- First-year Mechanical engineering Graduate student at Michigan Technological Univesity
- Specializing in Design, Manufacturing, and Quality field
- Built my own RepRap Athenall II 3D Printer
- MY777-2018
- Contact Details : ssule@mtu.edu | salils.1807@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/salil-sule-67364014b/ | +1 906-370-6536
MY PROJECTS[edit | edit source]
- Designed and printed a Manual Centrifuge Apparatus for the Automated 3D printable scientific equipment. Check out its page here -> Manual Centrifuge Apparatus
- Designed and printed Can/Tin opener for patients with Arthritis
- Designed and printed an Open Source Appropriate Technology(OSAT) product - 'Powder maker' which can be used extensively in rural regions of Developed and Developing countries.
- Designed and printed the first iteration of manual Centrifuge apparatus. Currently Working on the Improved design of the Centrifuge apparatus with a more ergonomically sound and Robust design which uses the least material resulting in less cost.
- Please check out my designs on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/salils1807/designs
- Please check out my designs on YouMagine : https://www.youmagine.com/salils1807/designs
MY DESIGNS[edit | edit source]
VIDEOS[edit | edit source]