Policy Discussion

How to make Appropedia most relevant

In the interest of making Appropedia most relevant to content providers and developers, I'm thinking about ways to make Appropedia more attractive to content users. What will increase the likelihood that the Appropedia content will actually get used? That leads naturally to the "who actually is our customer" discussion.

I see the potential user community as being largely made up of "doers" who are relative non-experts in the technologies and methods documented here. For example, volunteers or volunteer organizers, like Nabuur or World Volunteer Web, wanting to build schools or provide clean water and sanitation, etc, in support of Millenium Development Goals, etc.

What kind of information are these people looking for? I would be guessing (I bet Lonny and Singkong can answer this better), but I have these suspicions:

  • What are the appropriate technologies for building construction (or water purification, etc) in a particular region?
  • How would I choose between the various options that are regionally appropriate?

I think another useful tool would be for an interested user to "request" some content. As a provider, I think it would be compelling to add my content if someone had already specifically asked for it. --Curtbeckmann 07:17, 26 September 2006 (PDT)

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