my dual creed
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Registered 2010

hi everybody,

As I'm a keen lover of nature and all living species, I'm obviously deeply involved in the preservation of this planet, our home!

Always trying to limit my impact, I stumbled upon ekopedia while browsing for tips on solar ovens.

What's more, this wiki is a free open source tool and I'm a fierce opponent to proprietary softwares. Seems to me both ideas are basically similar : sharing (knowledge / habitats) and respect (others'rights).

I'm a vegan, I grow my own vegetables, I buy organic local food and recyclable items.....

I teach English and lead a European project on sustainability, we use a wiki to collaborate.

I contribute to the translation project on Ekopedia, I read about the merge to come and believe all good wills should join forces to make this world a better place to live in!

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