
just be patient, it's coming, it's good.--L.Gardner 14:24, 24 April 2010 (UTC)

Watts per year required.jpg

The capstone project for Queen’s University 4th Year Mechanical Engineering Class,"Engineering for Sustainable Development", is to design and construct an Appropriate Technology with a quantifiable engineering result (to see other class projects, click here). I have chosen to construct a greenhouse, review the heat requirement on the system for the whole year; then, based on the materials and conditions selected, review costs associated with this and build a scaled model.

This project is the first step to easy community greenhouse development - the goal of the affordable greenhouse is to:

3600sol - Copy.jpg

1.Improve greenhose design and awareness for residential application.

2.Demonstrate the feasibility (i.e costs) of a greenhouse in the winter months (aka the best time to have install build so heat requirements are not unreasonable).

As you'll see, due to the materials selected and the cold Canadian Spring, it is not effective to construct until late April. But with better material selection and innovative greenhouse designs, I am hopeful that growing window crops will become common practice.

The blueprints for the construction of an affordable greenhouse are below; for this greenhouse a single pane Polyinyl chloride (PVC) covered greenhouse was reviewed. Heat losses and calculations were done in MatLab using constants from the Canadian Climate Normals website. Further models will look at developing a multi walled greenhouse with better insulating film and a more cost effective design.

-Happy growing!


A greenhouse is a heat capture structure designed for optimizing plant growth; this is done by optimizing the environmental conditions for the selected plants. Parameters that can be adjusted are (but not limited to) : sunlight radiation, temperature, soil conditions --> nutrient type and concentrations, water pump rate, CO2 rate and air circulation rate. Optimization is the end goal, for the project outlined below, the heat transfer formulas and considerations are laid out for the basic case: minimum internal greenhouse temperature of 13 C and varying outside temperature by month. For simplification purposes, air flow external to the system will be considered as if on a flate plate collector, with local wind conditions from theCanadian Climate Normals website applying. The assumed internal circulation rate is 0.1 m/s - which is a little bit high but will produce a conservative estimate. The system is always assumed to be at steady state with respect to the external temperatures provided.

The results of the modeling and construction are: the most significant requirement for heat to the system is during december and january in the morning. This is due to higher average wind speeds and colder temperatures, also, there is less sunlight hours and sunlight strength in the winter. The peak instantaneous heat rate for the month of December is 233 W. The lower point is at approximately noon in August - due to high heats, it would require 400 kW of removed heat to keep the system constatnt. The cost to install this is about $500 - although it could be seriously reduced if labour was not hired i.e. done on your own. The materials cost is approximately $80. The operating costs for 1 day in April are $100. In the summer months it is approximately $0 and in the winter it can get up to $1000.

The system proposed has ludacrous cost rates for a greenhouse. Keep in mind, that the material was chosen for cheep cost and is only0.0015 m thick. If the greenhouse were built of a more resistant material - the operating costs would not be noticed for the average developed country. The material choice, and the requirement of 13C restrict the model - thankfully, the MatLab file provided allows for easy manipulation of this to accommodate a range of situations.

Assignment & Author

This project was designed for MECH 425, Queen’s University class in Engineering for Sustainable Development(mech425), the author is L.Gardner –Graduating Chemical Engineering Student (Sci’10).


Human activity has exceeded the biocapacity of the earth (Figure 1 below). The extreme consumption of our planet's natural resources is causing wide spread environmental damage, there is still time to change this. If we work together, we could all change our lifestyle patterns to live within our ecological limitW. Learning to: "Love all children, of all species for all time"[1] will not be easy and a good step forward is growing some of our own food..

Fig1.Chart of the consumption in terms of ecological footprintW)[2] (toxic and nuclear waste not included).

This graph demonstrates that the ecological limit of the earth, which is essentially the amount of resources we consume with respect to the earth's natural ability to replenish itself, was surpased in the 1980s. Currently we are living as if we lived on an Earth that was 1/3. larger.

So what can we do?

Anything to limit our ecological imprint.

An effecite green house could work particularly well in regions like Nunavut - where big ships have to support a vahe rst amount of people. During the summer months, if the people of Nunavut could grow their own crops and lesson the load on the shipping industry a little bit will be done.

The opportunity: Why a Greenhouse to reduce environmental impact?

There are many solutions to reducing our ecological footprint, the technical solution that I am presenting is to reduce the world's ecological footprint through residential greenhouse implementation. I will not be quantifying the possibility of this, but I will be exploring greenhouse heat retainment with this in mind. The theory is: if I can produce more of my own food than I wil require less to be shipped to me. This webpage has been developed with this in mind.

Humans have a few basic needs, food, shelter and water are some on the top of that list. If each of us could learn to grow our own food we would be less dependent on the carbon intensive market of today's food distribution network. As it can be seen in the following Table - the second highest category to fossil fuels in terms of the size of the ecological footprint is food, this contains 3.7 acres of land, where all of earth only has a total 11 acres. There is a lot of work being done in the renewable energy field with carbon dioxide, other areas need footprnt reductions as well. All numbers listed are in billion global hectares of land (except for the final line which is a ratio).

Category 1961 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2006
Global Population (billions) 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.4 4.8 5.3 5.7 6.1 6.6
Total Biocapacity 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.6 11.7 11.7 11.9 12.0 12.0 11.9
Cropland Footprint 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
Grazing Land Footprint 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4
Forest Footprint 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.8
Fishing Ground Footprint 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6
Carbon Footprint 0.9 1.7 2.9 3.8 4.7 4.9 5.9 6.4 7.3 9.1
Built Up Land 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4
Total Ecological Footprint 7.1 8.1 9.6 10.6 11.7 11.9 13.3 13.8 15.1 17.1
Ecological Footprint to Biocapacity Ratio 0.62 0.70 0.83 0.92 1.00 1.01 1.12 1.15 1.27 1.44


Regional Considerations

When installing a greenhouse, it is important to consider your region - the shading, the climate,the location, etc.

Shading Consideration Climate Considerations Location Considerations
pick a sunny greenhouse location - if you are in the northern hemisphere this likely means a south facing spot There needs to be good weather, approximately 10 C and above for a lengthy period of time (~4 month minimum) For appropriate technology use, place in a window location or sectioned off cube
careful to pick a sunny location - with no overhangs, that will decrease heat transfer and plant growth, especially in the start of the season before you embark on your greenhouse adventure, ensure your selected spot has substantial light - not always overcast 'Know your area' - check the minimum required temperature for your plants
dangers: housemates, footballs, squirels and anything that can could 'accidentaly' damage your 'Affordable Greenhouse' for a low cost greenhouse such as the one proposed, you'll see that at minimum 10 C is require for optimal conditions. place in an open area, like a courtyard, wide open front yarc or window sill - some place where you see it everyday helps (trust me, I wake up to mine)

Implementation Strategy

  1. Conceptualize - Think of the concept - consider preliminary designs
  2. Consideration and contemplation - how to build it - with wood and sheet of designed thermal plastic
  3. Measure and Design - Measure the roof, design the structure for an air tight
  4. Refine - adjust the design before building, consult.
  5. Construction- cut, nail, glue - repeat.
  6. connecting the dots - mid implementation review, bring all members together to discuss how it's going and realistic goals.
  7. continue install
  8. tweak - deal with the nitty gritty, the finer details - wood separating - so addmore wood glue. blow drier to tighten the material for a tight seal.
  9. hoist and fasten - logistics through the process are important - it was agreed right away that we would hoist this with a mid-structure brace (picture in next section)
  10. tweek - cracks around the edges were stealed with a window sealer
  11. add in soil and plants - 1 designated planter - measure twice and cut once to be certain on the dimensions of your planter -
  12. clean up - a bigger step than you might think - right this one down!
  13. Model - model the heat transfer in MatLab and post to Appropedia
  14. Monitor - maintenance on the system to ensure quality, monitor the temperature on sunny and cold days.
  15. Appropedia - discuss project with any interested parties -update regularly.

Construction & Installation

To install a greenhouse. You will need a number of materials - they are as follows:

Material Use Cost Alternate methods/materials
Measuring tape to measure the perimeter and available size for greenhouse installation $5 string - then relay on the object to be sized
Wood greenhouse structural support $12 per 12 feet forest wood, any rigid material that can be fastened to another

like metal or unfinished wood||

Glue to secure the structural edges together $15 nails, tongue and grooveW
Nails to secure the structure $5 per small bin pegs, glue, twine tie
Expandable insulating foam to reduce effect of leaking edges $12 per can styrofoam, soil, mud
hammer tool to hammer nails $7 glue only
saw to split the pieces into smaller components $9 snap in half with hammer or hands
plants/seeds where do plants come from $5 per batch buy already grown plants, or get from forest
soil to grow crops $5 per bag, or go to local forest and dig none
A Window to build around so that you have access to it and it is sealed on all sides, so it's a part of your

After the materials are purchased, it is time to install and build you greenhouse..where to begin:

Task Instruction Application to greenhouse Alternate methods Visual
get materials go to store Canadian Tire make your own
Measure Window Parameters measure the perimeter of the window used measuring tape and a piece of paperr to record the area of the window in relation to the window sill [image:Window sill before installation was measured for dimentions and a drawing was created.jpg|thumb|right|measuring the dimensions then creating the design]]
Determine greenhouse size draw out greenhouse and label dimensions. Keep in mind, the relation to your window area or surface area you are building around. *Minimize the height, as it just increases the surface area of heat loss. total heigh = half of the total window pane height

total length= width of 1 window

total depth = 2 pots deep||just built the greenhouse to size of window or surface area you need!||
dimensions for built greenhouse, DxWxH,0.5842x0.9652x1.30 (m)
Cut Greenhouse structure to size match the dimensions specified for individual structural pieces (wood) and hammer them together, I found a stability brace bar to be helpful
woooden structure before film is added
film coating gather a team of people, this is a delicate art. Place double sided tape around the frame stick it, outward facing. Next Unroll the plastic sheeting and pull taught, then put it on the frame. see last point find other material and screw on, maybe glue or staple the plastic to the structural material
after one film install
Repeat the above step for all sides of the external greenhouse shell see above see above
Greenhouse frame cartoon with all shells on
actual buildgreenhouse film
install the brace bar as seen above and hoist to the platform the brace bar is a convenient place to tie a rop for hoisting secures the Greenhouse for travel push it up if you don't have a rope, don't build it for a second story attachment
view of the greenhouse about to be attached and window crack filler sprayed
ensure to fill all leaky holes between the house and the newly designed window structure, if major holes remain - a draft will be felt and obviously greatly improve heat transfer, take spray foam filler, mud, styrofoam, most materials that can be stuffed will work
yellow represents the crack filling material
any heat will do it will tighten the greenhouse so it doesn't flag in the wind and wear itself out|also keeps tighter layer and laminar flow better, less heat transfer| us metal pots filled with hot coals fr radiant heat, could use steam from camp fire|
be sure to fill all cracks, especially in winter months, or else greenhouse will render itself virtually useless|

Engineering Principles

The overall energy balance equation is

Accumulation = Input -Output + generation

In Terms of heat for the greenhouse system, this can be simplified to the following:


To simplify the calculations that follow, a valid assumption is that the system is at steady state, no change in final Q, so Q = 0



The heatloss parameters for Qgain are

HEAT GAIN: all heat components gained through the greenhouse system


Qsun, is the watt energy brought in by the sun.

Qhouse, heat transferred from the closed window through the structure, it is assumed that the house is at a constant temperature of 18 C throughout the year

Qx, for a steady state system we need to define a steady state temperature inside the greenhouse for the system to reach equillibrium with. Based on the need for cucumbers to grow optimally at 13 C [4] (there are cucumber's in the greenhouse) - this became the set parameter. The entire equation will be solved for this value.

Heat loss is defined as

HEAT LOSSS: all heat heat components lost through the greenhouse system

Qloss=Qz + Qx + Qy

for a cartesian coordinate system.

The heat losses can be simplified to Qf (Q off the front panel) and QS (Q off the side panel, 2 side panels).

Qloss=Qf + 2Qs

The overall energy balance of a greenhouse keeps these parameters in mind, and simplifies for experimental findings written as[5]:

AU(To-Ti)+CairΦρair(To-Ti )+βS+Q=0

Where ,

A, is the area of the greenhouse cover per unit ground area

-found using dimensions of greenhouse specified

U, the overall heat tansfer coefficient

-found using 1/U = 1/h1A + L/kPVAc+1/h2A

-h1 is the heat transfer coeffient deermined by experimental parameters

found through the Nussult Number

NuL = HL*kair/L (where L was the average length of the greenhouse, kair is a costant

-A the area of the surface in question

U = 2Us + Uf

Us - overall heat transfer of the side, where subscript f indicates front panel heat transfer

To, the external air temperature

-this varies per the matrix input to the m file - see m file to see - data for temperature was received fromQueen's Live Building

Ti, the internal air temperature of the greenhouse

=13 C

cair, the specific heat of air Φ, the ventilation rate, s-1

ρair, the density of air

β, the fraction of the absorbed solar radiation, (unit less)

=0.73 [6]

S, solar radiation W/m2

-hourly values provided by the Queen's U Live Building[7] -see attached m file for full data breakdown. -see matrix for data

A residential model does not use ventilation, the system is closed and can be referred to as 'batch' (no mass gain or loss during operation).

Considering the full energy balance seen in figure 1, and that residents do not use ventilation - above the equation can be reconfigured and all parameters solved as follows:

Qx = AU(Ti-To) - βSA - AgUg(Tih-Ti)

This must be computed for every month and every hour, this is why a matrix was required and a good reason for why to use MatLab

Ag, area of the glass that is against the greenhouse

    - simply dimensions of the inside window of the houseUg, heat transfer coefficient of heat through glass

Tih, the temperature inside house

   - Assumed 18 C

To see all constants: like density of air, velocity of air,etc.. used in calculations - see m- file. Air constants were found in Incropera & DeWitt [8].

The rest of the constants, were found on the engineering toolbox[9]:

PVC k value (W/mK) = 0.19 Glass (k value) (W/mK) = 0.96

Lastly to review a detailed description of the equations used to find the heat transfer coefficient, [http://www.efunda.com/formulae/heat_transfer/convection_forced/calc_lamflow_isothermalplate.cfm

Heat Transfer Model

Using MatLab, the heattransfer through the greenhouse for average hour temperature for each month was found. The model yields the graphs shown in the gallery below.

Fig2 shows a graphical representation of the solar data from the Queen's University Live Building. Conceptially the graph makes sense. As the z variable approaches the longest day of the year the it peaks at noon. All other points away from this 'fall off the cliff' i.e. decrease. There are spikes indicative of noise, this is perfectly normal for experimental data points.

Fig3 Outlines the manipulation of that data with respect to the heat losses and heat gain. This graph follows theory as well. During the winter nights more Q is required for heat. During the days less Q is required. The negative parameter is simply a function of the steady state of the system. This is ignored in the financial analysis as it is excess heat used to grow crops.

Fig4. simulates the rate of pay for the instantaneous hour. The negative parameters (where heat needed to be removed to keep steady state at 13 C was set to zero). This allows us to only demonstrate the heat costs as a function of heat that costs, this is assuming 100% energy transfer from an electrical heater and considers there are an average 30.42 days in a month and that electricity costs $0.08/kWh. See m file for further results.

The MatLab file used for this model can be downloaded here: GreenhouseV2 h.pdf.

Model Assumptions

In developing the heat transfer model many assumptions were made:

  1. That Q is steady sate, the accumulated heat inside the system will constantly be changing.
  2. Tht the system is well mixed and temperature is evenly distributed accross the entire control volume.
  1. Laminar flow only over the greenhouse.
  2. No shading frmo the trees in terms of sunlight radiation use.
  3. ignore radiant heat transfer from the greenhouse body to the sky.
  4. Constant properties in density, viscosity, velocity to simplify in determining the heat transfer coefficient.
  5. assuming the fram is completely made of plastic and glass
  6. assume the frame we installed can be approximated with a triangular side.
  7. assuming that beta in terms of the solar coefficient includes all parameters needed, like transmission losses through film, reflective and emissive losses.
  8. assuming there is no energy absorption from radiation to the air within the
  9. neglect energy loss due to leaks in frame
  10. heater done for cost estimation is 100% electrically efficient
  11. cost of electricity is $0.08/kWh
  12. No heat exchange through the bottom of the greenhouse.

Energy Costs/Environmental Benefits

The quantity of q required for this system has been computed, it is important to be able to quantify this amount in terms of a component peoople can relate to.

Here money has been used to quantify the value of q, Watts, to the average person.

In the gallery below, 2 graphs have been produced acconting for the following factors.

  1. The change in cost per hour throughout an average day in April.
  2. The change in cost of an affordable greenhouse over a full year time span.
Fig7. Cost of an 'affordable greenhouse' throughout all 12 months of an average year.
Fig7. Cost of an 'affordable greenhouse' throughout all 12 months of an average year.

The average monthly graph shows bad economics for the winter, but a favourable economic situation with the medium used (0.0015 m thick PVC film) from the months from May to the end of September. This model is assuming the greenhouse is at a temperature of 13 C. If the green house dipped below this parameter then it - realistically this should be alright. Then it is a safe assumption that the greenhouse could be left without heat for the winter.

Fig8. Cost of an affordable greenhouse during an average day in the month of April
Fig8. Cost of an affordable greenhouse during an average day in the month of April

The daily should provide you with a trend of how steep the costs can get for $15 per day is quite high to maintain anything. It must be kept in mind the the film used is severely underated for greenhouse structure. It will work effectively to keep heat in, during the summer - but is not a good medium for winter survival.

Through this, I am recommended that seeds be planted in december - January. Grown indoors for seeding and general growth, and then a greenhouse should be built in May and last through the harvest until October.

Lastly, to determine if a greenhouse is an affordable option for your region check the following graph.

Greenhouse viability in terms of cost based on the temperature in any region. This is ignoring all other affects on greenhouse viability (but Teperature)


If your climate is 10 or higher in a specific time of year, or all year round, then it is a good option. If not, better materials and higher capital costs can be expected for an improvement.

Go to this download site to receive the cost estimation spreadsheet:Greenhouse Data Sheet

Capital Costs

The building costs and time were high for this type of endeavour. There was no instructional manual or best practices in place, please use what is provided and build yours quickly. If you are on tight budget it should be easy to build this with the alternative material mentioned above, the most important part is the film. I would suggest improving the film to a material that contains heat better. Here is a list and the amount of the captial that was spent, assuming the workers had to be paid.

Item Purpose Amount Cost per Total
PVC Plastic Wrap barrier between outside and inside 1 roll $30/roll $30
wood structural support, barrier anchor point 4 wood pieces, totalling 8.5 meters (2.12 m / piece) $12.5 per piece $50
seeds to plant, to grow crops 4 different species: cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon & tomato ~$3 / bag of seeds $12
soil to grow plants 2 bags ~$4/bag $8
sealant (sticky stuff) to seal cracks reducing heat escape(can also use wood and mud) 1 can ~$12 / can $12
Total Material Costs - - - $112
labour team to build greenhouse and install 4 guys, 6 hours ~$15 / hour /person $360
Total Costs (labour included) - - - $472


Next Steps

Latent heat holding - will likely need a latent or external heat source to have this work in the arctic.

A heat cover model- where after the sun goes down a thermal towel is placed over top of the greenhouse to maintain the heat, then removed in the morning.

Further research into the psychological benefits of a greenhouse (if any), different cheap materails that can contain heat, different methods to leverage these materials to maximize heat containment.


  1. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things
  2. http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/world_footprint
  3. Global Footprint Network. 'World Footprint, Do we fit on the planet?' (2009) Available at: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/world_footprint/ [April 7/10]
  4. http://www.actahort.org/members/showpdf?booknrarnr=156_17
  5. Chalabi Z. Optimal control strategies for carbon dioxide enrichment in greenhouse tomato crops, part II: Using the exhaust gases of natural gas fired boilers. Biosystems Engineering 81, no. 2002, 2002: 323-332.
  6. Andrews, R; Pearce, J.M.. Environmental and Economic IMpacts of a Greenhouse Waste Heat Exchange. Queen's U, Depaterment of Mech and Mat. Engineering, 2010.
  7. Queen's University. Live Building Data Set. http://livebuilding.queensu.ca/
  8. Incropera, F. and DeWitt, D. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. Wiley and Sons Fifth Edition USA. 2002
  9. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/thermal-conductivity-d_429.html


This project would not have been possible without..

The world's best build team -THANKS!


  • The build team, Marley, Dylan and Josh. Thanks for your due diligence gents.
  • The 'other' housemates Drew, Adam and Adam - for their wisdom and continuous inspiration - its what kept me working through the night, knowing you'd be there to let me know I didn't finish the job.
  • Queen's Calorimetry Lab Graduate students - Gavin especially, thanks for all the H and KT help.
  • Queen's Applied Sustainability Group, Rob and Amir - THANKS!
  • To Dr. Pearce, for his encouragement, inspiration and passion.
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