Several different roles are needed to make any wiki successful. Here are the roles from a WinWinWiki perspective:

  • Consumers of the wiki. These are the wiki's reason for being. For WinWinWiki, the consumers are those who want to learn more about what they can do to create positive change in the world.
  • Visionaries are those who can articulate inspiring directions and outcomes.
  • Analysts and philosophers can provide rhetorical support or justification for a vision.
  • Project managers and operational experts can deconstruct large problems into smaller projects and tasks.
  • Existing organizations can offer established paths for involvement. Members of these organizations, or others knowledgeable about them, can contribute links and information about them.
  • Enthusiasts and mavens and researchers with a passion for a particular direction or region can provide information, .
  • Experienced wikians and abstract thinkers can conceive of structure improvements to the wiki and share them with the rest of us.
  • Wordsmiths can improve the clarity and readability of the content.
  • Alert and generous readers can identify factual discrepancies or missing pieces or other areas for improvement and flag them for correction.
  • Passionate "pick and shovel" supporters can do the constant necessary maintenance

There may well be more roles than those listed here; please add others as recognized. The value of this list is to highlight the shared nature and broad sets of skills that contribute to WinWinWiki. Your contributions are valued!

From Scratchpad, a Wikia wiki.
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