(expand to * Architecture for Humanity, developers of the Open Architecture Network.)
(move sustainapedia up, not just a wiki)
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* [[Village Earth]]
* [[Village Earth]]
* [[Architecture for Humanity]], developers of the [[Open Architecture Network]].
* [[Architecture for Humanity]], developers of the [[Open Architecture Network]].
* [[Sustainapedia.org]] - ongoing discussions about an even grander vision (actual name yet to be decided). Sustainapedia itself has an impressive list of partners...

Content has been contributed by many organizations and individuals. These include:
Content has been contributed by many organizations and individuals. These include:
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* [[Sustainapedia.org]] - ongoing discussions about an even grander vision (actual name yet to be decided). Sustainapedia itself has an impressive list of partners... (okay to list some here?)
* The wikis who merged into Appropedia, enthusiastically choosing to collaborate: two fledgling wikis<ref>The [[Wikia:Scratchpad:Development and Sustainability|Development and Sustainability Wiki]] by [[User:Chriswaterguy|Chriswaterguy]] and the [[Wikia:Scratchpad:WinWinWiki|WinWinWiki]] by [[User:Curtbeckmann|Curtbeckmann]].</ref> the very substantial [http://wikigreen.org WikiGreen], and the pioneering [http://wiki.villageearth.org/ Appropriate Technology Wiki] by [[Village Earth]]. Most recently, [http://howtolivewiki.com/ howtolivepedia] has merged a large portion of its content into Appropedia.
* The wikis who merged into Appropedia, enthusiastically choosing to collaborate: two fledgling wikis<ref>The [[Wikia:Scratchpad:Development and Sustainability|Development and Sustainability Wiki]] by [[User:Chriswaterguy|Chriswaterguy]] and the [[Wikia:Scratchpad:WinWinWiki|WinWinWiki]] by [[User:Curtbeckmann|Curtbeckmann]].</ref> the very substantial [http://wikigreen.org WikiGreen], and the pioneering [http://wiki.villageearth.org/ Appropriate Technology Wiki] by [[Village Earth]]. Most recently, [http://howtolivewiki.com/ howtolivepedia] has merged a large portion of its content into Appropedia.

Revision as of 01:25, 23 March 2007


This page is under construction and may contain incorrect information.


  • Who can we safely mention, with their approval?
  • Do in alphabetical order to avoid favoritism? Foundation partners first, then complete list incl foundation partners?

Content has been contributed by many organizations and individuals. These include:


One national Engineers Without Borders organization is moving towards merging their wiki with ours, and both sides are excited about this - but we'll be a little discreet and not mention which country till it's confirmed and official. We are engaging in conversations with EWB in different countries as well, and hope for cooperation with all such groups.

Related but different wikis. We have agree to link to relevant materials on each others' sites:

Wikis engaged in ongoing conversations:

  • Greenlivingpedia - who has given us some great pointers about serving the mainstream as well as hippie and super-geeky people; SustainapediaNW, TipThePlanet.

We also wish to thank the organizations who share a principle of openness, and allow their content to be reproduced here without our even asking. These include:

  • FAO
  • SODIS?


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