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Name Jason Oliver
Registered 2019

Empowerment Technologies and its Projects

By Jason Oliver S. Gido

As soon as your grade level increases, the amount of pressure that is given to you also increases. The level of difficulty is getting higher as time passes by and each grading or semester has different levels of difficulty. So how do projects affect the mental state of students, especially if the given task is somewhat new to them?

Making projects gives us a hell of a job, it fires us up and we can’t afford to make mistakes. But what if the task is something new and you have a few or maybe no knowledge of it at all? As a student we must be flexible in different aspects and be prepared for the worst. It gives us a tremendous amount of pressure especially if the deadline is coming close. Time management is the key to a good product.

In Empowerment Technologies or E-TECH for short, projects are mostly done by groups and focuses on using the ICT tools on the computer and internet. For those who don’t have a subject about computer for sure will experience difficulties in doing tasks or activities. But we must be responsible enough to learn things by our self and ask some few questions to others. Even though the subject focuses on group activities, we must still not rely on others all the time because there are still people who will just rely to those who have a high knowledge on a certain topic.

Cooperation is a must in this subject. If your group mates will not cooperate then that is a one big problem. You will sacrifice your time for your family, friends, and even for yourself just because of an extra task that you will have to work. Of course it wouldn’t help you to think if you’re going to make it, but in the end I did. Conquer your fears and you’ll gain strength and it gives you a really good lesson. But not all the time you will end up with those kinds of people, there are still decent ones really helps and interacts with each other so don’t lose hope.

So far I learned how to rely on myself a bit, taught me to always prepare ahead of time, and think different strategies to conquer each task that were given. Problems will always show up so don’t be afraid to conquer and fix one. Just go with the flow and believe in yourself. Don’t rush things and think carefully before you will take action.

Balance yourself from expectations and don’t just prepare for the best but also for the worst. Not all plans go accordingly if one small mistake occurs and as a student you must prepare a countermeasure for that. In the end we all deserve a good long rest for all the things we have done and all the struggles we encountered.

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