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Name Rodrigo Barros
Registered 2015
Impact 32,736
Contributions How to install FLIR Lepton Thermal Camera and applications on Raspberry Pi

" And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it" (Paulo Coelho)


Rodrigo Barros[edit | edit source]

I am an undergrad exchange student from Brazil at the University of Minnesota. I am currently enrolled in a program from the Brazilian government, which objects the participants to acquire knowledge and experience in Engineering.

Interests[edit | edit source]

I am really attentive in working in Power System area, and emphasizing in generation and renewable energy. Also, I am interested in using the engineering technology in the improvement and suitability of such field because of the importance of studies in this area for the society in general. I am sure we can create new techniques for energy generation that can be very efficient and harmless to the environment.

Related Experience[edit | edit source]

Project Manager, diElética Company Junior (August 2013-August 2014) Universidade Federal of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

  • Managed the strategic and operational planning from electric project sector.
  • Negotiated with company partners.
  • Made decisions with company directors and department members.
  • Tried to apply the most sustainable engineering practice.
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