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Name Vanessa Andaya
Registered 2019

FROM STRUGGLE TO SUCCESS[edit | edit source]


During the school year 2018-2019, students fought with different obstacles doing their best to finish all the requirements on time and enjoy life outside the school. Now that 1st and 2nd semester is almost over, my first thoughts about the overall projects are negative but with positive effects. Why negative? Since it’s about to end, it came out that our time is very limited considering the signing of 3 clearances with its particular conditions which are time-consuming, causes us to have difficulties in doing our projects with pressure rooming around and why positive? Because I believe that all of this serves as a training ground in preparation for the future which is a great help towards success.


Throughout the semester, different tasks were assigned to us individually and by a group. Some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working about the problem encountered is that integration of learnings is very helpful, about me is that I really have to be considerate and understanding knowing that others are not willing to listen to my ideas causing my collaborative communication fall short especially those times when I felt awkward to approach them. In addition to this, there were some challenging moments I’ve been through, and one of it is when we were tasked to conduct a survey, create a blog site and provide a presentation of the data gathered using Microsoft Excel.

It was the most challenging because it gave me a hard time handling my groupmates, lots of adjustments I had to do in order for us all to be able to contribute and come up with a product. With those problems I have faced, there were also some powerful learning moments and it is when we were tasked to combine different articles and topics from different members and should come up with a general one including the title. What made them so is because despite how challenging it is, it made me do the things that I do not usually do, it made my creative imagination work, it made me able to cope up despite all of it and it made me discover my stupefying side.

Furthermore, despite going through a lot of struggles as a group, our team was able to communicate very well in a way that all of us were given a chance to share our ideas and then we evaluate which is the best idea that all of us agreed.


Moreover, along with every struggle and problem are learnings and success. The most important thing I’ve learned is that it is indeed significant to enhance my capability of communicating with other people especially on how to deal and understand each other realizing that we all have different capabilities. With this, I was able to come up with the best final solution by doing some adjustments in controlling my temper and how to think broadly. However, even though these are all school-setting situations, the said solution greatly relates to the real-world happenings especially in dealing with problems that I have to go through as I continue the journey of life.

Knowing how to adjust, since not all the time that what we want it to be is what we get, patience is a must. Be in-control of temper to have a good relationship with other people and think broadly for accepting positive and negative feedbacks for development, and as Brian Tracy stated, “Every experience in your life is being orchestrated to teach you something you need to know to move forward”.

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