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Name Nicole Quinn
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2009

Name: Nicole Lee Quinn

I am a senior at Cal Poly Humboldt graduating in December with a BA in Political Science and a minor in Women's Studies. Eventually I plan on getting my Master's in Public Administration with an emphasis in Non Profit Organizations.

Interests in Technology and the Environment[edit | edit source]

  • Education on the consequences of individual decisions, particularly in the United States about the food we eat, the energy we use, the clothes we buy
  • Realizing & educating others in the links between consumption and exploitation of people of the global south
  • The development of a sustainable society in order to create a more just and equal world filled with love rather than greed

Experience in Technology and/or the Environment[edit | edit source]

  • WS 480 : Population and the Environment (debunking the myths of over population as the cause of environmental degradation and the social implications of placing blame on women and people of color for global climate change)
  • PCSI 485: Food Politics (the effects of agribusiness on the environment and the development of new technologies to provide more sustainable agriculture)
  • WS 317: Women and Development (Focus on paradigm of "Development". Who defines it and how we can move towards a world that does not rely on the exploitation of entire peoples)
  • Camp K.E.E.P. (Kern Environmental Education Program) Counselor 3 years ago for 6th graders. It was only for a week, but it was a lot of fun hiking around learning about native and invasive species and I think that every one should have the experience of doing a camp like that at some point (maybe some people from this class could eventually launch some more programs like this especially targeting low income children...)
  • I love to compost! Crazy how much a couple of people can reduce from a landfill just by churning around their leftover vegetables, paper & coffee grounds...
  • Organic gardening...this summer I began experimenting with using my finished compost and growing my own zucchini, summer squash, lettuce, sugar snap peas & snow peas... the sweet taste of nature's perfections :)


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