COMMUNITARIANISM, the money free Society


Community, not Communism

Community: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Collective, not Collectivism

Collective: done by people acting as a group.

Collectivism: the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it.

Free Markets, but also Fair.  

Free Markets: an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.

Fair: without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage.

Ethics: The actions an individual takes on himself to fulfil one’s native desire to do the right thing.

Production: The action of making products: goods and services that can be given or exchanged with those outside your immediate area.

Purpose: a person's sense of resolve or determination.

PRELUDE: What I want you to imagine while reading this is a world where people have common purpose, a purpose to preserve and heal the planet. Reversing the trend and really coming together as communities. A Purpose of creating an effective system to help humanity grow and flourish without destroying our planet in the process. We as a people have ruined much of the planet thanks to our increasing contribution to climate change, government/corporate corruption and lack of conscience about our and their actions on the world

This is the prelude to an “as close to perfect society” We could come up with. Give it a chance.  Read all the way through.  Then decide if this is the kind of harmonized society you want to live in or not. It’s not up to me, it’s up to you to determine what the future should look like.

Here is how I picture Society. I see neighborhoods as communities. Instead of individual yards each square block, they could have a large communal yard, equipped with a communal garden and or agriculture area, places for kids to play etc.. I See every home running their own small business based on the owners interest and way of community contribution. Ive thought long and hard about currency exchange and the negative implications on our way of life and the planet. The fair solution until we come up with the infostructure to support a positive feedback loop of supply and demand provided by an automated system managed to be sustainable for the planet. I see everyone not retired working 20 hours a week at their craft or for others to contribute to society. Based on a 20 hour a week honor system it’s a free trade of goods and services. I know you’ve worked 20 hours a week and you know I’ve worked 20 hours a week so there’s fair exchange of time. With current world technologies we can reverse the damage we are doing to our planet and all the species therein.

Communitarianism is a way of life: honor thy neighbor as you would yourself. We give back as we work to make our communities better places with our extra time and skills. We give back by showing others there is a better way to live for our future generations by sharing our skills and knowledge with each other. None of the ideas in this document are concrete, the rules of the communities will be determined by their collaboratives. This is my vision for how we could live in a better future, one that we can create for ourselves within a generation.

Chapter 1 : The Time Exchange

When I say financial freedom, you may assume I’m talking about being so wealthy one no longer needs to worry about their future or the futures of their kin. You no longer juggle one payment over another and your probably saving/investing enough that you no longer need to work. When I talk about financial freedom(ff), I’m referring to a freedom from money of any kind. Communitarianism will show that there is an alternative to our struggled way of life. The shocker is there will eventually no longer be any need for currency, the only currency that will matter will be time. I know that is a weird idea, I’ll give you a minute to open your mind to it. Ignore the “what abouts” and “what if’s” and take a good long moment to imagine how that would work.

It’s likely you’re imagining some sort or trade or barter system. This would also be somwhat incorrect, by trading and bartering you have once again created a form of currency exchange. Now, take some more time to think this over. No money, no trade and barter system, what is left? How do you think this society would thrive or survive?

Now ask yourself, how would you run or want this type of society ran so it is successful and all the people in it are thriving? don’t disregard your ideas, if an idea pops up write it down. They are important.

Here is what I pictured when I pondered these questions. I pictured a world where people work together for the benefit of each other, their communities, and this planet. No profit margins, no corporate greed, and a government run by the people, all of them. A world where people are valued for who they are, their deeds to their communities and what they’re capable of, not based on what a society expects them to be. It is from these ideals that Communitarianism was born.


Communitarianism is the idea that all of the people have a say in what happens in their communities. A way where all work is equally as valued as the people who do it. There is a plethora of inequalities in the world, income, gender/identity, racism,employment, and many more. All of which are equally important to address but too numerous to name and current world governments have failed to help their populations correct. these inequalities are problematic the world over, where there is inequality there is disenfranchisement. So, the first step would be to level the playing field, crumble the ivory tower of which the class system was built…greed. Once money is removed from the tower only people’s physical differences and skills set them apart. Traits which are equal under the banner of humanity.

The Government

Government is a bad word, it implies that people need to be governed, controlled, and restricted. This is not so, it may have been necessary in the past, but with current levels of technology, many more options become available. When referring to Communitarianism it is best described as a collective. Similar to many governments set ups, the collective will be a 3 tiered system, the federal or eventually even world collective, the statecollective, and the local community collectives, but the power is primarily in the control of the local community collectives. What do I mean by local community collectives? Let me break it down for you.

First thing is to establish the problem. How could we prevent future corruption and perversion from special interests, shadow Govt, or power-hungry politicians while keeping Greedy corporations and destructive mass production in check (which the current governments will not do).

My thought on this is to have a tiered draft system for elected officials. everyone whose birthdate is selected (college educated or equivalent time spent on community service/ skills training, work) will be the random chosen leaders of the country (they can be vetoed by their local collectives) and their local regions and communities. These people will not be divided by race, gender (or identity), political views or religions. They will know what their perspective communities need in order to thrive and will become the temporary leaders of the collectives.

Collaboration is key when it comes to the collectives, out of those drafted, they will need to draft up plans or ideas on how they will or how they plan to improve their different levels of collectives and the planet. This will need to be completed in advance if possible. There could be a 2 month training session on how processes should work but in the end it’s up to the collectives

The federal and state support would then be passed down to the community collectives, their only prerogative is to improve everything related to the living, health, and travel conditions for the community members and small businesses.

Those ideas and or drafts will then be voted upon by the people in their perspective collectives. We could use an app for this. Not only this but said app would allow for any citizen to vote on any of the ideas proposed by their respective collectives. There would need to be an verification system in place for the app.

**idea- terms would be 2 years. But the draftee’s local community can vote them in for another term or even veto their local draftee if they’re not representing the best interests of those in the community and the planet. That’s if they liked their leadership. Maximum 4 terms. In times of crisis a group of those drafted leaders will be elected (from the drafted group) to lead the country/planet through the crisis. Primary focus of future growth needs to be towards environmental preservation and protection, alongside nationwide/worldwide self-sufficiency. And the conservation and protection of habitatual life. We cannot force these changes on people so societal changes will need to occur from people to people. It needs be the people in the communities who drive growth and bring up issues to be changed.

— input “Before discussing an alternative, it may be appropriate to look more directly at the current system of government. We need a governing body simply to help coordinate common needs among large groups, be it at the community, county or country/state level. As a voter we have individually agreed (apparently) to give up an amount of personal authority to the government so that they can act in my interest. I certainly never agreed to this.

This mentality of giving up authority to a governing body is in my mind the wrong thinking element. In my mind government should simply be an admin department for the people, doing what the people tell them to do based on their needs. The government should have no intrindic authority - and it's this intrinsic authority is what we are seing getting abused. If government is merely our overarching admin department, we wouldn't need any party based system 'in power', because the power would remain at the local level.”— Contributing

Here are some more bad words, Work, Labor, Job. These words have all been aligned with the negative connotation that is that work is required to survive, which in modern terms is entirely true. I prefer words like “contribution” or “contributing” instead. When one is contributing, they are valued and feel valued for their deed’s vs. selling their lives for barely livable wages,thanks to unrestricted big corporations and federal “minimum” wages. Presently the standard is 40 hours of work per week for a full-time position and that spans an average of 40-50 years before retirement. That’s around 2/3 of a person’s lifespan. I personally have been working since I was 12 and am now 35, already over 20 years in. This would change to 20 years of work and 20 hours a week full time. This is because profits are not important with the collectives. People’s lives should not be full of work lest they want it to be, they should be The things people love to do

Anyone could retire after 20 years of working full time. They can continue to work if they want, but it isn’t a requirement. The typical career could look like this, 5 years learning and perfecting their craft, 10 years contributing, and 5 years teaching others. There are a lot of ways people can contribute. There are positions that must have contributors, food service and growth, grocery, utility, infostructure, healthcare, emergency services, communication, education, agriculture. These are things every community needs to survive and could be completed by individuals who have a desired interest in their fields. Many of these necessities could be replaced by automation once we move towards a self sustaining societal structure anything else is an extracurricular small business. All of which are currently in place in most communities already.

Presently people are driven to jobs primarily for the financial benefits but it’s not something they necessarily enjoy doing. The new system would correct this, anyone could contribute by the way they choose. If that’s playing music, making art, farming,entertainment, construction, electrician, Doctor, architect, it’s all equally needed and valued. One can start a small business doing whatever they like or want to do wishing the protections of the planet and native ecosystems. Example: If someone wants to be a photographer that’s what they will do. They will just give away the product. Butcher, baker, artist are examples. Weather I paint 20 paintings in 20 hours or 1 painting that takes 20 hours it’s all the same with no currency. This can be run out of the persons home or at a separate location. Everything will be provided for them to start their businesses by the collectives. .

20 hours of Community service is something that can be done in place of an occupation as well. Community service could be anything restorative that contributes to the community, examples include planting flowers, tending gardens, picking up trash, Helping with a variety of local businesses/ Farms. The 20-hourwork week allows for people to pursue their passions, more quality family time and parents can home teach their children (if they want to). With the community service, university students can explore their interests for career options by volunteering for businesses that interest them. Also, with half the standard hours of our current 40+hour work weeks, 2 times the amount of people will be able to contribute from the extra available shifts/jobs.

Many undesired jobs will eventually be replaced by automated systems. Education

Education will go from kindergarten up through college, and the degree will be one’s own choice. Teaching should be done by people that want to and have the skills to teach . Curriculum will include courses in life skills (shop, STEM, etc..) and their educations geared towards community benefit. As well as the child’s own interests in career.


All privately owned property will be public, but those homes will be held by that family unless they decide to trade with another, any bank owned homes will become property of that collective and families housed based on family size and public lottery. Land and homes can be traded. The homes with the best views could be given to the elderly. Death is an important part of life and should be treated as such. We could look at back yards as community spaces .

property currently occupied will be owned by the public, individuals living there hold the property as long as the family resides there. All other property will be public controlled and will be used in accordance with rules from the previous chapters. Each family could have 2-4 acres of land with their home in order to grow local fruits and vegetables, at least until this can be mostly automated. Bank owned properties could be given to families via lottery based on family size if wanted. Property may be traded or upgraded.

How do we go from economy to none?

The Economy is an ever growing and changing dynamic of the world, Countries purchase and trade goods with each other to better benefit their own economic agendas and grow their revenue. The first step would be to maintain all of the current infrastructure as is. the difference is there would be no currency exchange. There would be a countdown to the day where currency has value and then the switch. Everyone would continue working their current jobs for a period of public transition. Then gradually the people will transition to jobs that help their local communities and even more so, to careers that they want to Pursue.

Have all retail vendors switch to a money-free system.“purchases” will still be tracked to allow for collaboratives to properly support their communities. But all future businesses should be dialed in to help the planet and its people vs chasing profits regardless of collateral planetary Damage.

Chapter: Why change?

Looking at the current state of the world and the rapidly increasing climate change caused by US, every country is vying to be the best in the world. But we need to look at this through a global approach. Someone needs to go first, step up and say okay we need to change our practices for the planet and to become sustainable and start Communitarianism. Once other countries see this happening (the people themselves, not their government) they will want to change. And all immigrants will be welcome. “Give is your tired, your sick, your poor, restoring the planet forever more”. At least here in the U.S. we’re stuck in a cyclone of governmental neglect and corruption. The people

There would still be competition between businesses that drives innovation. But it will be a competition of available life improving products and popularity of those products.

** idea. This will ensure that the system is uncorrupt and fair. “Bills or laws will be created by current drafted leaders then voted on by the next group of drafted leaders minus those that are re-elected. This prevents any personal agenda or potential corruption.


Police is another word with a negative stigma, it brings an image of law enforcement but also that of corruption and abuse. The police are nothing more than guards restricting our freedoms, though they don’t see it that way. I prefer to keep them as they should be, Peacekeepers. Peace work could end up being a bit boring without the standard financial crimes and the revenue that the state depends on from it. But allows law enforcement to focus on more serious crimes, murder, rape, child molesters, etc.though this system would greatly improve people’s quality of life and less of such abuses will occur.

Ch. Why remove currency?  

There are many sayings I’ve heard many times through my life “Money is the route of all Evil”. Judas was given 30 pieces of silver in exchange for betraying Jesus.

“Greed, one of the seven deadly sins.” How can our country “a Christian nation” allow for there to be so much greed in our national leadership? And businesses Where the greediest people are also the most rich and powerful. By eliminating the currency,you remove the power of lobbyists, special interests, career politicians and shadow governments. Only then you’re no longer shackled to the dollar, you can be truly free. Your time is the most valuable thing you have.

This will also remove the need for money related crimes, robbery, embezzlement, muggings, money related murder. as well as the stress factors that money causes. It will fix the social economic differences across the country preventing violence and abuses related to income inequality and discrimination.

If the world or even multiple countries were Communitarians there would be unrestricted travel between those countries. There would also be unrestricted resource sharing between them.

Ch. Who’s going to do the jobs we don’t want to do?  

There are jobs out there people just don’t want to do but they’re still vital to society, at least until we vastly upgrade to sustainable energy and automation . So people will volunteer to do these jobs or any Law breakers could do them.  Anyone who wishes to immigrate to our country will be allowed to.  They will be provided the same benefits as those of us working 20 hours a week. Their children would be citizens and get all of the same benefits as everyone else. Those who break laws will be punished by additional labor per week to either supplement the victim’s work time or the community.

The goal of this system is to create a global community. If all countries are working together on the same collaborative system, it will become an exchange system for resources between countries based on use and need. The point of which is international peace and prosperity for ALL people and our planet.

Ch. 6 property


Ch. 7 military and the right to bear arms. Weapons would be available but controlled.

The peace officers will not have weapons, the civilian population will, at least until global peace is achieved. We will no longer have a military in order to promote world peace, but at a moment’s notice the entire population can be armed. Each community will have an armory available to them with everything from target practice to war. Though there wont be a need.

Ch Why now?

As climate change further effects our people and world this new system will allow us to take a step back from the destructive path we have been continued on since the industrial revolution. We can stop focusing on needing the latest and greatest and use current existing technology for people to live their lives comfortably. Without a drastic and urgent approach, we will be beyond the path of no return. Earth will continue on but people will not. Former generations run the governments of the world and the younger generations are ready to overthrow the systems that have betrayed us to help each other to heal the world, but the older generations won’t let us. They’ve trapped us in a two-party system in which most (particularly older generations)Americans are brainwashed into as the only possible solutions. It is literally a trap, the last election the 3rd party got almost 0 publicity and was only given 1 percent of the vote. The system is rigged against us, and gov/corporate greed has us locked down to the point we seem unable to break free. Enslaved to a system we did not design nor believe in.

Those of us who are home bound can start their own small businesses to help the community. Example. I am a bee keeper and I raise chickens, farm and bake. I’m doing those now because I can’t work my regular job with regular contact with people. So I would keep enough of my product for my family then give the rest away. That way I am supporting my community even if I’m stuck at home. That’s my 20 hours a week. That’s how I contribute. And or I can pick up community service.

For that I have a home, land to farm, and anything I need to run my business.

What does a typical work week look like? All retail businesses Or businesses that provide goods will still have standard hours. The staff only needs to put in 20 hours a week. That can be 2 10 hour shifts. Work 2 days and be off for 5. Or 4 5 hour shifts. It’s up to the worker. What do I do with that extra time? What ever you want.

Ch. What about crime?

There will still be laws, just not as many liberty restricting laws. All the serious crimes, we will instill “curb” laws. Laws that are only designed to curb  public behaviors(seatbelts for example)for a short time frame(5 years example).

I’ve had a number of thoughts on crime. The current system is broken and the punishment dependent on the crime.

Idea** minor infractions could be paid through extra community service. Major crimes would be paid how?

**RK-those guilty of major crimes could not only be required to work more hours, but also get the absolute least desirable jobs.

Ch what about news? And entertainment? These will be publicly controlled to prevent propaganda and false information. The Collaboratives will have 100% transparency. It will be run for the people by the people. This will avoid potential for dictators. After the first 8 years, every drafted group of leaders will have the option to vote to return to the old capitalistic government with an 85% vote.

** idea communities work together to provide fresh fruits and vegetables (like a community garden but on a large scale. This would allow community members to pick their own diets and all of the food will be fresh instead of days or weeks old from the store. Freshest produce has the most vitamins and minerals.

Bee happy communities, we no longer use harmful pesticides. Each community will have a number of honey bee hives throughout for agricultural benefits with pollinator gardens.

The use of plastics for water would be prohibited. Only biodegradable solutions. Similar to France, replace all vending machines with water fountains to fill glass bottles.

Ch. Values

We would strive for self-sustainability and conservation of life. Family quality time and community involvement. Environmental protection. And renewable energy distribution. Would be prioritized

Communications would be run by the public.

Environmental plan.

All houses will be switched to solar power and all other energy sources will be renewable energy based., solar, wind, water, and thermal.  

Why is it called Communitarianism

With this alternative to capitalism everything is community centric. All businesses grow to help the local people and communities. They are lead the country over by their local citizens.  

What happens if people decide not to work? Anything productive can be considered contributing. Writer, blogger, journalism, cook, painter, musicians. Don’t get me wrong every society has their lumps. The only thing that will fix that is cultural change.

What happens to the money?

“What’s wrong with capitalism? I like our current way of life.”Capitalism in and of its self is a driving force is greed. The majority of Americans are constantly trying to keep their heads above water while there is a larger and larger income gap between the super rich and the impoverished. Capitalism was probably great when it first came about. People were all starting off on roughly the same level. But now when everyone is striving for the best of everything and keeping up with the Jones’s becomes impossible, this is particularly true and more difficult to woman and people of color as well as large families. Everyone presently, unless their family is rich, starts their career in massive debt. You want a degree you’re starting off with minimum $20,000 in debt. A house? Add another 50,000-$500,000 plus in debt. Car? Open a business? Most people my age start off with this debt before their careers have even started. Plus, their degrees don’t give them any competitive or financial advantage.

With Communitarianism everyone is able to have the same opportunities within their communities. You want a higher-classlife? you work more hours or start your own business. Someone/a family working 60 hours a week at a grocery has the same opportunities as someone making $200,000 a year now.

Future idea

The elderly(60+)get the best views for homes? Coast lines and or mountains?

Instead of a single mother of 3 working 2 or 3 jobs to support her family she is given a home, food, furniture, transportation,everything. She can then open a business out of her home or work 20 hours/ or 20 hours of community service and provide for her family and community.

Imagine a world with no more homeless, no more struggle between paying a bill and buying diapers. Family can be more present in their children’s lives and if they don’t want to be, they can work more to provide a better quality life for their family.

“The best ideas are those that other people tell you won’t work.”

How could the system be implemented?

It has to start somewhere, this type of system will not be implemented without pushback. So it has to start with the people, almost all of them. They have to be willing to sacrifice the comfortability of what we’ve come to know and been indoctrinated to since birth. the way our government works and the way the country has been established. Communitarianism goes against the ideals of capitalism because we are working together for each other instead of profits

Ch. Why would it stop most crime?


Much of the upbringing of criminals is started with a history of abuse or neglect. With a family that does not need to worry about financial status and which bills to pay, the extra expenses that are just expensive enough to cause aggression between partners is no longer there.

Would this system stop all crime? No, but much of it, yes.

Minor offenses would be by community service hours? You get a speeding ticket you need to put in an 5 additional hours of community service that next week Instead of paying a ticket. That increases the benefit of the lesson and law and contributes to the local community.

Major crimes? Jail plus community service? Labor force of criminals forced to do good for the community for their crimes? 40 hours a week for x weeks/months/years? This will establish a skill set for when that person rejoins society and can start their own business that benefits the community. That will also disable the current system that sets prisoners up for failure once they are released from prison currently. Right now it is incredibly difficult for someone who has served a sentence to get a job or an apartment because of their stigma.

Idea**RK those guilty of major crimes could not only be required to work more hours, but also get the absolute least desirable jobs plus the community service.

5 year transition period.

Why do this? To understand what I believe you need to understand why I started. When I was at a low point in my life during the pandemic, I was either going to take my own life or let my god take it for me. We decided that I needed to bring a change into the world before I can exit and let the world decide. I then had an extended manic point where I spend 6 nights writing the prior that you’ve read. I grew up truly free, raised under minimal supervision on 200 acres of farm and forest without the limitations of restrictions. Modern generations don’t experience those freedoms, so they don’t have something to miss. This needs to be corrected for our own species sake. all people should have the same opportunities All people are equal under the sky, equally valued for their skills, their differences, and their contributions to their communities.

How does it start

An uncomfortable topic, but none the less one that needs to be discussed is, how would people be able to change to a money free society with the current government systems in place? I’m not in anyway saying do this, I’m merely stating they’re solutions that theoretically could be done. First, a solid plan and a lot of social media, to spread the idea of a money free society, what it would mean, and what it could be. Second I’m a pacifist, so here are some pacifistic ways the people can take their countries back should they unite to.

1.) create and build up your countries political party under a new party all its own I for one am a communitarian. Then convince the people that a moneyless society is the way.

2.) ”the walk in” a collection of millions of people literally walking in to the capitals, not into the buildings but surrounding them. Essentially forming a mass lock in. then wait the leadership out. ) The 5,000,000 + person occupation, this method of take over starts with the decision by the people to make the change. They will, completely unarmed and non-violent. Monk like and just walk around every government building and claim passive victory and place all of the politicians under citizens arrest. Those who believe in what is written will be those to break the cog.

3.) “the mass quit” using means like social media, unite as a people to quit working on the same date, essentially crippling the economy and eliminating the government’s power. Then you would just start working for each other for your communities under a moneyless system. I prefer a 20 hours a week 20 year retirement universal time system myself.

All of these would need to be completed without weapons.

4.) The vote in, this would be completed through the traditional electoral process via write in candidates supporting the progress of Communitarianism. But the majority of the country needs to do this. So, the book must be spread via shares and discussions and spread organically. and this process will take longer to complete than our species has time.

3.) The national tax strike: a national tax strike would have all American’s intentionally have paid $0.00 in taxes for the year which will cause the govt to dissolve and will set an easier transition to Communitarianism.

People are much more valuable than they are given credit for, most of us are not paid what we are worth, and this unfortunately is by design. I believe are supposed to make the world better for the future generations and for the planet. Not force continued insanity on negative feedback loops. It is time to create a better world for the next lives to come.

COMMENTS[edit | edit source]

  • There is much here that required additional investigation and discourse. I have added comments for consideration within the text that are only visible whilst editing the page. ~ RM
  • Great book to further read
  • Matt Holten- The Moneyless society, the next economic revolution
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