Please use this page to tell us your positive stories related to Appropedia. We are interested in learning more about how Appropedia can be valuable, in part to improve Appropedia as a resource, and also (of course) to encourage others to support Appropedia, as well as open, collaborative sustainable problem solving in general. Please leave some contact info so that we might follow up with you. And that you so much for your support! (And if you have a story that is not-so-successful, don't worry; we want to know about that also. Leave your story at this page.)

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Success stories related to using content at Appropedia

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Success stories related to sharing content at Appropedia

Did you post content at Appropedia and see a big increase in traffic? (This happened in a big way with the Home biogas system (Philippine BioDigesters), which did not receive much attention where it was originally posted, but has now been viewed tens of thousands of times here at Appropedia!) Let us know how posting your solution has made a difference!

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