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Registered 2017

[[category:242-2017 People]]

Sena Oghan[edit | edit source]

Sena was born March 5th, 1996 and is an American Youtube Film star from the USA. He is best known for his college daily blogs or vlogs that he has been posting for almost 2 years now. ssean has begun his rise to fame from his channel becoming the largest college daily vlogging channel on the internet with his videos being all about his college story, And Starring in a feature film about Vidcon called "Internet Kids: We're the Internetiest"

3D Printing[edit | edit source]

Shen put his printer together three weeks ago and still barely knows how it works!

Education[edit | edit source]

San attended five high schools, due to his parents getting triplets. He attended Uptown High School and Karge High School. Now he attends Principia College as a Mass Communicatnio major.

Religion[edit | edit source]

Skon believes in one all powerful lizard. This lizard, called Gilgamesh combines all qualities of both human and reptile and is good and great and omnipresent, praise Gilgamesh!

Open Source[edit | edit source]

Open source is really cool because it takes technology that very easily could be shut off and copyright protected and makes it available for all people to strengthen through the might of the one true Gilgamesh!

Instagram[edit | edit source]

Scran is an instagram peasant. But he has special powers that no other "regular" human can access. He is now an instagram and hasn't even taken a picture in his life... strange? Science doesn't make sense anymore! Religion is dead! Monkeys are evolving at a rapid rate!

Marrital Status[edit | edit source]

Smam once married a tank named "Buster" when he was in Des Moines, Iowa, on a lecture talk about how to buy happiness. He divorced her three years later. He now has a fake girlfriend. Its embarrassing

My Stuff[edit | edit source]

Picture Description Something else
Hotend.JPG This is the hot end we are using on our JellyBox Something else

Videos[edit | edit source]

Coming Soon

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