each cantilevered, staggered balconies constructed to support substantial amounts of trees and other plant life. This metropolitan reforestation project is expected to house 900 trees between 3 and 9 meters tall, 5,000 shrubs, and 11,000 ground-cover plants. The amount of plant life is to be roughly equivalent to 10,000 square meters of forest. The project, which began in 2007, is currently under construction. It was designed by the Italian company Stefano Boeri Architetti, which develops contemporary architecture. The Bosco Verticale is projected to cost 65,000,000 Euros, and is part of a broader urban/environmental movement called BioMilan.

Origin and Intent

Created by architect Stefano Boeri, the design for the Bosco Verticale was inspired by old Italian architecture that was covered with ivy. The vertical nature of the project is for space efficiency, and acts as a solution to the limitations of city space for ecological and green-based projects. The trees that line the towers will act, among other things, as a buffer to filter pollution from the city and absorb CO2 and dust particles. The design is also intended to lower noise pollution, and improve the microclimate for the residents and lower energy costs.

Much of the project was designed with the idea of self-sustainability in mind. For example, the use of grey water created by the residents for plant irrigation, as well as the use of Aeolian and photovoltaic energy systems.

Choice of Plants

The plants being used for the building are geared toward whether or not they can tolerate restricting soil conditions, and how effectively they can provide shade during the summer and absorb outside pollutants. Holly oak trees and European wild pear are among the trees being used for the project, as well as shrubs such as Cain Apples and Hawthorns.


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