WinWinWiki is based on the ideas articulated by Robert Wright in his book, Nonzero. In short, the key concept in Nonzero is that communities tend to work together to develop "win-win" behaviors, and over time the workable sizes of these collaborative communities has grown. Initially collaboration was at the family level, then group, tribe, city-state, nation-state. International win-wins have been developing for at least the last century. Occasionally, such as for certain health threats such as SARS or bird flu, we see nearly worldwide collaboration.

The point is, humanity is not engaged in a purely "zero-sum" / "win-lose" situation. Instead, there are "win-win" (and, yes, "lose-lose") options available. In the long run, groups that find the "win-win" options have an advantage over those groups that pick "win-lose" (end especially "lose-lose") choices.

So there is good evidence that we humans have the capacity to collaborate effectively. We can choose to simply accept that fact, and allow collaboration to progress haphazardly as it has in the past. Or we can choose to collaborate on collaboration!

WinWinWiki makes the latter choice.

An additional aspect of WinWinWiki is the inherent essentially democratic nature of wiki technology. While large scale collaboration has until now been predominantly the purview of political leaders, we now have the opportunity to get involved at every level. And there are some challenges that truly need to be addressed by the masses. And just so you know,

For example, is world peace simply the responsibility of our elected officials? Is the task of the UN? Naturally, it's not a simple question. And yet, one authoritative breakdown of the challenges of world peace includes mutual understanding between nations as a key goal. That goal is not likely to be addressed effectively at the government level.

In that spirit, all healthy wikis are win-win, since they provide their communities with a useful tool in return for relatively little investment. In addition to that inherent win-win, the mission of WinWinWiki is to provide a complete, community-maintained, web-based tool to support collaboration between all actors working to improve the human condition. Adademics, philanthropists, philosophers, visionaries, leaders, charitable organizations, experts in relevant fields, skilled and unskilled volunteers will use WinWinWiki as a central point to connect, communicate and discover what matches their situation. In particular, WinWinWiki seeks to empower the tens or even hundreds of millions of volunteers that can bring the power of numbers to bear.

At a high level, WinWinWiki community members will invest in articulating yet-to-be-adopted world scale win-win arrangements, situations and outcomes. These desired outcomes can link to analysis (one or more) and recommended high level actions, which will in turn be translated into hands-on actions for various roles (individual volunteers, industrial nations, government entities, NGOs, health professions, pharmaceutical companies, etc), timeframes and relevant organizations, and so on. Possible examples of win-win outcomes are: sustainable development, the elimination of abject poverty, non-violent dispute / conflict resolution, elimination of terrorism, and expansion of human rights. The full list will be defined by the community.

From Scratchpad, a Wikia wiki.
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